Daeyong Lee


The following is a selection of recent publications in Scopus. Daeyong Lee has 93 indexed publications in the subjects of Engineering, Materials Science, Physics and Astronomy.

Fahrettin Ozturk, Daeyong Lee
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
, 16
, 2007
, pp.224-228
Fahrettin Ozturk, Daeyong Lee
Journal of Materials Processing Technology
, 170
, 2005
, pp.247-253
Fahrettin Ozturk, Daeyong Lee
Journal of Materials Processing Technology
, 147
, 2004
, pp.397-404
James C. Moller, Daeyong Lee
Polymer Engineering and Science
, 42
, 2002
, pp.307-325
D. J. Lewison, D. Lee
SAE Technical Papers
, 1999
Paul G. Lee, Daeyong Lee, Gary A. Gabriele
Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
, 2
, 1999
, pp.755-760
Jung S. Oh, Daeyong Lee, Dean Q. Lewis, Gary A. Gabriele
Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
, 2
, 1999
, pp.687-694
James C. Moller, Daeyong Lee
Journal of Engineering Design
, 10
, 1999
, pp.39-57
P. E. Smith, D. Lee
SAE Technical Papers
, 1998
Insoo Kim, D. Lee
Metals and Materials International
, 4
, 1998
, pp.695-701
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