Belmiro Galo da Silva

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Dr. Galo earned his PhD from University of Rochester and from University of São Paulo in August 2021. His research interests include Harmonic Analysis, Geometric Measure Theory, Analytic Combinatorics and One-Dimensional Dynamics. His favorite subjects are "Falconer-type problems" and "Kneading Maps". The Falconer distance problems ask how large does the Hausdorff dimension of a compact set need to be to ensure the Lebesgue measure of the distance set. The Kneading theory is a tool, developed by John Milnor and William Thurston, for studying the topological dynamics of functions on an interval. The theory is most easily understood in the special case of unimodal maps.

Dr. Galo is committed to being an effective, inspiring and engaging teacher. He held teaching appointments at Colgate University (2021-2022) and University of Rochester (2018-2021). He earned an Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award in March 2020 from University of Rochester. 

Education & Training

Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Rochester, 2021.

Ph.D., Mathematics, University of São Paulo, 2021.

M.S., Mathematics, University of Rochester, 2019.

M.S., Mathematics, University of São Paulo, 2014.

B.S., Mathematics,  Federal University of Bahia, 2011.


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Spring 2024

MATH1020- Calculus II- 130 Students

MATH4600- Adv. Calc- 59 Students


Fall 2023

MATH 1020 - Calculus II- Section 1-             Fall 2023 - 129 Students
MATH 1020 - Calculus II- Section 2-            Fall 2023 - 135 Students
MATH 1010 - Calculus I-                                  Fall 2023 - 149 Students
MATH 6950 - Grad. Students Seminar-      Fall 2023- 14 Students

Summer 2023

MATH 4300 - Intro to Complex Variables- Summer 2023 -40 Students
MATH 4100 - Linear Algebra -                      Summer 2023 - 76 Students

Spring 2023
MATH 4100 - Linear Algebra-                      Spring 2023 -73 Students
MATH 1020 - Calculus II-                              Spring 2023 -132 Students

Fall 2022
MATH 1010 - Calculus I- Section 1-             Fall 2022 - 120 Students
MATH 1010 - Calculus I- Section 2-            Fall 2022 - 117 Students
MATH 1010 - Calculus I- Section 3-            Fall 2022 - 112 Students
MATH 6950 - Grad. Students Seminar-      Fall 2022- 9 Students


Colgate University

Spring 2022

MATH 308 - Differential Equations-            Spring 2022  - 15 Students
MATH 161 - Calculus I- Section 1-               Spring 2022  - 28 Students

Fall 2021
MATH 308 - Differential Equations-             Fall 2021 - 16 Students
MATH 161 - Calculus I- Section 1-                Fall 2021 - 31 Students
MATH 161 - Calculus I- Section 2-               Fall 2021 - 29 Students


University of Rochester

MATH143- Calculus III-                         Summer 2021 -17 Students (Coordinator- 3 sections)
MATH161- Calculus I-                            Spring 2021-    54 Students
MATH161- Calculus I-                            Fall 2020-          57 Students
MATH161- Calculus I-                            Summer 2019 - 4 Students

Minority Department program

Math for Natural Sciences(ECO)-        Summer 2020- 25 Students
Math for Natural Sciences(ECO)-        Summer 2019 - 25 Students
Math for Natural Sciences(ECO)-        Summer 2018 - 25 Students


Office Hours

after classes or on Wednesdays 

Current Courses

Summer 2024

MATH 4300 - Intro to Complex Variables- Summer 2024 -49 Students
MATH 4090 - Foundations of Analysis -    Summer 2024 - 33 Students


(Upcoming) Fall 2024


MATH 1020 - Calculus II- Section 1-            Fall 2024 - w Students
MATH 1020 - Calculus II- Section 2-           Fall 2024 - x Students
MATH 2010 - Multi. Variable Calculus -       Fall 2024 - y Students
MATH 6950 - Grad. Students Seminar-      Fall 2024- z Students




Most recent publication:

Galo, B., McDonald, A. Volumes Spanned by k-Point Configurations in ℝ^d. J Geom Anal 32, 23 (2022).



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