Audrey Peterson-McCann, Ph.D. specializes in British literature of the long-Nineteenth Century. She also has expertise in teaching college writing. Her dissertation, awarded with distinction, centers around the conceptualization of the child and the animal in the Victorian era and the ways that literary narratives both formed these conceptions and responded to them, playing both discursive and pedagogical functions in relation to subject formation. Her current research involves medical humanities and the intersection of literature, historical medical technologies, and cultural conceptions of the body, both human and non-human.
Dr. Peterson-McCann has an extensive teaching repertoire that includes several specialized topics in both literature and writing and her teaching has been recognized and awarded. Before coming to RPI, she taught in multiple esteemed college writing programs. Her writing pedagogy is interdisciplinary in focus, always engaging students to develop rhetorical strategies and compose written texts that are also intellectual endeavors in exploration and inquiry. Her courses help students develop ways to critically engage with the technological world and approach the contemporary moment through writing, thinking, and forming communities with the use of language. At RPI she teaches Writing in Context, Strategic Writing, Victorian Fiction and Technology, and Inquiry: The American Dream.
Ph.D. English, State University of New York, University at Albany
M.A. English, State University of New York, New Paltz
B.A. English and Journalism, State University of New York, Purchase
Tuesdays 10 a.m. to noon
WRIT 2110 Strategic Writing
INQ 1776 American Dream