Antoinette Maniatty


After receiving her B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering with highest honors from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1987, Antoinette Maniatty went on to earn two M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering, one from the University of Minnesota in 1988 and a second from Cornell University in 1990, followed by a Ph.D. from Cornell in 1991. After spending one year as a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Natal in Durban, South Africa, she joined the faculty at Rensselaer in 1992. She was the Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor from 1992-1997. She was one of four women scientists and engineers nationwide to be awarded a Luce fellowship by the Luce Foundation in 1992. In 1993, she received a National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award. She was a member of the Defense Science Study Group in 2000 and 2001. In 2001, she was the first Loewy Visiting Professor in the Materials Science and Engineering Department at Lehigh University. In 2005, she was named a Fellow of the ASME. On July 1, 2023, she was named Head of the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering at Rensselaer (after serving as acting Head since 2022). Maniatty is a member of the ASME, SME, ASEE, Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma, and Sigma Xi.


The following is a selection of recent publications in Scopus. Antoinette Maniatty has 77 indexed publications in the subjects of Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science.

Alexandra Vest, Ruixiong Hu, Antoinette Maniatty
Proceedings of ASME 2023 18th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC 2023
, 1
, 2023
Ruixiong Hu, Stephen Rock, Antoinette M. Maniatty
Computational Mechanics
, 71
, 2023
, pp.745-763
Uduak Inyang-Udoh, Ruixiong Hu, Sandipan Mishra, John Wen, Antoinette Maniatty
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
, 2022-June
, 2022
, pp.2879-2885
Chengjian Zheng, Yixuan Tan, John T. Wen, Antoinette M. Maniatty
Acta Materialia
, 183
, 2020
, pp.301-312
Ruixiong Hu, Max O. Bloomfield, Mark S. Shephard, Antoinette M. Maniatty, Kamal Sikka
ASME 2020 15th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC 2020
, 1
, 2020
Jiamin Ni, Matt Ring, Jifa Hao, Yong Liu, Antoinette M. Maniatty
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology
, 9
, 2019
, pp.1993-1999
Yuanxiang Zhang, Jiamin Ni, Yong Liu, Antoinette M. Maniatty
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology
, 9
, 2019
, pp.473-482
Souvik Roy, Mario Juha, Mark S. Shephard, Antoinette M. Maniatty
Computational Mechanics
, 62
, 2018
, pp.273-284
Michael J.B. Spector, Yijie Guo, Souvik Roy, Max O. Bloomfield, Antoinette Maniatty, Sandipan Mishra
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
, 2018-June
, 2018
, pp.5618-5625
Robert Hull, Pawel Keblinski, Dan Lewis, Antoinette Maniatty, Vincent Meunier, Assad A. Oberai, Catalin R. Picu, Johnson Samuel, Mark S. Shephard, Minoru Tomozawa, Deepak Vashishth, Shengbai Zhang
Applied Physics Reviews
, 5
, 2018


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