Developing courses that teach applications of basic data analysis techniques such as data visualization, classification, clustering, and ridge regression to undergraduate math majors is one of the primary efforts. By using a case study approach, students are immediately immersed into understanding high-dimensional data and provided with a fundamental toolkit with which they can analyze data throughout their careers. Another effort is to contribute to the retention of STEM majors by enabling upper class students to act as mentors for first year students in Calculus courses. This provides leadership experience for the mentors and guidance for the Freshman on how to succeed in STEM.
Shape preserving interpolation is an area of interest in Computer Aided Geometric Design and Approximation Theory. Specific problems of interest include the preservation of monotonic curvature and the reated problems of preserving 3-convexity and finding novel representations of surfaces for the task of convexity preserving surface interpolation.
Mathematics Education, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Approximation Theory
The following is a selection of recent publications in Scopus. Bruce Piper has 24 indexed publications in the subjects of Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering.