The following is a selection of recent publications in Scopus. Daeyong Lee has 93 indexed publications in the subjects of Engineering, Materials Science, Physics and Astronomy.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
, 16
, 2007
, pp.224-228
Journal of Materials Processing Technology
, 170
, 2005
, pp.247-253
Journal of Materials Processing Technology
, 147
, 2004
, pp.397-404
Polymer Engineering and Science
, 42
, 2002
, pp.307-325
Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
, 2
, 1999
, pp.755-760
Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
, 2
, 1999
, pp.687-694
Journal of Engineering Design
, 10
, 1999
, pp.39-57
Metals and Materials International
, 4
, 1998
, pp.695-701