Christine Ye is a professor of practice in Market Analysis and Analytics with Rensselaer at Work. Prior to joining RPI, Christine taught at the University of Hartford and Westminster College (Salt Lake City, Utah) as an Assistant and later Associate Professor of Marketing. She has also worked as a market analyst at Digitas / Modem Media for a couple of years before joining her doctoral program.
- Ph.D., Marketing, Florida State University
- MA, Statistics, Yale University
- BS, Marketing, Indiana University Bloomington (Minor in Math)
Christine’s research focuses on understanding the role of trust in a firm-customer relationship, particularly in the domain of e-commerce and corporate social responsibility. Her work also appears in research on innovative pedagogical models and frameworks. Christine’s publications have appeared in well-regarded marketing journals including the Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Psychology & Marketing, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Marketing Education, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, and Marketing Education Review.
Cho, Y.N., Kim, Y., and Ye, C. (2024), “Influencers and donations: The impact of source and product benefits” International Journal of Consumer Studies (https://doi.org/10.1111/ijcs.13039).
Cho, Y.N., Ye, C., and Kim, Y. (2024), “Instilling label confidence in the minds of consumers: The role of sustainability skepticism,” Journal of Consumer Behaviour (https://doi.org/10.1002/cb.2300).
Ye, C. and Kim, Y. (2024), “How Luxury Brands Appeal to Young Consumers: A Different Focus,” Journal of Business Strategy (https://doi.org/10.1108/JBS-07-2023-0147).
Ye, C. (2024), “The Current State of Big Data Analytics Research in Marketing: A Systematic Review Using TCCM Approach,” Journal of Global Science of Marketing Science (https://doi.org/10.1080/21639159.2023.2275792).
Ye, C, Kim, Y., and Cho, Y.N. (2024), “Digital Marketing and Marketing Analytics Education: A Systematic Review,” Journal of Marketing Education, 46(1), (https://doi.org/10.1177/02734753231166414).
Ye. C., Lee, H.J., Cavazos, C., Katrichis, J., and Hao, A.W. (2021), “Peer Teaching in Digital Marketing Courses: A Conceptual Framework,” Marketing Education Review, 31 (2), 169-174.
Ye, C., Hofacker, C.F., Peloza, J., and Allen, A. (2020), “How Online Trust Evolves Over Time,” Psychology and Marketing, 37 (11), 1539-1553.
Ye, C., Van Os, J., Chapman, D., and Jacobson, D. (2017), “An Online Project-Based Competency Education Approach to Marketing Education,” Journal of Marketing Education, 39 (3), 162-75.
Jacobson, D., Chapman, D., Ye, C., and Os, J.V. (2017), “A Project-Based Approach to Executive Education,” Decision Sciences of Journal Innovative Education, 15 (1), 42-61.
Ye, C., Cronin, J.J., and Peloza, J. (2015), “The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Consumer Evaluation of Nutrition Information Disclosure by Retail Restaurants,” Journal of Business Ethics, 130 (2), 313-26.
Peloza, J., Ye, C., and Montford, W.J. (2015), “When Companies Do Good, Are Their Products Good For You? How Corporate Social Responsibility Creates a Health Halo,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 34 (1), 19-31.
Bacile, T.J., Ye, C., and Swilley, E. (2014), “From Firm-Controlled to Consumer Contributed: Consumer Co-Production of Personal Media Marketing Communication,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 28 (2), 117-33.
Peloza, J. and Ye, C. (2012), “How Social Partnerships Build Brands, in Social Partnerships and Responsible Business: A Research Handbook. Routledge.