Professor Lahey is an international authority in multiphase flow and heat transfer technology and was formerly Director of the Center for Multiphase Research (CMR) at Rensselaer. He was previously Dean of Engineering at RPI and has served as Chairman of the Faculty & Science Senate. Prior to joining Rensselaer in 1975 as Chairman of the Department of Nuclear Engineering, he held several technical and managerial positions with the General Electric Company, including overall responsibility for all domestic and foreign R&D programs associated with nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulic and safety technology.
B.S. Marine Engineering - 1961, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 1964, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)
M.E. Engineering Mechanics - 1966, Columbia University
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering - 1971, Stanford University
Multiphase Flow and Boiling Heat Transfer, Reactor Safety Analysis, Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Applications of Chaos Theory, Sonofusion Technology
Special Courses Taught
- RPI Summer Program on Nuclear Reactor Design & Basic Nuclear Technology (RPI sponsored), Troy, NY 1997 - 1983
- Short course in Introduction to Nuclear Power, Continuing Education Center, (CEC sponsored) Sheraton Motor Inn, East Brunswick, NJ, 1978
- Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer (B&W sponsored), Alliance, OH, 1978
- Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer (EG&G sponsored), Idaho Falls, ID, 1979 - 1983
- Two-Phase Flow Instrumentation course (FDI sponsored), Dartmouth University, 1978
- Multiphase Flow Instrumentation course (CEA sponsored), Grenoble, France, 1979
- Workshop on Transient Analysis of Reactors (FRG sponsored), Munich, Germany, 1979
- Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, AIChE short course, 1976 -1983
- Stanford summer course on Two-Phase Flow Instrumentation, 1980
- Course on Two-Phase Flow and Boiling, Yankee Atomic Electric Company, 1980
- Summer school on Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics (ICHMT sponsored), Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1980
- Stanford summer course on Two-Phase Flow & Heat Transfer (Stanford sponsored), Stanford University, 1982
- Simposio Internacional Sobre Flujos Bifasicos en Tuberias (Mexican sponsored), Cuernavaca, Mexico, 1983
- Lecture Series No. 8, Construction Aspects of Two-Phase Flow Equipment (Norwegian sponsored), Trondheim, Norway, 1984
- Workshop on Industrial Applications of Multiphase Flow (UCS sponsored), Santa Barbara, CA 1985
- Workshop on Two-Phase Heat and Mass Transfer in Single and Multicomponent Systems (RPI sponsored), Troy, NY 1986
- Modern Developments in Boiling Heat Transfer and Two-Phase Flow (CMR sponsored), Troy, NY 1988 - present
- An Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamics - Bifurcations, Fractals and Chaos in Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (ETH sponsored), Zurich, Switzerland, 1994 - 1996
- Short Course on Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer (ETH sponsored), Zurich, Switzerland, 1994 - 1996
- 2001 Frederic Joliot/Otto Hahn Summer School , Karlsruhe , Germany , August 20 - 29, 2001
- Short Course on "Transient Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer at Microgravity," NASA, Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, September 17 - 19 , 2002 (with M.Z. Podowski)
Master's Degrees (Completed)
- Vea, Henry W., "An Exact Analytical Solution of Pool Swell Dynamics During Depressurization by the Method of Characteristics" (1977)
- Kamath, Pradeep, "A Turbine Meter Evaluation Model for Two-Phase Transients" (1977)
- Sim, Suk Ku, "An Analysis of Phase Distribution Mechanisms in Turbulent Two-Phase Pipe Flow" (1977)
- Cheng, Lap-Yan, "Virtual Mass Effects in Two-Phase Flow" (1977)
- Saba, Nematollah, "An Experimental Technique for the Determination of Steam/Air Fraction" (1977)
- Ohkawa, Katsu, "The Analysis of BWR Inlet Flow Blockage" (1978)
- Schell, Susan, "The Development of A Sid-Scatter Gamma Ray Technique for the Measurement of Void Fraction" (1978)
- Lombardo, Nicholas, "The Instrumentation and Data Processing of a Large Freon Loop (1978)
- Honan, Timothy J., "Phase Separation in Wyes and Tees" (1978)
- Shum, Feibiu, "The Development of a 4-Equation Drift-Flux Computer Code (DRIFT-4)" (1978)
- Drozd, Andrew , "NUFREQ-S: A Frequency Domain Drift-Flux Technique for the Evaluation of the Thermal-Hydraulic Stability of Boiling Systems" (1980)
- Ostrogorsky, Alexander ,"The Analysis of Countercurrent Two-Phase Flow Pressure Drop and CCFL Breakdown in Diabatic and Adiabatic Conduits" (1980)
- Nissley, Mitchell, "The Analysis of Proposed BWR Inlet Blockage Experiments Using MAYU-4b" (1981)
- Antal, Steven, "An Evaluation of Boiling Water Nuclear Reactor Stability Using Systems Pressure Perturbation (1982)
- Balaram, J., "Stability Margins for Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors: A Multi-Input Multi-Output Analysis" (1982)
- Shatas, Jr., Joseph F., "A Streak Photography Method for Use in Two-Phase Flow" (1982)
- Lee, Sung Jin, "The Development of a Digital Data Processing System for Two-Phase Turbulence Data" (1982)
- Sterner, R.W., "Air/Water Subchannel Measurements of the Equilibrium Quality and Mass Flux Distribution in a Rod Bundle" (1983)
- Petzold, J.F., "Mathematical Modeling of U-Tube Steam Generator Dynamics for Slow Transients and Small Break for Loss-of-Coolant Accidents" (1983)
- Koh, Byung R., "The Model of Emergency Core Cooling Systems for Severe Accident Analysis of Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs)" (1984)
- Bryam, Morris, "Modification of Brookhaven National Lab BWR Plant Analyzer to Accommodate BWR-2 Design of Nine Mile Point-1 Nuclear Power Station" (1987)
- Campanella, Rick, "Wave Propagation Phenomena in Bubbly Two-Component Two-Phase Flows" (1988)
- Kalkach-Navarro, Susana, "A Mechanistic Analysis of Phase Separation in Branching Conduits Using Three-Dimensional Two-Fluid Models" (1988)
- Kimpland, Robert, "A Phenomenological Model for the Prediction of Phase Separation in Branching Conduits" (1990)
- Haley, Thomas C., "A Characteristic Analysis of Mathematical Models of Two-Phase Flow in One Space Dimension" (1990)
- Mayo, Stephen, "Void-Fraction and Velocity Measurements in Three-Phase Flow Using a Hot-Film Anemometer" (1994)
- Potterf, Samuel, "Modeling of Heat Transfer Through Stratified Multiphase Flow in a Horizontal Pipe Using Drift-Flux Techniques, with Special Applications to Aseptic Food Processing" (1995)
- Bolotnov, I., "A Non-Linear Spectral Model for Bubble-Induced Turbolent Viscosity in Bubbly Two-Phase Flow" (2003)
- Saglime, Frank, "Experimental Results for the RPI Bubble Fusion Project" (2004)
- Trofimova , Alisa, "The Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Channel Flows" (2007)
Master's Degrees (in Progress)
- None
Doctoral Degrees (Completed)
- Vince, Mark A., "Flow Regime Identification and Void Fraction Measurement Techniques in Two-Phase Flow" (1980)
- Kamath, Pradeep, "The Transient Analysis of DDT Rakes" (1981)
- Saba, Nematollah, "Phase Separation Phenomena in Branching Conduits" (1981)
- Perez-Griffo, Maria, "Analysis of the Pulsed Neutron Activation Technique" (1981)
- Conlon, William M., "An Experimental Investigation of Boiling Water Nuclear Reactor Parallel Channel Effects during a Postulate Loss-of-Coolant Accident" (1982)
- Taleyarkhan, Rusi P., "An Analysis of Density-Wave Oscillations in Ventilated Channels" (1982)
- Ohkawa, Katsuhiro, "The Development of a Gamma-Ray Scattering Densitometer and Its Application to the Measurement of Two-Phase Density Distribution in an Annular Test Section" (1983)
- Cheng, Lap-Yan, "An Analysis of Wave Dispersion, Sonic Velocity and Critical Flow in Two-Phase Mixtures" (1983)
- Park, Goon C., "The Development of NUFREQ-N, an Analytical Model for the Stability of Nuclear Coupled Density-Wave Oscillations in Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors" (1983)
- Fakory, Mohammad, "Parallel Channel Effects and Long-Term Cooling During Emergency Core Cooling in a BWR/4" (1984)
- Peng, Shie-Jeng, "NUFREQ-NP - A Digital Computer Code for the Linear Stability Analysis of Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors" (1984)
- Lin, Thomas Fu Yuan, "An Application of Pulsed Photon Activation Technique in Single- and Two-Phase Flow Measurements" (1984)
- Bukhari, Khalid M., "Phase Separation and Distribution Phenomena in a Two-Dimensional Test Section" (1985)
- Wang, Shou-Kong, "Three-Dimensional Turbulence Structure Measurements in Air/Water Two-Phase Flow" (1985)
- Koh, Byung R., "The Modeling of BWR Thermal-Hydraulics for Severe Accident Analysis" (1986)
- Sim, Suk K., "Phase Distribution Phenomena in Triangular Conduits" (1986)
- Hwang, Sun-Tack, "A Study on Phase Separation in Branching Conduits" (1986)
- Lee, Sung-Jin, "Turbulence Modeling in Bubbly Two-Phase Flows" (1986)
- Ruggles, Arthur E., "The Propagation of Pressure Perturbations in Bubbly Air/Water Flows" (1987)
- Kim, Seok H. ,"The Modeling and Analysis of BWR Severe Accidents" (1987)
- Arnold, Gary S., "Entropy and Objectivity as Constraints Upon Constitutive Equations for Two-Fluid Modeling of Multiphase Flows" (1988)
- SiAhmed, El-Khider, "An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Melt Propagation in a Rubble Bed with Applications to Degraded Nuclear Reactor Cores" (1988)
- Kim, Dong-Ha, "An Analysis of Corium/Structure Interaction during Severe Accidents in Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors" (1990)
- Lopez de Bertodano, Martin, "Turbulent Bubbly Two-Phase Flow in a Triangular Duct" (1992)
- Park, Jee-Won, "Void Wave Propagation in Two-Phase Flow" (1992)
- Cho, Chang-Sok, "Modeling and Analysis of Radionuclide Transport during Severe Accidents in Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors" (1992)
- Valenti (Kalkach-Navarro), Susana, "The Mathematical Modeling of Flow Regime Transition in Bubbly Two-Phase Flows" (1992)
- Jia, Hong, "Multidimensional Effects During Corium Spreading and Corium-Concrete Interaction in BWRs" (1992)
- Yoon, Juh-Yeon, "A Streamline Upwinding Finite Element Method for Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer Analysis" (1993)
- Antal, Stephen P., "Phase Distribution in Bubbly Two-Phase Flows" (1994)
- Alajbegovic, Ales, "Phase Distribution and Turbulence Structure for Solid/Fluid Upflow in a Pipe" (1994)
- Chang, Chin-Jang, "The Analysis of Chaotic Instabilities in Boiling Systems" (1994)
- Kim, Shin-Whan, "Computer Simulation of Severe Accidents in Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors" (1994)
- Assad, Amir, "An Experimental Study of Phase Distribution and Turbulence Structure for Solid/Liquid Flow in Horizontal and Vertical Pipes" (1995)
- Garea, Veronica B., "Nodal Analysis of Two-Phase Flow Instabilities" (1998)
- Moraga, Francisco, "Lateral Forces on Rigid Spheres in a Turbulent Uniform Shear Flow" (1998)
- Nigmatulin, Tagir, "An Experimental and Theoretical Study of Interfacial Area Density for different Two-Phase Flow Regimes" (1999)
- Bae, Song H., "A Theoretical Investigation of the Dynamics of Single Bubble Sonoluminescence" (1999)
- Delgadino, Gerardo, "The Dynamics of Single Bubble Sonolominescence" (1999)
- Singhal, Maneesh, "The Effect of Dispersed Phase Buoyancy on Phase Distribution" (2004)
- Yin, Juan, "Modeling and Analysis of Multiphase Instabilities" (2004)
- Cancelos , Silvina, "Effect of Acoustically-Induced Pressures on the Permeability of a Bullfrog Urinary Bladder" (2007)
- Galimov, Azat, "An Analysis of Interfacial Waves and Air Ingestion Mechanisms" (2007)
- Bolotnov, Igor, " Cascade Modeling of Single and Two-Phase Turbulence" (2008)
- Ortega-Gomez, Tino, "Stability Analysis for High Performance Light Water Reactor" - U. Karlsruhe, Germany (2008)
- Rodriguez, Joseph M., "Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Annular Flow" (2009)
- Schlichting, William R., "An Analysis of the Effect of Gravity on Interacting DWO/PDO Instability Modes" (2009)
- Stokmaier, Markus, "Design and Optimization of Acoustic Resonators for Sonofusion Experiments" - U. Karlsruhe, Germany (2020)
- Meritorious Service Award of the ANS (1983)
- Glenn Murphy Award of the ASEE (1985)
- Technical Achievement Award of the ANS (1985)
- United States Merchant Marine Academy Alumni Association, Outstanding Professional Achievement Award (1986)
- E.O. Lawrence Memorial Award of the USDOE (1988)
- Arthur Holly Compton Award of the ANS (1989)
- Donald Q. Kern Award of the AIChE (1989)
- Glenn T. Seaborg Medal of the ANS (1992)
- ASME/ANS NHTC Best Paper Award (1993)
- William H. Wiley Distinguished Faculty Award-RPI (2004)
- NURETH-20 Leadership Award of the ANS (August 2023)
- Elected to the USMMA Hall of Distinguished Graduates (April 25, 2024)
- Elected Fellow of ANS (1980)
- Elected Life Fellow of ASME (1980)
- Elected National Academy of Engineering (1994)
- Elected Russian National Academy of Sciences-Baskortostan (1995)
- Graduated (with Honors) - USMMA (1961)
- Nominated: G.E.s Steinmetz Award (1975)
- Who's Who in Engineering
- Who's Who in the East
- International Who's Who in Energy & Nuclear Sciences
- Who's Who in Technology Today
- Who's Who in Thermal-Fluids
- American Men & Women of Science (17th Edition)
- The International Who's Who of Intellectuals (Vol. VI)
- Fulbright-Hays Fellowship (1983-1984)
- Elected Senior Fellow-Magdalen College of Oxford University (1983-1984)
- Keynote Lecture, 5th Indian Heat & Mass Transfer Conference, Hyderabad, India (October 1980)
- Organizer and Honorary Chairman of NURETH-1 (1980)
- Editor, Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, (1983-1994)
- Appointed IAEA Expert to Assist Argentina in Nuclear Power Research (1985-Present)
- Keynote Lecturer, International Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Fundamentals, NBS, Gaithersburg, MD (1985)
- People-to-People Delegation Leader to the PRC on Nuclear Reactor Safety (November 4-25, 1985)
- Keynote Lecture, 4th International Symposium on Multi-Phase Transport & Particulate Phenomena - Miami, Florida (1986)
- Keynote Lecturer, International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia (1987)
- Chairman, DOE/EPRI Second International Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Fundamentals (March 87)
- Visiting Professor, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy (1987)
- Visiting Professor, Universite Claude Bernarde, Lyon, France (1987)
- Appointed External Dissertation Reviewer - Univeriti Malaya (1987)
- Visiting Professor of Engineering, Centro Atomico, Bariloche, Argentina (1988)
- Keynote Lecture, Japan Society of Multiphase Flow - Tokyo, Japan (1988)
- Appointed Honorary Senior Fellow - Magdalen College of Oxford University (1989-Present)
- Elected Chairman of RPI Faculty Council (1989-1991)
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship (1990)
- Keynote Lecture, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dallas, TX (1990)
- Alpha Nu Sigma Honor Society (1992)
- Plenary Lecturer, International Symposium on Instabilities in Multiphase Flows - Rouen, France (May 92)
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board - International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board - International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
- U.S. Representative, International Information Center for Multiphase Flow (ICeM)
- Mark S. Mills Award of the ANS [Advisee: Susana Kalkach-Navarro] (1993)
- Elected Member of RPI Engineering Research Council (1993-1994)
- General Chairman, International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics (NURETH-7), September 10-15, 1995
- Member, Advisory Editorial Board - Heat Transfer Research
- Keynote Lecture, MFTP-2000, Antalya, Turkey (2000)
- Member, Presidium, ICMS-2000, UfA, Russia (2000)
- Listed as an Expert Knowledge Provider, Intota website, www.intota.com (2001)
- Keynote Lecture , HEAT-2002, Kielce, Poland (2002)
- Member - Engineering Advisory Board , U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (2003-2005)
- Elected to Palmer C. Ricketts Society of Patroons - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2004-Present )
- Co-Chair, Japan/US Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics , Nagahama, Japan (2004 )
- Plenary Lecture , PISA' 04 , Pisa , Italy (2004)
- Keynote Lecture , Yadigaroglu Retirement Seminar , ETH-Zurich , Switzerland (2004)
- Keynote Lecture, ISMF' 05, Xi'an , China (2005)
- Keynote Lecture, NURETH-11 , Avignon, France (2005)
- Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Fellowship-FZK (2005-2006)
- Keynote Lecture , NURETH-12 , Pittsburgh , PA. (2007)
- Richard T. Lahey, Jr. Distinguished Lecture in Nuclear Engineering [Inaugural Lecture], Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (April 9, 2012)
- Progress Energy Distinguished Technical Lecture, N.C. State University (NCSU), Raleigh, N.C. (September 20, 2012)
The following is a selection of recent publications in Scopus. Dick Lahey has 251 indexed publications in the subjects of Engineering, Energy, Chemical Engineering.
Professional Experience
July 1961 - September 1961 Cities Service Company, New York, New York
Third Assistant Engineer - Operating Engineer on "jumbo" tanker, S/S Fort Hoskins also had responsibility for maintenance of all electrical equipment.
September 1961 - August 64 Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, Schenectady, NY
Engineer - Various assignments on advanced naval nuclear submarine (S5G) design.
Thermal Development Group - Experimental work on DNB and hydrodynamic instability.
Fluid Systems Group - Systems design and documentation.
Safety Analysis Group - Analytical investigation of hypothetical accident conditions development of analog and digital computer models.
September 1964 - June 1966 Columbia University, New York, New York
Research Assistant - University research in the area of biomechanics (blood flow, pulmonary mechanics, etc.)
August 1961 - August 1967 U.S. Navy
Naval Officer - USNR
July 1966 - June 1971 General Electric, San Jose, California
Principal Development Engineer - Responsible for experimental and analytical investigations in two-phase flow and boiling heat transfer phenomena, including: hydrodynamic stability, subchannel analysis, CHF and Pressure drop.
June 1971 - June 1972 General Electric Company, San Jose, California
Manager, Heat Transfer Mechanisms - Responsible for applied research in the are of subchannel analysis, transient analysis and detailed Boiling Water Nuclear Reactor (BWR) heat transfer mechanisms.
June 1972 - November 73 General Electric Company, San Jose, California
Manager, Core Development - Responsible for all non-safety related thermal-hydraulic development work in support of the boiling water nuclear reactor.
November 1973 - October 1975 General Electric Company, San Jose, California
Manager, Core and Safety Development - Responsible for all heat transfer and fluid flow and reactor physics development work in support of the boiling water nuclear reactor. Responsible for all foreign and domestic safety R&D programs.
October 1975 - June 1987 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York
Chairman, Department of Nuclear Engineering & Science - Teaching, research and management of academic department concerned with nuclear technology.
May 1987 - April 1989 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York
Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, and, Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering - University teaching and research.
April 1989 - Present, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York
The Edward E. Hood, Jr. Professor of Engineering (April 1989-September 2008; Emeritus September 2008-Present), Department of Mechanical, Aerospace & Nuclear Engineering and, Chemical Engineering - University teaching and research.
May 1991 - June 1994 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York
Director, Center for Multiphase Research - University teaching, research and administration.
July 1994 - March 1998 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York
Dean of Engineering - Academic administration and research.
- Argonne National Laboratory
- Long Island Lighting Company
- Battelle Northwest Laboratories
- Nuclear Associates International
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Babcock & Wilcox Company
- PJM Interconnection Board (1997-2016)
- Combustion Engineering (ABB)
- Sandia Laboratories
- Couch White, LLP (NYC)
- Jason Associates
- Corning, Inc
- Savannah River Laboratory
- Creare, Inc.
- Singer Link-Miles
- EG&G Idaho, Inc. (INEL)
- Stauffer Chemical Company
- Electric Power Research Institute
- Stone & Webster
- So. Cal. Edison
- Exxon Nuclear Company, Inc.
- U.S. Department of Energy
- General Electric
- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- General Public Utilities (GPU)
- Westinghouse (NED & Sweden)
- International Atomic Energy Agency
- Yankee Atomic Electric Company
- Air Products
- Jason Associates
- Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory
- Northrop Grumman
- Kaye Scholer, LLP
- Latham & Watkins LLP
Professional Memberships and Technical Review Groups
American Nuclear Society (ANS)
President, Northeastern New York Section (1978-1979)
Member, Board of Directors (1979-1982)
Member, ANS Executive Committee (1980-1982)
Member, Executive Committee - Power Division (1979-1982)
Chairman, Technical Group for Thermal-Hydraulics (1979-1980)
Member, Executive Committee - Thermal-Hydraulics (1980-1981)
Member, E.E.&A. Accreditation Committee (1984-1987)
Member, NHTC Coordinating Committee (1986-1989)
Member, ANS Nominating Committee (1986)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Nucleonics Heat Transfer Committee (ASME K-13)
Chairman (1978-1981)
American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE)
Chairman, Program Committee (1986-1987)
Chairman, Nuclear Engineering Division (1987-1988)
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
Chairman, Energy Transport Field Research Committee (1987-1991)
Association of Engineering Colleges in New York State (AECNYS)
Secretary/Treasurer (1996)
ECPD Council
ASME Representative, (1976-1979)
Engineering Manpower Commission (EMC)
Commissioner (1981-1984)
Council on Competitiveness
Member (1994-1998)
Nuclear Engineering Department Heads Organization (NEDHO)
Chairman (1982-1983)
Liaison with USNRC and USDOE (1982-1987)
International Center for Multiphase Flow - Japan
Corresponding Member (USA)
The New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS)
Member (1990-2009)
Society of the Sigma Xi
Member (1970-Present)
Other Boards, Advisory Committees, and Group Memberships
Editorial Boards
- Journal of Nuclear Engineering & Design (Formerly Editor, 1983-1994)
- International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer
- International Communications in Heat & Mass Transfer
- Journal of Multiphase Science & Technology
Review Boards and Advisory Committees
- Nuclear Safety Review Board, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Chairman (1976-1987)
- EG&G Scientific Advisory Committee, Member (1976-1983)
Review Group Memberships
- USNRC Advanced Code Review Group (1976-1984)
- USNRC Two-Phase Instrumentation Review Group (1976-1984)
- USNRC Containment Code Review Group (1977-1984)
- USNRC Two-Phase Flow Calibration Review Group (1978-1984)
- USNRC LOFT Review Group (1977-1983)
- USNRC EBTF Research Review Group (1979-1982)
- USNRC 2D/3D Review Group (1979-1984)
- USNRC BWR BDHT Review Group (1979-1984)
- EPRI Design Review Committee Member for MAAP Code (1988-1993)
- EPRI Design Review Committee Member for BWRSAR Code (1988-1990)
- LILCO Peer Review Committee Member (1988-1992)
- USDOE Savannah River Laboratory (SRL) Review Group Member (1988-1992)
- USDOE Advanced Neutron Source (ANS) Review Panel (1988-1992)
- ORNL Engineering Technology Division Advisory Committee - Chairman (1989-1992)
- ORNL Advanced Neutron Source (ANS) Reactor Advisory Committee - Chairman (1992-1993)
- ORNL CASL Science Council - Member (2010 - Present)
- National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) - Member (1997-2016)
National Academy Activities
- Member, National Research Council (NRC) - Space Science Boards Committee on Microgravity Research (1997 - 2008).
- Member, National Research Council (NRC) Study on: "Microgravity Research in Support of Technologies for the Human Exploration and Development of Space and Planetary Bodies" (1998 - 2000).
- Member, National Research Council (NRC) Study on: "The Safety and Security of Commercial Spent Fuel Storage" (2004 - 2006).
- Member, National Research Council (NRC) Decadal Study on: "Biological and Physical Sciences in Space" (2009 - 2010).
Books and Monographs
"Out-of-Pile Subchannel Measurements in a Nine-Rod Bundle for Water at 1000 PSIA," Progress in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 6, 1972 (with B. Shiralkar)
"Non-Equilibrium Two-Phase Flows" (Associate Editor), ASME Symposium Volume, 1975.
The Thermal-Hydraulics of a Boiling Water Nuclear Reactor, ANS Monograph, 1977 (with F. Moody).
"Light Water Reactors: Thermal-Hydraulic Aspects of Nuclear Reactor Safety" (Associate Editor), ASME Symposium Volume, 1977.
"Topics in Two-Phase Heat Transfer & Flow" (Associate Editor), ASME Symposium Volume, 1977.
"Power Reactor Concepts and Systems Overview," Chapter 2, Nuclear Reactor Safety Heat Transfer, Hemisphere Press, 1980.
"Light Water Nuclear Reactors," Chapter 4, Nuclear Reactor Safety Heat Transfer, Hemisphere Press, 1980.
"Fundamental Concepts of System Safety Modeling," Chapter 8, Nuclear Reactor Safety Heat Transfer, Hemisphere Press, 1980.
"Basic Mechanisms in Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer," (Associate Editor), ASME Symposium Volume, 1980.
"Section 507: Vaporization/Boiling Heat Transfer," Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Data Book, General Electric Company, 1981.
"Transient Analysis of Two-Phase Systems," Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, Hemisphere Press, 1981.
"Current Boiling Water Nuclear Reactor LOCA Issues," Two-Phase Flow Dynamics , Hemisphere Press, 1981.
"Advances in Two-Phase Flow Instrumentation," Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 13, 1981 (with S. Banerjee).
"On the Junction Problem in Two-Phase Flow," Selected Topics in Two-Phase Flow, Tapir, 1984.
"An Analysis of Density-Wave Oscillations in Ventilated BWR Fuel Rod Bundles ," Multi-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer III, Part A: Fundamentals, eds. Veziroglu & Bergles, Elsevier, 1984 (with R. Taleyarkhan and M. Podowski).
"Three Dimensional Conical Probe Measurements in Turbulent Air/Water Two-Phase Pipe Flow," TSI Quarterly (Flow Lines), 1987 (with S.K. Wang, S.J. Lee and O.C. Jones, Jr.)
"Phase Distribution in a Triangular Duct," Multiphase Science and Technology, Vol. 3, Hemisphere Press, 1987.
"Dividing Flow in a Tee Junction," Multiphase Science and Technology, Vol. 3, Hemisphere Press, 1987.
"On the Analysis of Instabilities in Two-Phase Flows," Multiphase Science and Technology, Vol. 4, pp. 183-370, Hemisphere Press, 1989 (with M. Podowski).
"The Three Dimensional Time and Volume-Averaged Conservation Equations of Two-Phase Flows," Advances in Nuclear Science & Technology, Vol. 20, pp. 1-69, 1989 (with D.A. Drew).
"The Prediction of Phase Separation in a Branching Conduit Using a Three-Dimensional Two-Fluid Model," Editor, T.N. Veziroglu, Multiphase Transport and Particulate Phenomena, Vol. 1, Hemisphere Corp., 1990 (with S. Kalkach-Navarro, S.J. Lee and D.A. Drew).
"Relation of Microstructure to Constituitive Relations," Editors, Daniel D. Joseph and David G. Schaeffer, Two Phase Flows and Waves, Vol. 26, Springer-Verlag, 1990 (with D.A. Drew and G.S. Arnold).
"The Dispersion and Attenuation of Small Amplitude Standing Waves and the Propagation of Acoustic Pressure Pulses in Bubbly Air/Water Two-Phase Flows," Multiphase Science & Technology, Vol. 6, Hemisphere Press, 1992 (with A.E. Ruggles).
"Boiling Heat Transfer - Modern Developments and Advances," Elsevier, 1992 (Editor).
"Analytical Modeling of Multiphase Flows," Editor, M.D. Roco, Particulate Two-Phase Flow, 1993 (with D.A. Drew).
The Thermal-Hydraulics of a Boiling Water Nuclear Reactor , Second Edition, ANS Monograph, 1993 (with F.J. Moody).
"Two-Phase Flow," The Engineering Handbook, CRC Press, 1994.
Multiphase Science and Technology, Volume 8, "Two-Phase Flow Fundamentals," Begell House, Inc., New York, 1996 (Co-Editor with G.F. Hewitt, et al).
"A CFD Analysis of Multidimensional Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Phenomena," Process, Enhanced and Multiphase Heat Transfer (A.E. Bergles - Festschriff), Begell House, Inc., New York, 1996.
"Two-Phase Instabilities," International Encyclopedia of Heat & Mass Transfer, CRC Press, 1997.
"The Air Carryunder Induced by Plunging Liquid Jets," International Encyclopedia of Heat & Mass Transfer, CRC Press, 1997 (with F. Bonetto).
"Three-Phase Flow Measurements using A Hot-Film Anemometer," Applied Optical Measurements, Editor, M. Lehner et al, Springer, 1999.
" Microgravity Research in Support of Technologies for the Human Exploration and Development of Space and Planetary Bodies," National Reserach Council - Space Studies Board Topical Report , 2000
"Sonoluminescence and the Search for Sonofusion," Advances in Heat Transfer, Academic Press, Vol. 35, pp: 1-168, 2005.
"Recent Advances and Results in Acoustic Inertial Confinement Bubble Nuclear Fusion", Low Energy Nuclear Reactions and New Energy Technologies Source Book V.2, Oxford University Press, Chapter-8, pp: 139-157, 2009 (with R.P. Taleyarkhan, C.D. West,R.I. Nigmatulin, R.C. Block, J.S. Cho, Y. Yu).
"Acoustic Inertial Confinement Nuclear Fusion," Nuclear Energy Encylopedia, John Wiley & Sons, 2011 (with R.P. Taleyarkhan, R. I. Nigmatulin ).
Refereed Publications (Journals)
"Mass Flux and Enthalpy Distribution in a Rod Bundle for Single- and Two-Phase Conditions," Journal of Heat Transfer, May 1971 (with B. Shiralkar).
"An Exact Solution for Flow Transients in Two-Phase Systems by the Method of Characteristics," Journal of Heat Transfer, November 1973 (with J.M. Gonzalez-Santalo).
"The Variation of the Vapor Volumetric Fraction During Flow and Power Transients," Nuclear Engineering and Design, 25, 1973 (with B. Shiralkar).
"The Effect of Obstacles on a Liquid Film," Journal of Heat Transfer, November 1973 (with B. Shiralkar).
"On the Various Forms of the Conservation Equations in Two-Phase Flow," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, No. 2, 1976 (with G. Yadigaroglu).
-An Exact Analytical Solution of Pool Swell Dynamics During Depressurization by the Method Characteristics," Nuclear Engineering and Design, 45, 101-116, 1978 (with H.W. Vea).
"A Turbine-Meter Evaluation Model for Two-Phase Transients," Journal of Heat Transfer, 102, 2/9-13, 1980 (with P.S. Kamath).
"The Analysis of Virtual Mass Effects in Two-Phase Flow," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 5, 233-242, 1979 (with D.A. Drew and L. Cheng).
"Application of General Constitutive Principles to the Derivation of Multidimensional Two-Phase Flow Equations," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 4, 243-264, 1979 (with D.A. Drew).
"An Experimental Technique for Determination of Steam Fraction in Flowing Steam/Air Mixtures," Nuclear Technology, 48, 1980 (with N. Saba and J.C. Corelli).
"The Analysis of Boiling Water Reactor Long-Term Cooling," Nuclear Technology, 49, 1980 (with P.S. Kamath).
"The Analysis of CCFL using Drift-Flux Models," Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, 61, 245-255, 1980 (with K. Ohkawa).
"The Effect of Gravity and Friction on the Stability of Boiling Flow in a Channel," AIChE Symposium Series, #199, Vol. 76, 1980- Chemical Engineering Communication, Vol. 11, 59-79, 1981 (with J-L. Achard and D.A. Drew).
"Transient Analysis of DDT Rakes," Nuclear Engineering and Design, 65, 342-367, 1981 (with P.S. Kamath).
"Development of a Radio-Frequency Excited Local Impedance Probe," Nuclear Engineering and Design, 67, 125-136, 1981 (with M. Vince and G. Krycuk).
"The Effect of Virtual Mass on the Numerical Stability of Accelerating Two-Phase Flows," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 6, 1981, (with L. Cheng, D.A. Drew and J.E. Flaherty).
"The Measurement of Phase Separation in Wyes and Tees," Nuclear Engineering and Design, 64, No. 1, 1981 (with T.J. Honan).
"Phase Distribution Mechanisms in Turbulent Two-Phase Flow in Channels of Arbitrary Cross Section," ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 103, 583-589, 1981 (with D.A. Drew).
"On the Development of an Objective Flow Regime Indicator,"International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 8, No. 2, 93-124, 1982 (with M.A. Vince).
"Phase Distribution Mechanisms in Turbulent Low Quality Two-Phase Flow in a Circular Pipe," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 117, 91-106, 1982 (with D.A. Drew).
"Optical Probe for High Temperature Local Void Fraction Determination," Journal of Applied Optics, 21, 886, 1982 (with M.A. Vince, H.E. Breed and G. Krycuk).
"Measurement of Flow in Large Pipes by the Pulsed Neutron Activation Method," Nuclear Science Engineering, 82, 19-33, 1982 (with M.L. Perez-Griffo and R.C. Block).
"An Experimental Investigation of BWR Parallel Channel Effects," Nuclear Engineering and Design, 73, 425-440, 1983 (with W.M. Conlon).
"The Prediction of Pressure Drop and CCFL Breakdown in Countercurrent Two-Phase Flow," Journal of Heat Transfer, 105, 1983 (with A. Ostrogorsky and R.R. Gay).
"An Investigation of BWR/4 Parallel Channel Effects During a Hypothetical LOCA for Both Intact and Broken Jet Pumps," Nuclear Technology, Vol. 65, No. 2, 1984 (with M. Fakory).
"The Analysis of Phase Separation Phenomena in Branching Conduits," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 10, 1984 (with N. Saba)
"Measurement of Virtual Mass and Drag Coefficients of a Disk Oscillating Sinusoidally in a Two-Phase Mixture," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 10, No. 3, 1984 (with P.S. Kamath and D.R. Harris).
"NUFREQ-NP: A Computer Code for the Stability Analysis of Boiling Water Reactors," Nuclear Science & Engineering, 88, 1984 (with S.J. Peng, M.Z. Podowski and M. Becker).
"The Development of a Gamma-Ray Scattering Densitometer for the Non-Intrusive Measurement of Local Void Fraction," Nuclear Technology, 67, 1984 (with K. Ohkawa).
"An Instability Analysis of Ventilated Channels," Journal of Heat Transfer, 107, 175-181, 1985 (with R. Taleyarkhan and M. Podowski).
"The Analysis of Nonlinear Density-Wave Oscillations in Boiling Channels," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 155, 213-232, 1985 (with J.L. Achard and D.A. Drew).
"An Analytical Model for the Analysis of BWR/4 Long-Term Cooling with Either Intact or Broken Jet Pump Seals," Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, 85, 1985 (with M.R. Fakory).
"An Analysis of Wave Propagation in Bubbly Two-Component Two-Phase Flows," Journal of Heat Transfer, 107, 1985, (with L.Y. Cheng and D.A. Drew).
"Measurement of Flow in a Horizontal Pipe using the Pulsed Photon Activation Technique," Nuclear Science Engineering, 91, No. 3, 1985 (with T.F. Lin, R.C. Bloc, O.C. Jones, Jr. and M. Murase).
"Film Thickness Measurements and Modeling in Horizontal Annular Flows," Physicochemical Hydrodynamics, Vol. 6, No.1/ 2, pp. 197-206, 1985 (with T.F. Lin, O.C. Jones, Jr., R.C. Block and M. Murase).
"The Development of a Closed Form Analytical Model for the Stability Analysis of Density-Wave Oscillations in Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors," Nuclear Engineering and Design, 92, No. 2, 1986 (with G.C. Park, M. Becker, M. Podowski and S.J. Peng).
"A Stability Analysis of Ventilated Boiling Channels," Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, 93, No. 1, 1986 (with M. Podowski and R.P. Taleyarkhan).
"BWR Linear Stability Analysis," Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, 93, No. 1, 1986 (with S.J. Peng and M. Podowski).
"Advances in the Analytical Modeling of Linear and Nonlinear Density-Wave Instability Modes," Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, 95, pp. 5-34, 1986.
"Current Understanding of Phase Separation Mechanisms in Branching Conduits," Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, 95, 1986.
"Horizontal Annular Flow Measurements Using Pulsed Photon Activation and Thickness Distribution Modeling," Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, 95, 1986 (with T.F. Lin, R.C. Block, O.C. Jones, Jr. and M. Murase).
"The Measurement of Phase Distribution in a Triangular Conduit," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 12, No. 3, 405-425, 1986 (with S. Sim).
"The Virtual Mass and Lift Force on a Sphere in Rotating and Straining Flow,"International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 113-121, 1987 (with D.A. Drew).
"3-D Turbulence Structure and Phase Distribution Measurements in Bubbly Two-Phase Flows," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 327-343, 1987 (with S.K. Wang, S.J. Lee and O.C. Jones, Jr.).
"An Experimental Investigation of BWR/4 Long-Term Cooling with either Intact or Broken Jet Pumps," Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 99, pp. 391-402, 1987 (with M. Fakory).
"An Experimental Study of Two-Dimensional Phase Separation Phenomena," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 327-344, 1987 (with K.M. Bukhari).
"The Effect of Fuel Rod Dynamics on BWR Stability Margin," Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 99, pp. 5-14, 1987 (with R. Taleyarkhan and M.Z. Podowski).
"A Linear Model to Study Fluid Dynamic Instabilities in Boiling Channels due to Density Oscillations," International Journal of Heat & Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3.4, 1987 (with F,. DAuria, N. DeSanctis, P. DiMarco and M. Podowski).
"An Investigation of the Propagation of Pressure Perturbations in Bubbly Air/Water Flows," Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 110, 494-499, 1988 (with A. Ruggles, D.A. Drew and H. A. Scarton).
"A Study on Single and Two-Phase Pressure Drop in Branching Conduits," International Journal of Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1988 (with S.T. Hwang).
"Phase Separation in Dividing Two-Phase Flows," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 14, No. 4, 1988 (with S.T. Hwang and H. Soliman).
"The Prediction of Two-Phase Turbulence and Phase Distribution Phenomena Using a k-Epsilon Model, Japanese Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 3, No. 4, 335-368, 1989 (with S.J. Lee and O.C. Jones, Jr.).
"An Experimental Investigation of Phase Distribution in an Eccentric Annulus ," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 15, No. 3, 4470457, 1989 (with K. Ohkawa).
"Phase Separation in Impacting Wyes and Tees," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 15, No. 6, 965-976, 1989 (with S.T. Hwang and H. Soliman).
"An Analysis of Stability and Oscillation Modes in Boiling Multichannel Loops Using Parameter Perturbation Methods," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 32, No. 11, pp. 2055-2064, 1989 (with A. Clausse and M. Podowski).
"The Relationship Between Standing Waves, Pressure Pulse Propagation and Critical Flow Rate in Two-Phase Mixtures," Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 111, 467-473, 1989 (with A.E. Ruggles and D.A. Drew).
"Derivation of Constitutive Equations for Interfacial Force and Reynolds Stress for a Suspension of Spheres Using Ensemble Averaging," Journal of Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 86, pp. 43-54, December 1989 (with G. Arnold and D.A. Drew).
"A Lumped Parameter Model for Linear and Nonlinear Analysis of Excursive and Density-Wave Instabilities in Boiling Channels," Energia Nucleare, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 53-59, September-December, 1989 (with P. DiMarco, A. Clausse and D.A. Drew).
"A Nodal Analysis of Instabilities in Boiling Channels," Heat & Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1-2, 1990 (with P. DiMarco, A. Clausse and D.A. Drew).
"Statistical Analysis of Turbulent Two-Phase Pipe Flow," Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 113, pp. 89-95, 1990 (with S.K. Wang, S.J. Lee and O.C. Jones, Jr.)
"The Prediction of Two-Phase Turbulence and Phase Distribution Phenomena Using a Reynolds Stress Model," Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 112, pp. 107-113, 1990 (with M. Lopez de Bertodano, S.J. Lee and D.A. Drew).
"Void Wave Dispersion in Bubbly Flows," Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 121, No. 1, pp. 1-10, 1990 (with J-W. Park and D.A. Drew and A. Clausse)
"An Assessment of Multiphase Flow Models using the Second Law of Thermo-Dynamics," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 481-494, 1990 (with G. Arnold and D.A. Drew).
"The Influence of Flow Development on Subcooled Boiling," International Communications in Heat & Mass Transfer, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 545-554, 1990 (with A. Clausse).
"The Analysis of Phase Separation and Phase Distribution Phenomena using Two-Fluid Models," Nuclear Engineering & Design, Vol. 122, pp. 17-40, 1990.
"Some Supplemental Analysis Concerning the Virtual Mass and Lift Force on a Sphere in a Rotating and Straining Flow," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 1127-1130, 1990 (with D.A. Drew).
"An Application of Fractal and Chaos Theory in the Field of Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer," W&Scaronrme- und Stoff&Yumlbertragung, vol. 26, pp. 351-363, 1991.
"Void Wave Propagation Phenomena in Two-Phase Flow," AIChE Journal, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 123-135, Jan. 1991.
"The Use of Fractal Techniques in Flow Regime Identification," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 545-552, 1991 (with F. Franca, M. Acikgoz and A. Clausse).
"A Contribution to Mathematical Modeling of Bubbly/Slug Flow Regime Transition," Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 102, pp. 69-85, April 1991 (with S. Valenti, A. Clausse and D.A. Drew).
"The Analysis of Periodic and Strange Attractors During Density-Wave Oscillations in Boiling Flows," Journal of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 167-178, 1991 (with A. Clausse).
"An Analysis of Non-Linear Instabilities in Boiling Systems," Journal of Dynamics and Stability of Systems, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 191-216, 1991 (with P. DiMarco and A. Clausse).
"An Analysis of the Eigenvalues of Bubbly Two-Phase Flows," Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 106, pp. 93-117, August 1991, (with T.C. Haley and D.A. Drew).
"Analysis of Phase Distribution in Fully Developed Laminar Bubbly Two-Phase Flow," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 635-652, 1991 (with S.P. Antal and J.E. Flaherty).
"A Contribution to the Prediction of Phase Separation in Branching Conduits," Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 111, pp. 79-105, 1992 (with R.H. Kimpland, B.J. Azzopardi and H.M. Soliman).
"Global Volumetric Phase Fractions in Horizontal Three Phase Flows," AIChE Journal, Vol. 38, No. 7, pp. 1049-1059, 1992 (with M. Acikgoz and F. Franca).
"An Experimental Study of Three-Phase Flow Regimes," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 327-336, 1992 (with F. Franca and M. Acikgoz).
"On the Development of Multidimensional Two-Fluid Models for Vapor/Liquid Two-Phase Flows," Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 118, pp. 125-140, Nov/Dec. 1992.
"On the Use of Drift-Flux Techniques for the Analysis of Horizontal Two-Phase Flows," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 787-801, 1992.
"A Characteristic Analysis of Void Waves Using Two-Fluid Models," Nuclear Engineering & Design, Vol. 139, No. 1, pp. 45-58, 1993 (with T.C. Haley and D.A. Drew).
"An Experimental Study on Air Carryunder Due to a Plunging Liquid Jet," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 281-294, 1993 (with F. Bonetto).
"Phase Distribution in Complex Geometry Conduits," Nuclear Engineering & Design, Vol. 141, Nos. 1&2, pp. 177-201, 1993 (with M. Lopez de Bertodano and O.C. Jones, Jr.)
"Buoyantly-Driven Two-Phase Countercurrent Flow in Liquid Discharge From a Vessel With an Unvented Gas Space," Nuclear Engineering & Design, Vol. 141, Nos. 1&2, pp. 237-248, 1993 (with Christopher E. Henry, Robert E. Henry and S. George Bankoff).
"The Analysis of Void Waves in Two-Phase Flow," Nuclear Engineering & Design, Vol. 141, Nos. 1&2, pp. 203-224, 1993 (with J-W. Park and D.A. Drew).
"Interfacial Area Density, Mean Radius and Number Density Measurements in Bubbly Two-Phase Flow," Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 142, pp. 341-351, 1993 (with S. Kalkach-Navarro, D.A. Drew and R. Meyder).
"Development of a k-Epsilon Model for Bubbly Two-Phase Flow, Trans. ASME, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 116, No. 1, pp. 128-134, 1994 (with M. Lopez de Bertodano and O.C. Jones).
"Phase Distribution in Bubbly Two-Phase Flow in Vertical Ducts," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 20, pp. 805-818, 1994 (with M. Lopez de Bertodano and O.C. Jones).
"Phase Distribution and Turbulence Structure for Solid/Fluid Upflow in a Pipe," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 453-479, 1994 (with A. Alajbegovic, A. Assad and F. Bonetto).
"Turbulent Bubbly Two-Phase Flow Data in a Triangular Duct," Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 146, pp. 43-52, 1994 (with M. Lopez de Bertodano and O.C. Jones).
"The Analysis of a Plunging Liquid Jet The Air Entrainment Process," Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 130, pp. 11-29, 1994, (with F. Bonetto and D.A. Drew).
"The Measurement of Void Waves in Bubbly Two-Phase Flows," Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 149, pp. 37-52, 1994 (with J-W. Park and D.A. Drew).
"Analysis of the Bubbly/Slug Flow Regime Transition," Mark Mills Award Paper, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 151, pp. 15-39, 1994 (with S. Kalkach-Navarro and D.A. Drew).
"Benchmarking and Qualification of the NUFREQ-NPW Code for Best Estimate Prediction of Multichannel Core Stability Margins," Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 151, pp. 157-171, 1994 (with R. Taleyarkhan, F.A. McFarlane and M.Z. Podowski).
"The Thermal-Hydraulics of Aseptic Food Processing," International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, Vol. 37, Suppl.-1, pp. 233-239, 1994 (with M. Millies and D.A. Drew).
"On the Different Forms of Momentum Equations and on the Intra- and Interphase Interaction in the Hydromechanics of a Monodispersed Mixture," Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 141-142, pp. 287-302, 1996, (with R.I. Nigmatulin and D.A. Drew).
"A First Order Relaxation Model for the Prediction of the Local Interfacial Area Density in Two-Phase Flows," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 1073-1104, 1996 (with M. Millies and D.A. Drew).
"A Method for Superhigh Compression-Induced Temperatures in a Gas Bubble Using Non-Periodic Resonance Liquid Pressure Forcing," Chemical Engineering Communications, Vols. 152-153, pp. 17-39, 1996, (with R.I. Nigmatulin, V. S.H. Shagapov and N.K. Vakhitova).
"The Analysis of Chaotic Instabilities in Boiling Systems," Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 167, No. 3, pp. 307-334, 1997 (with C.J. Chang).
"The Modeling of Core Melting and In-Vessel Corium Relocation in the APRIL Code," Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 177, Nos. 1-3, pp. 265-283, 1997 (with S.W. Kim, M.Z. Podowski and N. Kurul).
"The Resonant Supercompression and Sonoluminescence of a Gas Bubble in a Liquid Filled Flask," Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 168, 145-171, 1998 (with R.I. Nigmatulin, I.S. Akhatov and N.K. Vakhitova).
"The Interaction of Background Ocean Air Bubbles with a Surface Ship," International Journal of Numerical Method Fluids, Vol. 28, pp. 571-600, 1998 (with P.M. Carrica, D. Drew and F. Bonetto).
"The Analysis of Void Wave Propagation in Adiabatic, Monodispersed Bubbly Two-Phase Flows using an Adiabatic, Ensemble-Averaged, Two-Fluid Model," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 1205-1244, 1998 (with J-W. Park and D.A. Drew).
"A Polydisperse Model for Bubbly Two-Phase Flow Around a Surface Ship," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 257- 305, 1999 (with P.M. Carrica, D. Drew, and F. Bonetto).
"A Moving-Boundary Nodal Model for the Analysis of the Stability of Boiling Channels," International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, Vol. 42, No. 19 ,pp. 3575-3584, 1999 (with V. Garea and D.A. Drew).
"An Analysis of Phase Distribution and Turbulence in Dispersed Particle/Liquid Flows," Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 174, pp. 85-133, 1999 (with A. Alajbegovic and D.A. Drew).
"On the Use of Nonlinear Filtering, Artificial Viscosity and Artificial Heat Transfer for Strong Shock Computations," Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 153, pp. 575-595, 1999 (with S. Bae).
"Lateral Forces on Spheres in Turbulent Uniform Shear Flow," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 25, Nos. 6-7, 1999 (with F.J. Moraga and F.J. Bonetto).
"An Experimental Study of Phase Distribution and Turbulence Structure for Solid/Fluid Flow in Horizontal Pipes," Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 179, pp. 149-179, 2000 (with A. Assad and F. Bonetto).
"On the Forced Oscillations of a Small Gas Bubble in a Spherical Liquid-Filled Flask," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 414, pp. 47-73, 2000 (with R.I. Nigmatulin, I. Sh. Akhatov, and N.K. Vakhitova).
"An Experimental Study of Dispersed Liquid/Liquid Two-Phase Upflow in a Pipe," Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 182, pp. 47-73, 2000. (with T. Nigmatulin, F. Bonetto, A. Larreteguy, and J. McQuillen).
"Role of Very High-Frequency Excitation In Single Bubble Sonoluminescence," Physical Review-E, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 2233-2237, 2000 (with F. Moraga, R. Taleyarkhan and F. Bonetto).
"The Analysis of Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer using a Multidimensional, Four Field, Two-Fluid Model," Nuclear Engineering & Design, Vol. 204 , Nos.1-3 , pp. 29-44 , 2001 (with D. A. Drew ).
"Evidence for Nuclear Emissions During Cavitation," Science , Vol. 295, pp. 1868-1873 , 2002 (with Taleyarkhan et al ).
"The Relationship Between the Method of Acoustic Excitation and the Stability of Single Bubble Sonoluminescence for Various Noble Gases," Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 189 , pp. 786-802 ,2002 (with G. Delgadino and F. Bonetto).
"Deuterium-Deuterium Nuclear Fusion during Cavitation," Heritage of the Academy of Sciences - Republic of Bashkortostan , Vol.7 No.4 , pp.3-25,2003 (with R. Nigmatulin and R. Taleyarkhan )
"Assessment of Turbulent Dispersed Models for Bubbly Flows," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol.29 ,No.4,pp.655-673, 2003 (with F. Moraga , A. Larreteguy and D. Drew ).
"The Modeling of Lift and Dispersion Forces in Two-Fluid Model Simulations of a Bubbly Jet," Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 126(4), 2004 (with M. Lopez de Bertodano, F. Moraga and D.A. Drew ).
"The Evidence for Nuclear Emissions during Acoustic Cavitation Revisited," Journal of Power and Energy, Vol. 218(A), 345, 2004 (with R.I. Nigmatulin and R.P. Taleyarkhan ).
"An Analytical Study on Interfacial Wave Structure Between the Liquid Film and Gas Core in a Vertical Pipe," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 30, 829, 2004 (with F. Inada and D.A. Drew ).
"Additional Evidence of Nuclear Emissions during Acoustic Cavitation," Physical Review-E, Vol. 69, 036109, 2004 (with R.P. Taleyarkhan, J. Cho, C. West, R.Nigmatulin, R. Block).
"On the Multidimensional Analysis of Two-Phase Flows," Multiphase Science & Technology, Vol. 15 (1-5), 1, 2004 (with D. A. Drew).
"Update and Clarifications on Experimental Studies for Nuclear Emissions during Acoustic Cavitation," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 113, 2205, 2004 (with R. Nigmatulin, R. P. Taleyarkhan, C. West).
"Update and Clarifications on Experimental Studies for Nuclear Emissions during Acoustic Cavitation," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 113, 2223, 2004 (with R. P. Taleyarkhan, C. West, J. Cho, R. Block, R. Nigmatulin).
"Sonoluminescence and the Search for Sonofusion," IEEE Spectrum, May issue, 2005 (with R. Taleyarkhan, R. Nigmatulin).
"The Simulation of Multidimensional Multiphase Flows," Nuclear Engineering & Design, Vol.235( 10-12),1043, 2005.
"The Analysis of Interfacial Waves," Nuclear Engineering & Design, Vol. 235 (10-12),1283, 2005 (with A. Galimov, D. A. Drew).
"Analysis of Void Wave Propagation and Sonic Velocity using a Two-Fluid Model," Multiphase Science & Technology, Vol. 17 Issue 4 , 293-320 , 2005 (with J. Yin, P. Tiwari).
"The Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Bubble Cluster Dynamics," Multiphase Science & Technology, Vol.17 Issue 3 , 225-256,2005 (with I. Akhatov, R. Nigmatulin).
"The Design of Acoustic Chambers for Bubble Dynamics Research," Multiphase Science & Technology, Vol. 17 Issue 3 , 257-291 , 2005 (with S, Cancelos, F. Moraga, P. Bouchilloux).
"Bubble Nuclear Fusion Technology - Status and Challenges," Multiphase Science & Technology, Vol. 17 Issue 3 , 191-224 , 2005 (with R. P. Taleyarkhan, R. Nigmatulin).
"The Theory of Supercompression of Vapor Bubbles and Nano-Scale Thermonuclear Bubble Fusion," Physics of Fluids, Vol.17 , 107106-1 , 2005 (with R. Nigmatulin, I. Akhatov, A. Topolnikov, R. Bolotnova, N. Vakhitova).
"Computation of Incompressible Bubble Dynamics with a Stabilized Level Set Method," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , Vol.194 (42-44), 4565-4587,October 2005 (with S. Nagrath and K. Jansen ).
"Nuclear Emissions During Self-Nucleated Acoustic Cavitation," Physical Review Letters, Vol.96 , 034301-1, 2006 (with R. Taleyarkhan ,C. West , R, Nigmatulin ,R. Block , Y. Xu ).
"Modeling Wall-Induced Forces on Bubbles for Inclined Walls," Multiphase Science & Technology, Vol. 18 Issue 2 , 111-133 ,2006 (with F. Moraga, S. Cancelos).
"An Analysis of Interacting Instability Modes," Multiphase Science & Technology, Vol. 18 Issue 4, 305-333 , 2006 (with J. Yin, M. Podowski, M. Jensen).
"A Center-Averaged Two-Fluid Model for Wall-Bounded Bubbly Flows," Journal of Computers and Fluids, Vol.35 (4) , 429-461, 2006 (with A. Larreteguy, F. Moraga, D. A. Drew).
"Hydrodynamic Simulation of Air Bubble Implosion using a FEM-based Level Set Approach," Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 215 (1), 98-132,2006 (with S. Nagrath, K. Jansen , I. Akhatov).
" Response to the PRL paper of Naranjo et al.," Physical Review Letters, Vol. 97, 149404, 2006 (with R. Taleyarkhan , R. Block , R. Nigmatulin and Y. Yu ).
" Response to the PRL paper of A. Lipson," Physical Review Letters, Vol.97 , 149402 , 2006 (with R. Taleyarkhan , R. Block , R. Nigmatulin and Y. Yu ).
"The Effect of Buoyancy on Phase Distribution in Dispersed Two-Phase Flows," Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol.194, 507-536, 2007 (with M. Singhal , D.A. Drew ).
"Sonofusion Technology Revisited," Nuclear Engineering & Design, Vol.237 (15-17), 1571-1585, 2007 (with R.P.Taleyarkhan , R. I. Nigmatulin ).
"A Sub-Grid Air Entrainment Model for Breaking Bow Waves and Naval Surface Ships," Journal of Computers and Fluids, Vol.37, 281-298, 2007 (with F. J. Moraga , P. M. Carrica , D.A. Drew).
"Modeling , Analysis and Prediction of Neutron Emission Spectra from Acoustic Cavitation Bubble Fusion Experiments," Nuclear Engineering & Design, Vol.238, 2779-2791, 2008 (with R.P. Taleyarkhan, J. Lapinskas, Y. Xu, J.S. Cho , C. D. West, R.C. Block , R. I. Nigmatulin ).
"Stability Analysis of a Uniformly Heated Channel with Supercritical Water," Nuclear Engineering & Design, Vol.238(8), 1930-1939, 2008 (with T. Ortega-Gomez, A. Class, T. Schulenberg ).
" A Spectral Turbulent Cascade Model for Single and Two-Phase Uniform Shear Flows," Journal of Turbulence, Vol. 9 (26), 1-18, 2008 (with I.A. Bolotnov, D.A. Drew, K. E. Jansen, A.A. Oberai ).
"Turbulent Cascade Modeling of Single and Bubbly Two-Phase Turbulent Flows," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol.34(12), 1142-1151, 2008 (with I. A. Bolotnov , D. A. Drew, K. E. Jansen ).
"On the Computation of Multiphase Flows," Journal of Nuclear Technology, Vol.167, 1-17, 2009.
"On the Direct Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Flows," Nuclear Engineering & Design, Vol.239/5, 867-879, 2009.
"Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Channel Flows using a Stabilized Finite Element Method," Journal of Computers & Fluids, Vol.38(4) , 924-938, 2009 (with A. Trofimova , A. E. Tejada-Martinez , K. E. Jansen ).
" Spectral Cascade Modeling of Turbulent Flow in a Channel," Japanese Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 23(2), 190-204, 2009 (with I. Bolotnov, A. Oberai, D. Drew, K. Jansen ).
" A Quantitative Sub-Grid Air Entrainment Model for Bubbly Flows," Journal of Computers & Fluids, Vol. 39, 77-86, 2009 (with Jingsen Ma , A. Oberai , D. Drew, F. Moraga ).
"Spectral Analysis of Turbulence based on the DNS of a Channel Flow", Journal of Computers & Fluids, Vol. 39, 640-655, 2010 (with Igor A. Bolotnov, Donald A. Drew, Kenneth E. Jansen, Assa A. Oberai).
"Parallel Adaptive Simulation of a Plunging Liquid Jet," Acta Mathematica Scientia, Vol. 30(2) Series-B, 522-538, March 2010 (with A.Y. Galimov, O. Sahni, M. Shephard, D.A. Drew , K.E. Jansen).
"An Analysis of Interacting Instability Modes in a Phase Change System," Nuclear Engineering & Design, Vol. 240, 3178 - 3201, 2010 (with W. Schlichting , M. Podowski ).
"The Effect of Acoustically-Induced Cavitation on the Permeance of a Bullfrog Urinary Bladder," Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 128, No. 5, 2726-2738, 2010 (with Silvina Cancelos, Francisco Moraga, William Shain, Robert Parsons).
"A Comprehensive Sub-Grid Air Entrainment Model for RaNS Modeling of Free-Surface Bubbly Flows," Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows, Vol. 3 , No.1, 41-56, 2011 (with Jingsen Ma, A. Oberai, D. Drew, M. Hyman).
"Detached Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Two-Phase Bubbly Channel Flow," International of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 37, 647-659, 2011 (with Igor A. Bolotnov, Kenneth E. Jansen, Donald A. Drew, Assad A. Oberai, Michael Z. Podowski).
"Modeling Air Entrainment in a Hydraulic Jump using Two-Fluid RANS and DES Turbulence Models," Heat & Mass Transfer, Vol.47, 911-919, 2011 (with Jingsen Ma, Assad Oberai, Donald Drew ).
" A Two-Way Coupled Polydispersed Two-Fluid Model for the Simulation of Air Entrainment Beneath a Plunging Liquid Jet," Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 134, Issue 10, 101304-101314, 2012 (with Jingsen Ma, Assad Oberai, Donald Drew).
"Sonofusion: E.A. Optimization of Acoustic Resonator," PAMM, Vol. 12 , 623-624, 2012 (with Markus Stokmaier , Andreas Class, Thomas Schulenberg).
"A Parallel Adaptive Mesh Method for the Numerical Simulation of Multiphase Flows," Journal of Computers & Fluids, Vol. 87,115-131, 2013 (with Joseph M. Rodriguez, Onkar Sahni, Kenneth E. Jansen ).
"On Thermonuclear Processes in Cavitation Vapor Bubbles," Physics Uspekhi, Vol. 57, 877-890, 2014 (with Robert Nigmatulin, Rusi Taleyarkhan, Colin West, Robert Block ).
"Wall-Resolved Spectral Cascade-Transport Turbulence Model," Nuclear Engineering & Design, Vol. 320, 309-324, 2017 (with Igor A. Bolotnov, Cameron S. Brown, Dillon R. Shaver).
"Progress in Multiphase Computational Fluid Dynamics," Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 374, 2021 (with Emilio Baglietto , Igor Bolotnov ).
Refereed Publications (Proceedings)
"Mixing, Flow Regimes, and Void Fraction for Two-Phase Flow in Rod Bundles," ASME Symposium Volume, Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in Rod Bundles, November 1969 (with A. Schraub).
"Transient Flow Measurements with Sharp-Edged Orifices," ASME Paper 71-FE-30, 1971 (with B. Shiralkar).
"Diabatic Local Void Fraction Measurements in Freon-114 with a Hot Wire Anemometer," ANS Transactions, 15, No. 2, November 1972 (with B. Shiralkar).
"A Langrangian Analysis of Two-Phase and Nuclear-Coupled Density-Wave Oscillations," Paper B5.9, Proceedings of the Fifth International Heat Transfer Conference, Tokyo, 1974 (with G. Yadigaroglu).
"The Effect of Reduced Clearance and Rod Bow on Critical Power in Full-Scale Simulations of 8x8 BWR Fuel," ASME preprint 75-HT-69, 1975 (with B. Matzner).
"16N Tagging of Water for Transient Flow Measurements," ANS Transactions, 27, December 1977 (with R.C. Block, M. Perez-Griffo and U.N. Singh).
"Critical Power in Boiling Water Nuclear Reactor Fuel Bundles," Proceedings of the ANS Topical Meeting on Thermal Reactor Safety, July 1977.
"The Effect of Non-Uniform Axial Heat Flux on Critical Power," Proceedings of the Conference on Heat and Fluid Flow in Water Reactor Safety, University of Manchester, September, 1977 (with J. Gonzalez-Santalo).
"The Status of Boiling Water Nuclear Reactor Safety Technology," ASME Symposium Volume on Thermal-Hydraulic Aspects of Nuclear Reactor Safety, November 1977.
"An Experimental Technique for the Determination of Steam/Air Fraction," ANS Transactions, 27, December 1977 (with N. Saba and G. Krycuk).
"16N Tagging for Two-Phase Flow Measurements," ANS Transactions , 30, 1978 (with M. Perez-Griffo and R.C. Block).
"Opportunities for University Contributions to BWR Thermal-Hydraulic Technology," ANS Transactions, 28, June 1978, San Diego, CA.
"Radial Phase Distribution Mechanisms in Two-Phase flow," Proceedings of the OECD/CSNI Specialists Meeting on Transient Two-Phase Flow," Paris, France, 6/12-14, 1978 (with D.A. Drew and S. Sim).
"A Turbine-Meeting Evaluation Model for Two-Phase Transients," ASME Symposium Volume, Topics in Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer, 1978 (with P.S. Kamath).
"A Mechanistic Subcooled Boiling Model," Proceedings of the 6th International Heat Transfer Conference, 1978, Toronto, Canada.
"The Development of a High Temperature Optical Void Probe," ANS Transactions, 30, 1978 (with M. Vince and H.E. Breed).
"Development of a Radio-Frequency Local Probe for Void Fraction Measurements, ANS Transactions, 30, 1978 (with S. Moreira and G. Krycuk).
"A High Intensity X-Ray System for Stochastic Measurements of Two-Phase Flow," ANS Transactions, 30, 1978 (with G. Krycuk and B.K. Malaviya).
"The Side-Scatter Gamma Technique for Local Density Measurements," ANS Transactions , 30, 1978 (with R.R. Gay and S. Schell).
"The Development of an Optical Digital Interferometer," Proceedings of the 2nd Multi-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Symposium-Workshop, 4/16-18, 1979, Miami, FL (with M.A. Vince and G. Krycuk).
"The Analysis of Phase Distribution in Fully Developed Two-Phase Flows," Proceedings of the 2nd Multi-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Symposium-Workshop, 4/16-18, 1979, Miami, FL (with D.A. Drew)
"An Evaluation of Interfacial Drag Models for Bubbly Two-Phase Flows," ASME Symposium Volume on Interfacial Transport Phenomena, 1979 (with S. Sim and D.A. Drew).
"The Analysis of Dynamic Bias in Gamma Densitometer Measurements," ANS Transactions, 32, 1979 (with T.J. Honan).
"The Evaluation of Static Error in Gamma Densitometry," ANS Transactions , 32, 1979 (with T.J. Honan).
"Scaling of the RPI Parallel Channel Effects Experiment," ANS Transactions , 32, 1979 (with W.M. Conlon).
"Current Light Water Nuclear Reactor Safety Concerns," ANS Transactions , 32, 1979.
"Dynamic Bias in Side-Scatter Gamma Density Measurements," ANS Transactions , 323, 1979 (with R.R. Gay).
"An Analytic Derivation of a Subchannel Void-Drift Model," ANS Transactions , 33, 1979 (with D.A. Drew).
"Dynamic Analysis of a Drag-Disk in Transient Two-Phase Flow," ANS Transactions , 33, 1979 (with P. Kamath).
"The Effect of Heater Rod Dynamics on CCFL Mechanisms," ANS Transactions , 33, 1979 (with K. Ohkawa).
"Modeling of Two-Phase Flow Manometric Oscillations," Proceedings of the 11th Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, University of Pittsburgh, 1980 (with C.N. Shen and R.P. Taleyarkhan).
"An Assessment of Current LWR Thermal-Hydraulic Safety Concerns," Proceedings of 5th Indian Heat & Mass Transfer Conference, Hyderabad, India, 1980.
"An Analytical Approach to the Evaluation of Water Hammer Phenomena," ANS Transactions, 35, 1980 (with D.A. Drew).
"A Mixing Length Model for Fully-Developed Turbulent Two-Phase Flow," ANS Transactions, 35, 1980 (with D.A. Drew).
"The Measurement of Local Void Fraction with a Side-Scatter Gamma Technique," Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium of the Instrument Society of America, Seattle, WA, May 1980 (with R.R. Gay and K. Ohkawa).
"The Analysis of a Drag-Disk in Transient Two-Phase Flow," Proceedings of the ANS/ASME Topical Meeting on Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, NUREG/CP-0014, Saratoga Springs, NY, October 1980 (with M. Perez-Griffo and R.C. Block).
"Basic Two-Phase Flow Measurements Using 16N Tagging Techniques," Proceedings of the ANS/ASME Topical Meeting on Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, NUREG/CR-0014, Saratoga Springs, NY, October 1980 (with M. Perez-Griffo and R.C. Block).
"Analysis of the Error in Instantaneous Void Fraction Measurements by a Dual-Beam X-Ray Technique," ANS Transactions, 34, 1980 (with B.K. Malaviya).
"The Analysis of LOFT Drag Disk Turbine Meter Rakes," ANS Transactions, 34, 1980 (with P.S. Kamath).
"Derivative Signal Thresholding for a Local Void Impedance Probe," ANS Transactions, 34, 1980 (with M. Vince).
"Flow Regime Identification Using a High Intensity X-Ray System," ANS Transactions, 34, 1980 (with M. Vince).
"Involvement in Nuclear Public Information Activities at RPI," ANS Transactions, 34, 1980 (with B.K. Malaviya, H. Burdock and R.M. Ryan).
"The Analysis of Two-Phase Level in a PWR Core During Conditions of Severely Reduced Liquid Mass Inventory," Proceedings of the ICHMT Seminar, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1980.
"The Effect of Gravity and Friction on the Stability of Boiling Flow in a Channel," AIChE Symposium Series #199, Vol. 76, 1980 Vol. 11, 59-79, 1981 (with J-L. Achard and D.A. Drew).
"The Analysis of Vent Clearing," ANS Transactions, 35, 1980 (with Z.M. Khalid).
"The Effect of Radial Nonuniformity on BWR Stability Margins," ANS Transactions, 35, 1980 (with G. Park and M. Becker).
"Non-Uniform Tagging and Flow Structure Effects in PNA Measurements," ANS Transactions, 35, 1980 (with M. Perez-Griffo and R.C. Block).
"Interfacial Dissipation in Two-Phase Flow," ASME Symposium Volume, Basic Mechanisms in Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer, 1980 (with D.A. Drew).
"Analytical Modules for Nuclear Reactor Simulators," Proceedings of USNRC/EPRI Symposium on Simulation Methods for Nuclear Power Systems, EPRI Report WS-81-212, 1981.
"The Effect of Virtual Mass on the Prediction of Critical Flow," Proceedings of 3rd CSNI Specialists Meeting on Transient Two-Phase Flow, Cal. Tech., 1980.
"The Adaptation of a Non-Equilibrium Vapor Generation Model into MAYU4a," ANS Transactions, 38, 1981 (with C.E. Hardie and R.R. Gay).
"The Analysis of System Pressure Drop Characteristics During Flow Boiling," ANS Transactions, 38, 1981.
"Stability Analysis for a Nonuniformly Heated Boiling Channel," ANS Transactions , 38, 1981 (with R. Taleyarkhan and M. Podowski).
"Thermal-Hydraulic Instrumentation for LWR Experiments A Review," ANS Transactions, 38, 1981.
"A State Variable Model and Stability Criterion for Density-Wave Oscillations in Boiling Water Reactors," Proceedings of the 12th Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation," University of Pittsburgh, 4/30-5/1, 1981 (with C.N. Shen and J. Balaram).
"A State Variable Formulation of Density-Wave Oscillation in Boiling Water Reactors," ANS Transactions, 36, 1981 (with C.N. Shen and J. Balaram).
"A Mechanistic Analysis of LOFT Pulsed Neutron Activation Data," ANS Transactions , 38, 1981 (with M.L. Perez-Griffo and R.C. Block).
"An Analytical Solution for BWR Channel Flow Split," ANS Transactions , 39, 1981 (with R. Beauman).
"Flow Regime Effects on Integral and Local Slip in Vertical Two-Phase Flows," ANS Transactions, 39, 1981 (with M.A. Vince).
"An Interactive Graphics Based Multi-Purpose Nuclear Power Plant Simulator," ANS Transactions, 39, 1981 (with F.E. Wicks).
"A Review of Some Selected Nonintrusive Nuclear and Optical Techniques for the Determination of Void Fraction, Flow Regime and Two-Phase Flow Rate," ANS Transactions, 39, 1981.
"Thermal-Hydraulic Stability of Interconnected Boiling Channels," ANS Transactions, 39, 1981 (with R. Taleyarkhan and M. Podowski).
"The Use of Microprocessors for the Evaluation of the Thermal-Hydraulic Stability of Boiling Systems," ANS Transactions, 39, 1981.
"An Improved Model for the Stability Analysis of BWRs," ANS Transactions , 39, 1981 (with G.C. Park, J.K. Park, M. Becker and M. Podowski).
"The Effect of Heater Wall Dynamics on Density-Wave Oscillations in a Boiling Channel," Proc. 7th International Heat Transfer Conference, Munich, Germany, 1982 (with R. Taleyarkhan and M. Podowski).
"Ventilated Channel Instability Analysis," ASME Preprint 82-WA/HT-3, 1982 (with R. Taleyarkhan and M. Podowski).
"The Modeling of Density-Wave Oscillations in Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors," Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Workshop on Two-Phase Flows and Heat Transfer," August 31-September 3, 1982, Spitzingsee, Germany (with G.C. Park, M. Podowski and M. Becker).
"Density-Wave Oscillations," Proc. 9th U.S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics, Cornell University, June 1982 (with M. Podowski).
"Some Physical Problems Involving Large Moving Gradients," Proceedings of the 10th IMACS World Congress on Systems Simulation and Scientific Computation, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, August 1982.
"An Analysis of BWR Flow Transients," ANS Transactions, 41, 1982 (with S. Peng and D.A. Drew).
"An Analysis of a Hypothetical BWR Inlet Flow Blockage," ANS Transactions , 41, 1982 (with M.E. Nissley and R.R. Gay).
"On the Relationship Between Ledinegg and Density-Wave Instability Analysis," ANS Transactions, 41, 1982 (with G. Yadigaroglu).
"The Stability Analysis of BWR Recirculating Loops," ANS Transactions, 41, 1982 (with G.C. Park, M. Podowski and M. Becker).
"Virtual Mass Effects in Two-Phase Flows A Review," ANS Transactions, 41, 1982.
"The Interaction of Neutronics and Thermal-Hydraulics in the Evaluation of BWR Stability," Proceedings of the ANS Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics and Core Thermal-Hydraulics, 1982 (with M. Becker, J.K. Park, G.C. Park and M. Podowski).
"Pulsed Neutron Activation for Single- and Two-Phase Flow Measurements," Proceedings of the Institute of Physics Conference on the Neutron and Its Applications, Cambridge, England, September 1982 (with M.L. Perez-Griffo and R.C. Block).
"Multivariable Approach to Boiling Water Nuclear Reactor Stability," Proceedings of the 13th Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, 1982 (with J. Balaram and C.N. Shen).
"A Heat Transfer Model for LWR Fuel Rods During Hypothetical Core Meltdown Accidents," ANS Transactions, 42, 1982 (with T. Ikeda, M. Podowski and B. Koh).
"Multivariable Stability Margins for Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors," Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, December 8-10, 1982 (with J. Balaram and C.N. Shen).
"Wave Dispersion Effects in Two-Phase Flow," Proceedings of the 2nd International Topical Meeting on Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Santa Barbara, CA, January 1983 (with L. Cheng and D.A. Drew).
"The Development of a Nodal Method for the Stability Analysis of Ventilated Boiling Channels," Proceedings of the 2nd International Topical Meeting on Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Santa Barbara, CA, January 1983 (with R. Taleyarkhan and M. Podowski).
"Scaling of BWR Parallel Channel Effects," Proceedings of the NRC Meeting on Basic Thermal-Hydraulic Mechanisms in LWR Analysis, Bethesda, MD, September 1983 (with W.M. Conlon).
"Multichannel Stability Analysis of BWR Recirculating Loops," ANS Transactions, 44, 1983 (with G. Park, M. Becker and M. Podowski).
"Channel-to-Channel Instabilities in Parallel Channel Boiling Systems," ANS Transactions, 44, 1983 (with M. Podowski and R.P. Taleyarkhan).
"The Modeling of Heat Transfer in a Degraded BWR Core," AIChE Symposium Series, 79, 1983 (with M. Podowski and R. Taleyarkhan).
"Annular Two-Phase Flow Measurements in a Horizontal Pipe using the Pulsed Photon Activation Technique," ANS Transactions, 45, 1983 (with O.C. Jones, Jr., T.F. Lin and R.C. Block).
"The Analysis of Subcooled Boiling Dynamics in Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors," Proceedings of the ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1983 (with G.C. Park, M. Becker, and M. Podowski).
"An Analysis of Molten Material Relocation and Rubble Bed Formation in Degraded BWR Cores," ASME Symposium Volume, Thermal-Hydraulic Aspects of Nuclear Reactor Safety, 1983 (with M. Podowski and R. Taleyarkhan).
"An Analysis of Feed-and-Bleed Mode of PWR Emergency Core Cooling," ANS Transactions, 45, 1983 (with A. Salame-Alfie).
"The Two-Phase Flow Measurements Using a Pulsed-Photon-Activation (PPA) Technique," Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Measuring Techniques in Gas/Liquid Two-Phase Flows, Nancy, France, 1983 (with T.F. Lin, R.C. Block, O.C. Jones, Jr. and M. Murase).
"An Analysis of Density-Wave Oscillations in Ventilated BWR Fuel Rod Bundles," Trans. of the 3rd Multi-Phase Flow & Heat Transfer Symposium Workshop, 1983, Miami Beach, Florida (with M. Podowski and R. Taleyarkhan).
"NUFREQ-NP: A Computer Code for the Stability Analysis of Boiling Water Reactors," ANS Transactions, 46 and 2nd Proceedings on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, Annual Meeting of American Nuclear Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1984 (with S.J. Peng and M. Becker).
"The Modeling of Emergency Core Cooling (ECCS) in a Degraded BWR Core," ANS Transactions, 46 and 2nd Proceedings on Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics, Annual Meeting of American Nuclear Society, New Orleans, LA , 1984 (with B.R. Koh, R.P. Taleyarkhan and M. Podowski).
"Film Thickness and Non-Intrusive Void Fraction Measurements in Horizontal Annular Flows," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Two-Phase Annular and Dispersed Flows, Pisa, Italy, 1984 (with T.F. Lin, O.C. Jones, Jr., R.C. Block and M. Murase).
"Local Void Fraction Measurements Techniques in Two-Phase Bubbly Flows Using Hot-Film Anemometry," Proceedings of the 22nd ASME/AIChE National Heat Transfer Conference, Niagara Falls, NY, August 5-8, 1984.
"Mathematical Modeling of U-Tube Steam Generator Dynamics for Slow Transients and Small Break Loss-of-Coolant Accidents," Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Plant Simulation, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 1984.
"An Analysis of Core Meltdown Accidents for BWRs," Proceedings of the Fifth International Meeting on Thermal Nuclear Reactor Safety, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1984 (with S.H. Kim, M. Podowski and R.P. Taleyarkhan).
"Mathematical Modeling of U-tube Steam Generator Dynamics for Slow Transients and Small Break Loss-of-Coolant Accidents," Proceedings of the 85th Eastern Simulation Conference, Norfolk, VA, March 3-8, 1985 (with J.S. Petzold and M. Podowski).
"Modeling Two-Phase Flow Division at T Junctions," Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Multiphase Flow, BHRA, London, 1985 (with B. Azzopardi and M. Cox).
"The Analysis of Degraded BWR Core Thermal-Hydraulics," ANS Proceedings, 1985 National Heat Transfer Conference, Denver, CO, August 6-9, 1985 (with M.Z. Podowski, S.H. Kim, B.R. Koh and R.P. Taleyarkhan).
"A Stability Analysis of Ventilated Boiling Channels," ANS Proceedings, 1985 National Heat Transfer Conference, Denver, CO, 1985 (with R. Taleyarkhan and M. Podowski).
"BWR Linear Stability Analysis," ANS Proceedings, 1985 National Heat Transfer Conference, Denver, CO, 1985 (with S.J. Peng and M.Z. Podowski).
"The Hydrodynamic Development Length for Lateral Void Distribution in a Triangular Conduit," ASME Symposium Volume, Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer, Denver, CO, August 6-9, 1985 (with S.H. Kim).
"An Assessment of the Severe Core Damaged Predictive Capabilities using MELRPI," Proceedings of the Third International Topical meeting on Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Newport, RI, October 15-18, 1985 (with S.H. Kim and M.Z. Podowski).
"An Analytical Model for the Prediction of Two-Phase Level During Bottom Reflooding of a Heated Channel," Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Newport, RI, 1985 (with M.R. Fakory).
"Stability Margin Evaluation in Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors," Proceedings of the Third International Topical Meeting on Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Newport, RI, October 15-18, 1985 (with M.Z. Podowski and S.J. Peng).
"The Effect of Fuel Rod Dynamics on BWR Stability Margin," Proceedings of the Third International Topical Meeting on Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Newport, RI, October 15-18, 1985 (with R.P. Taleyarkhan and M.Z. Podowski).
"An Experimental Investigation of BWR/4 Long-Term Cooling with Either Intact or Broken Jet Pump Seals," Proceedings of the Third International Topical Meeting on Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Newport, RI, October 15, 1985 (with M. Fakory).
"MELRPI Code Assessment and Its Application to Severe Core Damage Accident Analysis," Proceedings of the ANS Topical Meeting on Thermal Reactor Safety, San Diego, CA, February, 1986 (with S. Kim and M. Podowski).
"A Study of Using Simulants for Assessments of LWR Meltdown Models," ANS Transactions, 52, 1986 (with S. Kasprzak and M. Podowski).
"An Analysis of Siphon Dynamics," ANS Transactions, 52, 1986.
"Subchannel Measurements of the Equilibrium Quality and Mass Flux Distribution in a Rod Bundle," Proceedings of the Eighth International Heat Transfer Conference, Vol. 5, San Francisco, CA, August 17-22, 1986.
"An Analysis of BWR-Core Degradation and Meltdown Progression Using the MELPRI Computer Code," Proceedings of the ANS Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics and Safety, NUREG/CR-0080, Vol. 1, Saratoga Springs, NY, September 1986 (with A. Sozer, S.H. Kim and M.Z. Podowski).
"Current Challenges in Nuclear Reactor Safety," Proceedings of the ANS Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics and Safety, NUREG/CP-0080, Vol. 1, Saratoga Springs, NY, September 1986.
"Experimental Simulations and Analytical Modeling of Impinging-Jet-Induced Plate Melting," Proceedings of the ANS Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics and Safety, NUREG/CP-0080, Vol. 1, Saratoga Springs, NY, September 1986 (with S. Kasprzak and M.Z. Podowski).
"The Modeling of Molten Fuel Relocation Phenomena in a Degraded BWR Core," Proceedings of the ANS Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics and Safety, NUREG/CP-0080, Vol. 1, Saratoga Springs, NY, September 1986 (with El-K. SiAhmed and M.Z. Podowski).
"An Investigation of Sound Propagation in Bubbly Air-Water Flows," Proceedings of the ASME WAM International Symposium on Multi-Phase Fluid Transients, Anaheim, CA, December 7-12, 1986 (A.E. Ruggles and H.A. Scarton).
"Bubble Size and Velocity Distribution in Bubbly Two-Phase Flows," Proceedings of the 4th Miami International Symposium on Multi-Phase Transport & Particulate Phenomena, Miami Beach, FL, December 15-17, 1986 (with K.M. Bukhari).
"Finite Element Analysis of Two-Dimensional Single and Two-Phase Flows," Proceedings of the 4th Miami International Symposium on Multi-Phase Transport & Particulate Phenomena, Miami Beach, FL, December 15-17, 1986 (with K.M. Bukhari).
"Phase Separation Phenomena in Multiphase Systems," Proceedings of the 4th Miami International Symposium on Multi-Phase Transport & Particulate Phenomena, Miami Beach, FL, December 15-17, 1986.
"A Dual Loop Jet Pump Model for BWR Stability Analysis," ANS Transactions, 53, 1986 (with S.J. Peng and M.Z. Podowski).
"The Modeling of BWR Thermal-Hydraulics for Severe Accident Analysis," Proceedings of the Second ASME/JSME thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 22-27, 1987 (with B.R. Koh and M.Z. Podowski).
"A Study of Using Simulant Materials to Model Core Meltdown Accidents," Proceedings of the Second ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 22-27, 1987 (with S.J. Peng and M.Z. Podowski).
"Interfacial Transport Phenomena During Simulated Reactor Meltdowns," submitted to the 6th International Conference on PhysicoChemical Hydrodynamics, England, April 6-8, 1987 (with M.Z. Podowski and S. Kasprzak).
"Turbulence and Phase Distribution Phenomena in Two-Phase Flow," Proceedings of the ICHMT Seminar on Transient Phenomena in Multiphase Flow, Hemisphere Press, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, May 24-30, 1987.
"A Linear Model to Study Fluid Dynamics Instabilities in Boiling Channels Due to Density Wave Oscillations," Proceedings of the 5th Congresso Nazionale sul Trasporto del Calore (UIT), Torino, Italy, June 25-27, 1987 (with F. DAuria, N. DeSanctis, P. DiMarco and M.Z. Podowski).
"The Relationship Between Standing Waves, Pressure Pulse Propagation and Critical Flow Rate in Two-Phase Mixtures," ANS Proceedings of the National Heat Transfer Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, August 9-12, 1987 (with A.E. Ruggles, D.A. Drew and H.A. Scarton).
"Transient Two-Phase Channel Flow for Nonuniform Axial Heat Fluxes," ANS Proceedings of the National Heat Transfer Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, August 9-12, 1987 (with G. Arnold).
"The Modeling of Reactor Vessel Failure Modes During Core Meltdown Accidents of BWRs," ASME Preprint: 87-HT-70, 1987 (with D.H. Kim and M.Z. Podowski).
"The Impact of Transient Single-Phase Heat Transfer Modeling on Predicted BWR Fuel Stability Margins," ANS Transactions, Vol. 55, 1987 (with R. Taleyarkhan, A. McFarlane and M.Z. Podowski).
"An Application of the APRIL Code to the Analysis of BWR Core Meltdown Accidents," ANS Transactions, Vol. 55, 1987 (with S.H. Kim and M.Z. Podowski).
"Transient Two-Phase Channel Flow for Nonuniform Axial Heat Fluxes," ANS Transactions, Vol. 55, 1987 (with G. Arnold).
"A Study on Single and Two-Phase Pressure Drop in Branching Conduits," Proceedings of the AIChE Winter Meeting, New York, NY, November 15-20, 1987 (with S.T. Hwang).
"The Modeling of BWR Thermal-Hydraulics for Severe Accident Analysis," AIChE Symposium Volume No. 257, Vol. 83, 1987 (With B. Koh and M.Z. Podowski).
"The Analysis of Two-Phase Drop in Branching Conduits Using a Two-Fluid Model," ANS Transactions, Vol. 56, 1988 (with S. Kalkach-Navarro and S-J. Lee).
"Derivation of Constitutive Equations for Interfacial Force and Reynolds Stresses for a Suspension of Spheres using Ensemble Cell Averaging," ANS Proceedings of the 25th NHTC, HTC-Vol. 3, 1988 (with G. Arnold and D. Drew).
"Finite Element Analysis of Fully Developed Turbulent Two-Phase Flow in Triangular Conduits," ANS Proceedings of the 25th NHTC, HTC-Vol. 3, 1988 (with S.K. Sim and J.E. Flaherty).
"A Linear Analysis of Channel-to-Channel Instability Modes," ASME Proceedings (Vol-2) of the 25th NHTC, HTD-Vol. 96, 1988 (with M.Z. Podowski, A. Clausse and N. DeSanctis).
"An Experimental Investigation of Phase Distribution in an Eccentric Annulus," Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Two-Phase Annular and Dispersed Flows Oxford, England, 1988.
"The Prediction of Two-Phase Turbulence and Phase Distribution Phenomena Using a Reynolds Stress Model," Fundamentals of Gas/Liquid Flows, FED-Vol. 72, ASME, NY, NY, 1988 (with M. Lopez de Bertodano, S.J. Lee and D.A. Drew).
"The Analysis of Choking in Two-Phase Flow," ANS Transactions, Vol. 57, 1988.
"An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Melt Propagation in a Rubble Bed, with Application in Severe Accident analysis," Proceedings of the ANS Winter Meeting, Washington, DC, October 30 to November 4, 1988 (with El-K. SiAhmed and M.Z. Podowski).
"Benchmarking and Qualification of the NUFREQ-NPW Code for Best Estimate Prediction of Multi-Channel Core Stability Margins," 4th Proceedings of Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics, ANS Winter Meeting, Washington, DC, 1988 (with R. Taleyarkhan, F.A. McFarlane and M.Z. Podowski).
"Finite Element Analysis of Fully Developed Single-Phase Turbulent Flows in Triangular Conduits," Proceedings of the Third International Meeting on Nuclear Power Plant Thermal-Hydraulics and Operations, Seoul, Korea, November 14-17, 1988 (with S.K. Sim and J.E. Flaherty).
"The Analysis of Phase Separation and Phase Distribution Phenomena using Two-Fluid Models," Proceedings of the Third International Meeting on Nuclear Power Plant Thermal-Hydraulics and Operations, Seoul, Korea, November 14-17, 1988.
"Modification of the BNL Plant Analyzer (HIPA) for the Nine Mile Point-1 Nuclear Power Station," Proceedings of the Third International Meeting on Nuclear Power Plant Thermal-Hydraulics and Operations, Seoul, Korea, November 14-17, 1988 (with M.E. Bryam, M.Z. Podowski and S. Cheng).
"An Analysis of Void Wave Propagation in Bubbly Flows," Proceedings of the 5th Miami International Symposium on Multiphase Transport & Particulate Phenomena, 1988 (with A.E. Ruggles and D.A. Drew).
"The Influence of Gravity on Density-Wave Instabilities in Boiling Channels," Proceedings of the 5th Miami International Symposium on Multiphase Transport & Particulate Phenomena, 1988 (with A. Clausse).
"A Lumped Parameter Model for Linear and Non-Linear Analysis of Excursive and Density-Wave Instabilities in Boiling Channels," Proceedings of 7th EUROTHERM
"Thermal Non-Equilibrium in Two-Phase Flow," Seminar Proceedings Technical Rome, Italy, 1989 (with P. DiMarco, A. Clausse and D.A. Drew).
"The Analysis of Core Meltdown Progression in BWRs," Proceedings of the 4th International Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Karlsruhe, FRG, 1989 (with M.Z. Podowski and J.M. Burger).
"Chaos and Non-Linear Dynamics of Density-Wave Instabilities in a Boiling Channel," AIChE Symposium Series 269, Vol. 85, 1989 (with A. Clausse and P. DiMarco).
"Void Wave Dispersion in Bubbly Flows," ANS Symposium Volume, HTC Vol. 4, 1989 (with J-W. Park and D.A. Drew).
"The Modeling of Aerosol Dynamics During Degraded Core Events," ANS Transactions , Vol. 60, 1989 (with A. Clausse).
"Experimental Simulation and Theoretical Analysis of Molten-Corium/Structure Interaction," ANS Transactions, Vol. 60, 1989 (with M.Z. Podowski, S. Kasprzak and D.H. Kim).
"Modeling and Calculation of Corium/Concrete Interaction in a MARK-I Containment," ANS Transactions, Vol. 61, 1990 (with H. Jia, S.J. Lee and M.Z. Podowski).
"An Analysis of Nonlinear Void Waves in Bubbly Flows," Proceedings of the Ninth International Heat Transfer Conference, Vol. 6, pp. 9-14, Jerusalem, Israel, August 19-24, 1990 (with J-W. Park and D.A. Drew).
"An Investigation of Periodic and Strange Attractors in Boiling Flows Using Chaos Theory," Proceedings of the Ninth International Heat Transfer Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 3-8, Jerusalem, Israel, August 19-24, 1990 (with A. Clausse).
"The Effect of CRD Flow on Severe Accident Mitigation in BWRs," ANS Transactions, Vol. 62, 1990 (with D.H. Kim and M.Z. Podowski).
"An Analysis of Chugging Loads in Containment Systems," ANS Transactions, Vol. 62, 1990 (with P.M. Lahey and D.A. Drew).
"The Analysis of Chaotic Instabilities in Boiling Systems," Proceedings of the 16th Eurotherm Seminar: Natural Circulation in Industrial Applications, October 11-12, 1990, Pisa, Italy (with A. "Clausse and D. Delmastro).
"The Current State-of-the-Art in the Modeling of Vapor/Liquid in Two-Phase Flows," ASME Preprint 90-WA/HT-13, 1990 (with D.A. Drew).
"Applications of Fractal & Chaos Theory in the Field of Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer," Proceedings of the 1990 ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Advances in Gas-Liquid Flows, HTD- Vol. 155, Dallas, TX, November 25-29, 1990.
"The Prediction of Phase Distribution using Two-Fluid Models," Proceedings of the 3rd ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, March 17-22, 1991, Reno, NV (with M. Lopez de Bertodano).
"The Analysis of S/RV Loads in Pressure Suppression Containment Systems," ANS Transactions, Vol. 63, pp. 304-306, 1991 (with P.M. Lahey and D.A. Drew).
"The Analysis of Chaotic Density-Wave Oscillations," ANS Transactions , Vol. 63, pp. 197-198, 1991 (with N. Takenaka and M.Z. Podowski).
"A Model of Radionuclides Transport in BWR Systems," Proceedings of the 27th NHTC, Minneapolis, MN, July 28-31, 1991 (with C.S. Cho and M.Z. Podowski).
"A Model of BWR Containment Thermal-Hydraulics under Severe Accident Conditions," Proceedings of the 27th NHTC, Minneapolis, MN, July 28-31, 1991 (with S-W. Kim and M.Z. Podowski).
"A Characteristic Analysis of Void Waves using Two-Fluid Models," Proceedings of the International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Tsukuba, Japan, Sept. 24-27, 1991.
"A Model of Radionuclides Transport in BWR Systems," Proceedings of 7th Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics Symposium, ANS Transactions, pp. 332-342, 1991 (with C.S. Cho and M.Z. Podowski).
"The Analysis of Phase Distribution in Turbulent Two-Phase Flows," Proceedings of the 4th International Lecture Course on Waves and Turbulence in Multiphase Flow, and Its Application, 1991.
"A Aplicacao do Modelo de Deslizamento na Determinacao da Fracao de Vazio em Escoamento Horizontal Estratificado e Anular," Proceedings of the 11th ABCM Mech. Eng. Eonf., Sao Paulo, Brazil, Dec. 1991 (with Fr. Franca).
"The Relationship Between Void Waves and Flow Regime Transition," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Instabilities in Multiphase Flows, Rouen, France, May 11-14, 1992 (with D.A. Drew, S. Kalkach-Navarro and J-W. Park).
"Phase Distribution in Complex Geometry Conduits," Proceedings of the Japan/US Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, Berkeley, CA, July 5-11, 1992 (with M. Lopez de Bertodano and O.C. Jones, Jr.).
"The Analysis of Void Waves in Two-Phase Flow," Proceedings of the Japan/US Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, Berkeley, CA, July 5-11, 1992 (with J-W. Park and D.A. Drew).
"Interfacial Area Density, Mean Radius and Number Density Measurements in Bubbly Two-Phase Flow," Proceedings of the 28th NHTC, San Diego, CA, Aug. 9-12, 1992 (with S. Kalkach-Navarro, D.A. Drew and R. Meyder).
"Simulation of Ablation Heat Transfer During Corium/Concrete Interaction," Proceedings of the 28th NHTC, San Diego, CA, Aug. 9-12, 1992 (with V. Garea, S. Kasprzak and M. Podowski).
"Multidimensional Effects During Corium Spreading in a MARK-I Containment," Proceedings of the 28th NHTC, San Diego, CA, Aug. 9-12, 1992 (with S. Kasprzak, H. Jia, M.Z. Podowski and R. Lilquist).
"Turbulent Bubbly Two-Phase Flow in a Triangular Duct," Proceedings of the NURETH-5, Salt Lake City, September 21-24, 1992 (with M. Lopez de Bertodano and O.C. Jones, Jr.).
"Numerical Simulation of DF-4 and CORA-16/17 Severe Fuel Damage Experiments Using APRIL.MOD3," Proceedings of the NURETH-5, Salt Lake City, September 21-24, 1992 (with S.W. Kim and M.Z. Podowski).
"The Assessment of Two Fluid Models Using Critical Flow Data," Proceedings of the ANS/ENS 1992 International Conference, Chicago, IL, November 15-20, 1992 (with B. Shome).
"Prediction of Critical Heat Fluxes Using a Hybrid Kohonen-Back Propagation Neural Network," Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks, Vol. 2, pp. 853-858, Proceedings of Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE), November 15-18, 1992 (with T.C. Yapo, M.J. Embrechts and S.T. Cathey).
"The Application of Neural Networks to Two-Phase Flow Regime Identification," Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks , Vol. 2, pp. 865-870, Proceedings of Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE), November 15-18, 1992 (with M.J. Embrechts and T.C. Yapo).
"Chaotic Phenomena in Density-Wave Oscillations," Presented at the New Bases for Engineering Science Algorithm, Dynamics & Fractal Symposium, November 23-28, 1992 (with C.J. Chang, F.J. Bonetto and D.A. Drew).
"The Application of Neural Networks to Flow Regime Identification," Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Power Conference, April 13-15, 1993, sponsored by Illinois Institute of Technology (with M.J. Embrechts and T. C. Yapo).
"A Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Jet Spreading Using and Euler-Lagrangian Technique," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Gas-Liquid Flows, ASME Spring Meeting, Washington, DC, June 20-23, 1993 (with F. Bonetto and D.A. Drew).
"The Measurement of Void Waves in Bubbly Two-Phase Flows," Proceedings of NURETH-6, Grenoble, France, October 5-8, 1993 (with J-W. Park and D.A. Drew).
"Numerical Simulation of Gas-Flow-Induced Circulation and Heat Transfer in a Liquid Pool Near an Inclined Wall," Proceedings of NURETH-6, Grenoble, France, October 5, 8, 1993 (with H. Jia, M. Lopez de Bertodano and M.Z. Podowski).
"Prediction of Two-Phase Sonic Velocity Using Two-Fluid Models," Proceedings of the ANS, TANSAO-69, 1993 (with C. Chang).
"Two-Fluid Modeling of the Bubbly/Slug Flow Regime Transition," Proceedings of the ANS, TANSAO-69, p. 495-496, 1993. Mark Mills Award, Invited Lecture (with S. Navarro-Valenti and D.A. Drew).
"Prospects for Bubble Fusion," Proceedings of NURETH-7 , NUREG/CP-0142, 1995 (with R. I. Nigmatulin ).
"Near- and Far-Field CFD for a Naval Combatant Including Thermal-Stratification and Two-Fluid Modeling," Proceedings of Twenty-first Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Trondheim, Norway, June 1996 (with E.G. Paterson, M.C. Hyman, F. Stern, P.M. Carrica, F.J. Bonetto, and D.A. Drew).
"Bubble Fusion Reactor Technology," Proceedings of the Japan/U.S. Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, Fukuoka, Japan, July 1996.
"A Geometrical Analysis of Interfacial Area Density for a Sinusoidal Wave and a Taylor Bubble in a Vertical Tube," Proceedings of AIChE Conference, Houston, TX, August 1996 (with T. Nigmatulin, and D.A. Drew).
A CFD Analysis of Multidimensional Phenomena in Two-Phase Flow using a Two-Fluid Model," Proceedings of AIChE Conference, Houston, TX, August 1996 (with A. Alajbegovic, N. Kurul, M. Podowski, and D.A. Drew).
"Mechanistic Modeling of CHF in Forced-Convection Subcooled Boiling," Proceedings of Conference on Convective Flow and Pool Boiling, Irsee, Germany, May 18-23, 1997 (with M.Z Podowski, A. Alajbegovic, N. Kurul and D.A. Drew).
"A Polydisperse Approach to Two-Phase Flow Around a Ship," Proceedings of ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Vancouver, June 22-26, 1997 (with P.M. Carrica, F. Bonetto, and D.A. Drew).
"A New Mechanistic Model of Critical Heat Flux in Forced-Convection Subcooled Boiling," Proceedings of NURETH-8, Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 30-Oct. 4, 1997 (with A. Alajbegovic, N. Kurul, M.Z. Podowski and D.A. Drew).
"A Mechanistic Model of the Ebullition Cycle in Forced Convection Subcooled Boiling," Proceedings of NURETH-8, Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 30-Oct. 4, 1997 (with R.M. Podowski, D.A. Drew and M.Z. Podowski).
"An Analysis of a Wavy Interface Between a Liquid Film and Gas Core in a Vertical Circular Channel," Proceedings of German-Japanese Symposium on Multi-Phase Flow, Tokyo, Japan, September 1997 (with F. Inada and D.A. Drew).
"Interfacial Area Density in a Four Field Model," Proceedings of the International Symposium of Multiphase Flow, Beijing, China, October 7-11, 1997 (with T.R. Nigmatulin and D.A. Drew).
"On the Theory of Supercompression and Sonoluminescence of a Gas Bubble in a Liquid-Filled Flask," Proceedings of the International Symposium of Multiphase Flow, Beijing, China, October 7-11, 1997 (with R.I. Nigmatulin, I.S. Akhatov and N.K. Vakhitova).
"The Development of Multidimensional Modeling Capabilities for Annular Flows," Proceedings of the ICMF-Lyon, France, June 8-12, 1998 (with S. Antal, N. Kurul and M.Z. Podowski).
"Dynamics of a Small Gas Bubble in a Spherical Liquid Filled Flask," Proceedings of the ICMF-Lyon, France, June 8-12, 1998 (with R. Nigmatulin, I. Akhatov and N. Vakhitova).
"A Polydispersed Approach to the Two-Phase Flow Around a Ship," Proceedings of the ICMF-Lyon, France, June 8-12, 1998 (with P. Carrica, F. Bonetto and D.A. Drew).
"Three-Phase Flow Measurements Using a Hot-Film Anemometer," Proceedings of the Symposium on Optical Measurement Techniques Applied to Heat and Mass Transfer, Multiphase Flow and Combustion, Garching, FRG, September 23-24, 1999 (with S. Mayo).
"The Analysis of Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Using a Multidimensional, Four Field, Two-Fluid Model," Proceedings of NURETH-9, San Francisco, CA, October 3-7, 1999 (with D.A. Drew).
"Hydrodynamics , Acoustics and Transport in Sonoluminescence Phenomena," L.A. Crum et al (Eds.), Sonochemistry and Sonoluminescence, pp. 127-138 , Kluwer Publishers, 1999 (with R. Nigmatulin , I. Akhatov ,and N. Vakhitova ).
"A Center-Averaged Two-Fluid Model for Wall-Bounded Bubbly Flows," Proceedings of MECOM 99, Argentina, 1999 (with A.E. Larreteguy and D.A. Drew).
"An Analysis of Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer using a Multidimensional, Multi-Field , Two-Fluid Computational Fluyid Dynamics (CFD) Model," Proceedings of the US (NSF)/Japan (JSPS) Joint Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, Santa Barbara, CA , June 5-8, 2000 (with D. A. Drew)
"Applications of Laser Anenometry in Experimental Studies of Two-Phase Flows," Proceedings of the International Conference on Multiphase Systems (ICMS-2000), Ufa, Russia, June 15-17, 2000 (with T.R. Nigmatulin and R.J. Bonetto).
"Experimental and Analytical Investigations on the Role of Multifrequency Excitation on Enhancing Sonoluminescence in Air/Water Mixtures," Proceedings of the International Conference on Multiphase Systems (ICMS-2000), Ufa, Russia, June 15-17, 2000 (with F.J. Moraga, R.P. Taleyarkhan, and F.J. Bonetto).
"An Analysis of Wavy Annular Flow," Proceedings of the International Conference on Multiphase Systems (ICMS-2000), Ufa, Russia, June 15-17, 2000 (with T.J. Nigmatulin and D.A. Drew).
"CFD Analysis of Dispersed Two-Phase Flows," Proceedings of the International Symposium of Multiphase Flow & Transient Phenomena (MFTP-2000), Antalya, Turkey, November 5-10, 2000.
"Modeling Turbulence Non-Isotropy in Dispersed Particle/Liquids Flows," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Multiphase flow & Transient Phenomena (MFTP-2000), Antalya, Turkey, November 5-10, 2000 (with A. Alajbegovic and D.A. Drew).
"A Multidimensional Analysis of Bubbly Two-Phase Flow," Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposiumon Advances in Computational Heat Transfer (CHT01), Palm Cove, Queensland, Australia, May 20-25, 2001.
"Acoustic Excitation and the Stability of Single Bubble Sonoluminescence for Various Noble Gases," Proceedings of the 5th World Conference of Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (ExHFT-5), Thessaloniki, Greece, September 24-28, 2001.
"Assessment of Turbulent Dispersion Models for Bubbly Flows," Proceedings of the 4th International Conference On Multiphase Flow (ICMF-2001), New Orleans, LA, May 27-June 1, 2001 (with F. Moraga, A. Larreteguy and D. Drew).
"Thermonuclear Fusion in Collapsed Microbubbles," Proceedings of EUROTHERM-74, Eindhoven , Netherlands, March 23-26, 2002 (with R. Nigmatulin , I. Akhatov and R. Taleyarkhan).
"A Center-Averaged Two-Fluid Model for Wall-Bounded Bubbly Flows," Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Numerical Methods for Multiphase Flow, ASME/European FED Conference, Montreal, Canada, July 14-18, 2002 (with A.E. Larreteguy and D.A. Drew ).
"Sonoluminescence and the Search for Bubble Fusion," Proceedings of HEAT-2002, Kielce, Poland, June 24-27, 2002 (with R. I. Nigmatulin and R. P. Taleyarkhan ).
" The Analysis of Bubble Fusion," ANS Transactions, June 9-13 , 2002 (with K.E. Jansen and S. Nagrath ).
"Dynamics of Collapsing Bubbles: Sonoluminescence and Bubble Fusion," Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on NonLinear Acoustics (ISNA-16), Moscow, Russia, August 19-23, 2002 (with R. Nigmatulin, I. Akhatov, A. Topolink, R. Bolotnova and R. Taleyarkhan ).
"An Analytical Approach to Bubble/Slug Flow Regime Modeling using a Multi-Field, Two-Fluid Model," Proceedings of the 6th ASME/JSME Conference, Kona, Hawaii, March 16-20, 2003 (with D. Drew ).
"Update and Clarifications on Experimental Studies for Nuclear Emissions during Acoustic Cavitation," Proceedings of the 145th Meeting of the Acoustic Society of America, Nashville, TN, April 28-May 2, 2003 (with R.P. Taleyarkhan, C.D. West, J.S. Cho, R.C. Block, and R. I. Nigmatulin).
"Update and Clarification on Analytical Studies for Nuclear Emissions during Acoustic Cavitation," Proceedings of the 145th Meeting of the Acoustic Society of America, Nashville, TN, April 28-May 2, 2003 (with R.I. Nigmatulin, R.P. Taleyarkhan, and C.D. West).
"The Modeling of Bubbly Flows around Naval Surface Ships at High Reynolds Numbers," Proceedings of the 2nd MIT Conference of Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 17-20 , 2003 (with F. Moraga , A. Larreteguy and D.A. Drew).
"The Design of Acoustic Resonant Chambers by Numerical Simulation," Proceedings of the 2nd MIT Conference of Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 17-20, 2003 (with S. Cancelos, F. Moraga, I. Akhatov and R.H. Parsons).
"Advancements in the Multidimensional Analysis of Multiphase Flows," Proceedings of HEFAT-2003, Victoria Falls, Zambia, June 23-26, 2003 (with D. Drew, K. Jansen, A. Galimov and S. Nagrath ).
"The Modeling of Lift and Dispersion Forces in Two-Fluid Model Simulations, Part-I : Jet Flows" , Proceedings of the ASME/JSME Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 6-10, 2003 (with M. Lopez de Bertodano, F. Moraga and D. A. Drew).
"The Modeling of Lift and Dispersion Forces in Two-Fluid Model Simulations, Part-II : Boundary Layer Flows," Proceedings of the ASME/JSME Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 6-10, 2003 (with F. Moraga, M. Lopez de Bertodano, and D. A. Drew).
"An Analytical Study on Interfacial Wave Structure Between a Liquid Film and Gas Core in a Vertical Circular Channel," Proceedings of NURETH-10, Seoul, Korea, October 5-9, 2003 (with F. Inada and D. A. Drew).
"A Non-Linear Model for Bubble-Induced Turbulent Viscosity in Bubbly Two-Phase Flow," Proceedings of NURETH-10, Seoul, Korea, October 5-9, 2003 (with I. Bolotnov, F. Moraga and D. A. Drew).
"An Analytical Study on Interfacial Wave Structure Between Liquid Film and Gas Core in a Vertical Channel," Proceedings of NURETH-10, Seoul, Korea, October 5-9, 2003 (with F. Inada and D.A. Drew).
"Modeling and Simulation of Full Scale Bubbly Flows around Surface Ships," Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium of Two-Phase Flow Modeling and Experiments, Pisa, Italy, September 22-24, 2004 (with F. Moraga, D. A. Drew).
"Simulating Churn-Turbulent Flows in a Bubble Column using a Three Field, Two-Fluid Model," Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF '04), Yokohama, Japan, May 30-June 4, 2004 (with S. Antal, M. Al-Dahhan).
"The Analysis of Void Wave Propagation and Instability using Two-Fluid Models,"Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF'04), Yokohama, Japan, May 30-June 4, 2004 (with J. Yin).
"An Analysis of Interacting Instability Modes," Proceedings of the Japan/US Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, Nagahama, Japan, Dec. 6-11, 2004 (with J. Yin, M. Jensen).
"Analysis of Void Wave Propagation and Sonic Velocity using a Two-Fluid Model," Proceedings of the Japan/US Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, Nagahama, Japan, Dec. 6-11, 2004.
"The Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Bubble Cluster Dynamics," Proceedings of the Japan/US Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, Nagahama, Japan, Dec. 6-11, 2004 (with I. Akhatov, R. Nigmatulin).
"Modeling Wall-Induced Forces on Bubbles for Inclined Walls," Proceedings of the Japan/US Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, Nagahama, Japan, Dec. 6-11, 2004 (with F. Moraga, S. Cancelos).
"The Design of Acoustic Chambers for Bubble Dynamics Research," Proceedings of the Japan/US Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, Nagahama, Japan, Dec. 6-11, 2004 (with S. Cancelos, F. Moraga, P. Bouchilooux).
"Bubble Nuclear Fusion Technology - Status and Challenges," Proceedings of the Japan/US Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, Nagahama, Japan, Dec. 6-11, 2004 (with R. Taleyarkhan, R. Nigmatulin).
"The Analysis of Interfacial Waves," Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium of Two-Phase Flow Modeling and Experiments, Pisa, Italy, Sept. 22-24, 2004 (with A. Galimov, D. A. Drew).
"The Analysis of Sonofusion," Proceedings of the ISMF ' 05, Xi'an, China, July 3-6, 2005 (with R.I. Nigmatulin ,R.P. Taleyarkhan).
"The Effect of an Accumulator on Pressure-Drop and Density-Wave Oscillations using a Linear Frequency Domain Model," Proceedings of the ISMF ' 05, Xi'an, China, July 3-6, 2005 (with J. Yin , M.K. Jensen , M.Z. Podowski).
"Sonofusion - Fact or Fiction"," Proceedings of NURETH-11, Avignon, France, October 2-6, 2005 (with R.P. Taleyarkhan, R.I. Nigmatulin ).
"Multidimensional Modeling of Developing Two-Phase Flows in a Large Adiabatic Riser," Proceedings of NURETH-11, Avignon, France, October 2-6, 2005 (with S. Antal, M. Z. Podowski, D. Barber, C. Delfino).
"Nanoscale Bubble Thermonuclear Fusion in Acoustically Cavitated Deuterated Liquid," Proceedings of NURETH-11, Avignon, France, October 2-6, 2005 (with R. Nigmatulin, R. Taleyarkhan ).
"Stabilitaetsanalyse eins Stroemungskanals mit ueberkritischen Dampfzustaenden," Proc. Compact fur Kerntechnische Gesell Shaft (KTG) , Jahrenstagung Kerntechnik - Aachen, Germany, May 16-18, 2006 (with Tino Ortega-Gomez, A. Class, T. Schulenberg).
"Stability Analysis of a Uniformly Heated Channel with Supercritical Water," Proceedings of ICONE-14, Miami, Florida, July 17-20, 2006 (with T. Ortega-Gomez, A. Class, T. Schulenberg).
"Computation of the Unsteady Two-phase Flow Around a Manuvering Surface Ship," Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Rome, Italy, September 17-22, 2006 (with M. Hyman, F. Moraga, D.A. Drew).
"The Effect of Gravity Level on the Stability of a Rankine Cycle Power System," Proceedings of ICAPP 2007, Nice, France, May 13-18, 2007 (with W. Schlichting, M. Podowski).
"The Modeling of Two-Phase Turbulence," Proceedings of ICMF-2007, Leipzig, Germany, July 9-13, 2007 (with I. Bolotnov, D. Drew, K. Jansen).
"Convergence Studies of Turbulent Channel Flows using a Stabilized Finite Element Method" , Proc. 9th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics , San Francisco , CA , July 23-26 , 2007 ( with A. Trofimova , A. Tejada-Martinez , K. Jansen).
"Stability Analysis of a Boiling Loop in Space," Proceedings of COMSOL Conference 2007, Boston, MA, October 4-6, 2007 (with W. Schlichting, M. Podowski, T. Ortega-Gomez).
"On the Direct Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Flows," Proceedings of NURETH-12, Pittsburgh, PA, September 30 - Oct. 4, 2007.
"Density-Wave Oscillations in Coupled Parallel Channels under Supercritical Pressure Conditions," Proceedings of ANS/ENS International Winter Meeting, Washington DC , November 11-15, 2007 (with T. Ortega-Gomez, A. Class, T. Schulenberg).
"Multidimensional Analysis of Developing Two-Phase Flows in an ESBWR with and without Riser Channels," Proceedings of ICAPP ' 08, Anaheim, CA, June 8-12, 2008 (with H. Murakawa and S. Antal).
"Multidimensional Analysis of Developing Two-Phase Flows using Multifield Simulation in Natural Circulation BWR Chimney," Proceedings of IFHT2008, Tokyo, Japan, September 17-19, 2008 (with H. Murakawa and S. Antal ).
"A Subgrid Model for Predicting Air Entrainment Rates in Bubbly Flows," Proceedings of 61st Meeting of the APS- Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Antonio, TX, November 23-25, 2008 (with Jingsen Ma, A. Oberai, D. Drew and F. Moraga).
"On the Operating Characteristics of Acoustic Chambers for Sonofusion," Proceedings of NURETH-13 , Kanazawa City, Japan, September 27 - Oct. 2, 2009 (with Markus Stokmaier, Bernard Maoulin, Andreas Class and Thomas Schulenberg).
"A Comprehensive Subgrid Air Entrainment Model for Reynolds-averaged Simulations of Free-Surface Bubbly Flows," Proceedings of the 62nd Meeting of the APS-Division of Fluid Dynamics, Minneapolis, MN, November 22-24, 2009 (with Jingsen Ma, A. Oberai, D. Drew and M. Hyman).
"The Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Annular Flow," Proceedings of ICMF 2010, Tampa, Florida, May 30-June 4, 2010 (with Joseph Rodriguez and Ken Jansen).
"Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Two-Phase Bubbly Channel Flow," Proceedings of ICMF 2010, Tampa, Florida, May 30-June 4, 2010 (with Igor Bolotnov, Ken Jansen, Donald Drew, Assad Oberai and Michael Podowski).
"DES and RaNS Modeling of a 3-D Hydraulic Jump with Air Entrainment using a Two-Fluid Model," Proceedings of ICMF 2010, Tampa, Florida, May 30-June 4, 2010 (with Jingsen Ma, Assad Oberai and Donald Drew).
"A Generalized Sub-Grid Air Entrainment Model for RaNS Modeling of Bubbly Flows," Proceedings of ICMF 2010, Tampa, Florida, May 30-June 4, 2010 (with Jingsen Ma, Assad Oberai and Donald Drew).
"Sub-grid Air Entrainment Model for RANS and LES Simulations of Free Surface Turbulence Bubbly Flows," Proceedings of the 28th ONR Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Cal Tech, Pasadena, CA, September 12-17, 2010 (with Assad Oberai, Jingsen Ma, and Donald Drew).
"A Detached Direct Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Turbulent Bubbly Channel Flow," Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2010), Tampa, FL, May30 - June 4, 2010 (with I. A. Bolotnov, K.E. Jansen, D.A. Drew, A.A. Oberai, M.Z. Podowski).
"The Simulation of Air Entrainment in a Hydraulic Jump using Two-Fluid DES and RaNS Models," Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2010), Tampa, FL, May30 - June 4, 2010 (with J. Ma, A.A. Oberai, D.A. Drew).
"A Generalized Subgrid Air Entrainment Model for RaNS Modeling of Bubbly Flows around Ship Hulls," Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2010), Tampa, FL, May30 - June 4, 2010 (with J. Ma, A.A. Oberai, M.C. Hyman, D.A. Drew).
"A Two-Way Coupled Polydispersed Simulation of Bubbly Flow Beneath a Plunging Liquid Jet," Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division (FED) Summer Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 1-5, 2010 (with J. Ma, A.A. Oberai, D.A. Drew).
"Acoustic Chambers for Sonofusion Experiments: FE - Analysis Highlighting Performance Limiting Factors," Proceedings of the 17th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV 17), Cario, Egypt, July 18-22, 2010 (with Markus J. Stokmaier, Andreas G. Class, Thomas Schulenberg).
"Influence of Bubbles on Liquid Turbulence Based on the Direct Numerical Simulation of Channel Flows," Proceedings of the 63rd Annual APS Meeting - Division of Fluid Dynamics, Long Beach, CA, November 21-23, 2010 (with Igor Bolotnov, Donald D. Drew and Michael Z. Podowski).
"Sonofusion: EA Optimization of Acoustic Resonators," Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 83d Annual IAAMM meeting, Darmstadt, Germany, Vol.12, Nr. 1.-ISSN 1617- 7061, March 26-30, 2012 (with Markus Stokmaier, Andreas Class, Thomas Schulenberg).
"Liquid-Filled Acoustic Resonator for Sonofusion Experiments - Solutions to the Design and the Algorithmic Optimization Problems," Proceedings of the European Nuclear Conference - 2012, Manchester, UK, December 9-12, 2012 (with Markus Stokmaier, Adreas Class and Thomas Schulenberg).
Unrefereed Publications
"Control Rod Oscillator Tests: Garigliano Nuclear Reactor," GEAP-5534, August 1967.
"BWR Stability Considerations Resulting from Garigliano Research and Development Program," International Symposium on Dynamics of Two-Phase Flow, presented at University of Eindohoven, The Netherlands, 1967 (with J. Hodde).
"Representation of Space-Time Velocity and Pressure Fluctuation Correlations by a Tentative Phenomenological Model," Stanford University Report MD-22, August 1968.
"Subchannel and Pressure Drop Measurements in a Nine-Rod Bundle for Diabatic and Adiabatic Conditions," GEAP-13049, March 1970 (with B. Shiralkar, et al)
"A Stochastic Wave Model Interpretation of Correlation Functions for Turbulent Shear Flows," Stanford University Report MD-26, May 1971.
"The Analysis of Transient Critical Heat Flux," GEAP-13249, 1972 (with J. Gonzalez).
"General Electric BWR Thermal Analysis Basis (GETAB): Data, Correlation and Design Application," NEDO-10958, November 1973.
"A Turbine-Meter Evaluation Model for Two-Phase Transients (TEMPI)," EG&G Idaho, Inc. Topical Report, 1977 (with P. Kamath).
"Transient Analysis of a Drag-Disk in Two-Phase Flow," EG&G Topical, NES-483, 1978 (with P. Kamath and D.R. Harris).
"The Measurement of Phase Separation in Wyes and Tees," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-0557, 1978 (with T.J. Honan).
"The Development of a Side-Scatter Gamma Ray System for the Measurement of Local Void Fraction," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-0677, 1978 (with S. Schell).
"A Review of Selected Void Fraction and Phase Velocity Measurement Techniques," Proceedings of the FDI Two-Phase Instrumentation Course, Dartmouth College, 1978.
"The Analysis of Proposed BWR Inlet Flow Blockage Experiments at PBF," EG&G Idaho, Inc., Topical Report, 1978 (with K. Ohkawa).
"Virtual Mass Effects in Two-Phase Flows," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-0020, 1979 (with L. Cheng and D.A. Drew).
"Flow Patterns & Phase Distribution Phenomena," Invited paper given at Two-Phase Flow Summer Course, Munich, Germany, 1979.
"Two-Phase Flow Instability," Invited paper given at Two-Phase Flow Summer Course, Munich, Germany, 1979.
"The Measurement of Void Fraction and Phase Velocity using Electrical Impedance Probes," Invited paper given at Two-Phase Instrumentation course, Grenoble, France, 1979.
"Radioactive Tagging Techniques in Two-Phase Flow," Invited paper given at Two-Phase Instrumentation Course, Grenoble, France, 1979.
"Photon Attenuation and Scattering Techniques in Two-Phase Flow," Invited paper given at Two-Phase Flow Instrumentation Course, Grenoble, France, 1979.
"Two-Phase Flow Phenomena in Nuclear Regulatory Technology," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-0677, 1979 (with S. Schell and R.R. Gay).
"Force & Torque Flow Measurement Methods," Proceedings of Stanford Summer Course on Two-Phase Flow Instrumentation, 1980.
"Transit Time Techniques," Proceedings of Stanford Summer Course on Two-Phase Flow Instrumentation, 1980.
"The Design of Photon Attenuation and Scattering Systems," Proceedings of Stanford Course on Two-Phase Flow Instrumentation, 1980.
"Local Void Probes," Proceedings of Stanford Summer Course of Two-Phase Flow Instrumentation, 1980.
"The Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Instability Phenomena in Heated Channels," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-1718, 1980 (with J.L. Achard and D.A. Drew).
"Flow Regime Identification and Void Fraction Measurement Techniques in Two-Phase Flow," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-1692, 1980 (with M.A. Vince).
"An Assessment of the Literature Related to LWR Instability Models," NUREG/CR-1414, 1980 (with D.A. Drew).
"Transient Analysis of DTT Rakes," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-2151, 1981 (with P.S. Kamath).
"The Analysis of Countercurrent Two-Phase Flow Pressure Drop and CCFL Breakdown in Diabatic and Adiabatic Conduits," NUREG/CR-2386, 1981 (with A. Ostrogorsky and R.R. Gay).
"Parallel Channel Effects During the Emergency Core Cooling of a BWR," Proceedings of the 9th Water Reactor Safety Information Meeting, Washington, DC 1981.
"Transient and Sustained Instabilities in Multiphase Flows," Proceedings of the 2nd Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer Symposium Workshop, 1981 (with J.L. Achard).
"The Measurement of Two-Dimensional Phase Separation Phenomena," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-1936, 1981 (with M. Barasch).
"Two-Fluid or Not Two-Fluid," Guest Column, Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Service, UKAEA, UK,1981.
"The Analysis of Proposed BWR Inlet Flow Blockage Experiments Using MAYU4b," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-2260 and EG&G Topical Report, EGG-2181, 1982 (with M.E. Nissley and R.R. Gay).
"The Analysis of Pulsed Neutron Activation Technique," USNRC topical Report, NUREG/CR-2471, 1981 (with M.L. Griffo and R.C. Block).
"An Experimental Investigation of Boiling Water Nuclear Reactor Parallel Channel Effects During a Postulated Loss-of-Coolant Accident," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-2971, 1982 (with W.M. Conlon).
"An Analysis of Density-Wave Oscillations in Ventilated Channels," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-2972, 1982 (with R. Taleyarkhan and M. Podowski).
"Phase Separation Phenomena in Branching Conduits," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-2590, 1982 (with N. Saba).
"The Development of NUFREQ-N, An Analytical Model for the Stability Analysis of Nuclear Coupled Density-Wave Oscillations in Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-3375, 1983 (with G.C. Park, M. Podowski and M. Becker).
"An Analysis of Wave Dispersion, Sonic Velocity and Critical Flow in Two-Phase Mixtures," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-3372, 1983 (with L. Cheng and D.A. Drew).
"Air/Water Subchannel Measurements of the Equilibrium Quality and Mass Flux Distribution in a Rod Bundle," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-3373, 1983 (with R. Sterner).
"Parallel Channel Effects and Long-Term Cooling During Emergency Core Cooling in a BWR/4," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-3376, 1983 (with M. Fakory).
"The Development of Gamma Ray Scattering Densitometer and Its Application to the Measurement of Two-Phase Density Distribution in an Annular Test Section," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-3374, 1983 (with K. Ohkawa).
"An Analysis of Boiling Water Nuclear Reactor Stability Margin," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-3291, 1983 (J. Balaram, C.N. Shen and M. Becker).
"The Measurement of Phase Distribution Phenomena in a Triangular Conduit," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-3576, 1983 (with S. Sim).
"Mechanistic Core-Wide Meltdown and Relocation Modeling for BWR Applications," NUREG/CR-3525, 1983 (with M.Z. Podowski and R. Taleyarkhan).
"Mathematical Modeling of U-Tube Steam Generator Dynamics for Slow Transients and Small Break Loss-of-Coolant Accidents," EPRI report RP11, 63-5, 1983.
"The Measurement of Countercurrent Phase Separation and Distribution in a Two-Dimensional Test Section," USNRC Topical Report, NUREG/CR-3577, 1984 (with K.M. Bukhari).
"Current Understanding of Phase Separation Mechanics in Branching Conduits," Proceedings of the U.S.-Japan Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, Lake Placid, NY 1984.
"Advances in Analytical Modeling of Linear and Nonlinear Density-Wave Instability Modes," Proceedings of the U.S.-Japan Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, Lake Placid, NY 1984.
"Modeling Two-Phase Flow Division at T Junctions," Proceedings of the H.T.F.S. Symposium, Coventry, England, 1984 (with B. Azzopardi and M. Cox).
"NUFREQ-NP: A Digital Computer Code for the Linear Stability Analysis of Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors," NUREG/CR-4116 USNRC Topical Report, 1984 (with S.J. Peng and M.Z. Podowski).
"Analytical Methods for Multicomponent Systems," Proceedings of Workshop on Industrial Applications of Multiphase Flow, UCSB, 1985.
"Light Water Nuclear Reactor LOCA Technology," Proceedings of Workshop on Industrial Applications of Multiphase Flow, UCSB, 1985.
"Condensation Heat Transfer," Proceedings of the RPI Summer Course on Two-Phase Heat and Mass Transfer in Single and Multicomponent Systems, 1985.
"Multicomponent Condensation," Proceedings of the RPI Summer Course on Two-Phase Heat and Mass Transfer in Single and Multicomponent Systems, 1985.
"Multicomponent Boiling," Proceedings of the RPI Summer Course on Two-Phase Heat and Mass Transfer in Single and Multicomponent Systems, 1985.
"The Modeling of BWR Core Meltdown Accidents - For Application in the MELRPI.MOD2 Computer Code," NUREG/CR-3889, 1985 (B.R. Koh, S.H. Kim, R. Taleyarkhan and M.Z. Podowski).
"Basic Conservation Equations," Proceedings of the RPI Summer Course on Computer Simulation of Multiphase Flows, 1986.
"Interfacial Transfer Laws," Proceedings of the RPI Summer Course on Computer Simulation of Multiphase Flows, 1986.
"Closure Conditions for Two-Fluid Models of Two-Phase Flow," Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on Energy Engineering Sciences, ANL, 1988 (with G. Arnold and D.A. Drew).
"The Relationship Between Microstructure and the Averaged Equations of Two-Phase Flow," EUROMECH 234, Toulouse, France, May, 1988 (with G. Arnold and D.A. Drew).
"The Analysis of Phase Separation Phenomena in Branching Conduits," Proceedings of the JAPAN/US Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, Kyoto, Japan, July 1988.
"An Analysis of Wave Propagation Phenomena in Two-Phase Flow," Proceedings of the JAPAN/US Seminar on Two-Fluid Flow Dynamics, Kyoto, Japan, July, 1988
"Phase Distribution and Phase Separation Phenomena in Two-Phase Flows," Proceedings of the Japan Society of Multiphase Flow, 1988.
"An Analysis of Wave Propagation Phenomena in Two-Phase Flow," Proceedings of RPI Summer Course of Modern Developments in Boiling Heat Transfer and Two-Phase Flow, 1988.
"An Analysis of Phase Distribution Phenomena in Two-Phase Flow," Proceedings of RPI Summer Course of Modern Developments in Boiling Heat Transfer and Two-Phase Flow, 1988.
"An Analysis of Phase Separation in Branching Conduits," Proceedings of RPI Summer Course of Modern Developments in Boiling Heat Transfer and Two-Phase Flow, 1988.
"The Development of APRIL.MOD2 - A Computer Code for Core Meltdown Accident Analysis of Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors," NUREG/CR-5157, July, 1988 (with S. Kim, et al).
"An Analysis of Wave Propagation Phenomena in Two-Phase Flow," Proceedings of RPI Summer Course of Modern Developments in Boiling Heat Transfer and Two-Phase Flow, 1989.
"An Analysis of Phase Distribution Phenomena in Two-Phase Flow," Proceedings of RPI Summer Course of Modern Developments in Boiling Heat Transfer and Two-Phase Flow, 1989.
"An Analysis of Phase Separation in Branching Conduits," Proceedings of RPI Summer Course of Modern Developments in Boiling Heat Transfer and Two-Phase Flow, 1989.
"Degraded BWR Core Modeling - Physical Simulations of Selected Components," ESEERCO EP84-4 Final Report, September 1989 (with M.Z. Podowski).
"The Analysis of Void Wave Phenomena," Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Energy Engineering Sciences, pp. 27-34, ANL Report CONF-9005183, 1990 (with J-W. Park and D.A. Drew).
"Degraded BWR Core Modeling - APRIL.MOD3 Severe Accident Code," ESEERCO EP84-4 Final Report, July 1990 (with M.Z. Podowski).
"Multiphase Thermal Science," Proceedings of the NSF Workshop on Thermal Sciences, Chicago, April 19-21, 1991.
"A Four Field Model for Two-Phase Flow," 12th Symposium on Energy Engineering Sciences, 4/27-29/94, Argonne National Laboratory (with D.A. Drew).
"Synchronic Nonlinear Forcing of a Sonoluminescent Microbubble using Fast Ultrasonic Pulses," Proceedings of the APS, March 1996 (with F.J. Bonetto and G.A. Delgadino).
"A CFD Analysis of Multidimensional Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Using a Four Field Two-Fluid Model," Proceedings of the Thirteenth U.S. National Congress on Applied Mechanics, U of Florida, June 21-26, 1998.
"A CFD Analysis of Multidimensional Two-Phase Flow & Heat Transfer with a Four Field Two-Fluid Model," Proceedings of IMUST Meeting, Santa Barbara, CA, March 18-20, 1999.
"A Center-Averaged Two-Fluid Model for Wall-Bounded Flows," ONR Free Surface and Bubbly Flows Workshop, La Jolla, CA, February 24-26, 1999 (with A.E. Larreteguy and D.A. Drew).
"Multidimensional Two-Fluid Modeling of Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer In a Boiling Channel with Applications to CHF Modeling in Forced-Convection Sucooled Boiling," National Science Agency of Tiawan Report, August 1999 (with C. Pan and D. A. Drew)
"An Analysis of Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer using a Multidimensional, Multi-Field, Two-Fluid Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Model," Proceedings of the Japan/US Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynanmics, Santa Barbara, California, June 5-8, 2000 (with D.A. Drew).
"An Analysis of Rectified Diffusion in a Sonoluminescing Gas Bubble," Proceedings of the Japan/US Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, Santa Barbara, California, June 5-8, 2000 (with S. Bae and R. Nigmatulin).
"On the Multidimensional Analysis of Two-Phase Flows," Proceedings of the USDOE Workshop on Scientific Issues in Multiphase Flow, University of Illinois-CU, May 7- , 2002 (with D. Drew).
"Sonoluminescence and the Search for Sonoluminescence," ANS Panel on Advances in Fusion Technology, ANS Annual Meeting, Hollywood , Florida , June 9-13 , 2002
"Response - Tabletop Fusion Revisited (by: A. Galonsky)," Science on-line, 2002 (with R. Taleyarkhan , R. Block and C. West).
"Response - Questions Regarding Nuclear Emissions in Cavitation Experiments (by M. Saltmarsh and D. Shapira )," Science on-line, 2002 (with R. Taleyarkhan , R. Block and C. West ).
"Energetics of Nano-to-Macro Scale Triggered Tensioned Metastable Fluids", ORNL/TM-2022/233 , 2002 (with R. Taleyarkhan , C. West , J. Cho and I. Akhatov ).
"The Modeling of Bubbly Flows Around Ship Hulls," Maui High Performance Computing Center, Application Brief, 2002 (with F. Moraga and D. A. Drew ).
"Full-Scale Simulations of the Research Ship Roger Revelle," Maui High Performance Computing Center, Application Brief, 2003 (with F. Moraga and D. A. Drew).
"The Development of Interfacial Drag and Non-Drag Laws for Stratified Flow using PHASTA-2I," Proceedings of the American Physical Society, East Rutherford, NJ , November 23-25, 2003.
"Computational Multiphase Fluid Dynamics (CMFD) Analysis of a Single ESBWR Riser Channel," ISL Final Topical Report, 2004 (with S. Antal, M. Popowski).
"Research in Support of the Use of Rankine Cycle Energy Conversion Systems for Space Power and Propulsion," NASA/CR-2004-213142, 2004 (with V. Dhir).
"Safety and Security of Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage," Classified National Research Council (NRC) Topical Report, 2004.
"Nuclear Engineering External Review Committee Report," Purdue University Report, 2004.
"The CMFD Analysis of Three-Field Chemical Reactors," CREL Topical Report, 2004 (with S. Antal).
"The Sonofusion Research Project at KIT and RPI," Proceedings of the 62nd Meeting of the American Physical Society - Division of Fluid Dynamics, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 22-24, 2009 (with Markus Stokmaier, Bernard Malouin, Andreas Class , Thomas Schulenberg).
Selected Publications and Associated Papers
- "Sonofusion - Fact or Fiction"
NURETH-11, Avignon, France, October 2-6, 2005.
- "Bubble Fusion-Hydro Code Analysis"
DARPA Talk - Arlington, VA, June 19, 2003.
- "An Analysis of Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Using a Multidimensional, Multi-Field, Two-Fluid Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Model"
Japan/US Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, Santa Barbara, California, June 5-8, 2000.
- "Recent Advances in Multiphase Flow & Hear Transfer - Engineering Applications of Fractal and Chaos Theory"
Karlsruhe, Germany, August 20-29, 2001.
Papers Associated with Sonofusion Paper (SCIENCE, 2002)
- "Shapira and Saltmarsh Report" ( REF. 31, Science, Vol. 295, p.1868, 2002)
- "Comments on the Shapira and Saltmarch Report" ( REF. 32, Science, Vol. 295, p.1868, 2002)
Research Funding
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC)
- Two-Phase Flow Phenomena in Nuclear Reactor Technology
$1,006,240 June 1, 1976 - May 31, 80. - Technical Assistance Program for the Thermal-Hydraulic Stability Analysis Relating to Light Water Nuclear Reactors
$676,425 March 15, 1976 - September 4, 1983. - Multidimensional Effects in LWR Thermal-Hydraulics
$176,000 June 1, 1980 - January 31, 1981. - The Development of Thermal-Hydraulic Stability Methods for BWRs
$100,000 September 5, 1981 - September 4, 1983.
Office of Naval Research (ONR)
- An Experimental Study of Plunging Liquid Jet Induced Air Carryunder and Dispersion
$122,883 (November 1, 1990 - October 30, 1991) - A Study of Spreading Two-Phase Jets
$120,000 (January 1, 1994 - December 31, 1995) - A Study of Spreading Two-Phase Jets
$138,892 (March 1, 1995 - December 31, 1995) - Bubbly Flow Dynamics and Numerical Implementation in Complex Flows
$707,701 (February 1, 1996 - June 30, 2000) - The Modeling of Two-Phase Flow Around Ship Hulls
$900,841 (July 1, 2001 - June 30, 2006) - The Modeling of Two-Phase Flow Around Ship Hulls
$1,1280,000 (July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2010)
- An Investigation of Turbine-Meter Drag Disc Devices in Transient Two-Phase Flow
$11,000 (October 1, 1976 - September 30, 1977) - Analysis of BWR Inlet Flow
$20,000 (October 1, 1977 - September 30, 1978) - An Investigation of Turbine-Meter Drag Disc Devices in Transient Two-Phase Flow
$121,764 (October 15, 1976 - September 30, 1979) - Analysis of BWR Inlet Flow
$78,549 (February 1, 1980 - January 31, 1981) - The Analysis of PNA Techniques
$29,323 (February 1, 1980 - February 28, 1981) - The Development of a Global Transient Model for DTT Rakes
$55,764 (October 1, 1978 - September 30, 1979) - The Analysis of BWR Inlet Flow Blockage using MAYU-4B
$81,258 (January 1, 1980 - December 31, 1980)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Three-Dimensional Turbulence Structure Measurement in Two-Phase Flow
$218,000 (March 1, 1981 -November 30, 1983) - Three-Dimensional Turbulence Structure Measurements in Two-Phase Flow
$78,800 (May 1, 1982 - April 30, 1983) - Three-Dimensional Turbulence Structure in Two-Phase Flow Measurements
$77,700 (May 1, 1983 - April 20, 1984) - Phase Separation Mechanisms in Branching Conduits
$175,000 (December 1, 1984 - January 31, 1987) - Phase Distribution Phenomena in Complex Geometry Conduits
$85,655 (March 1, 1988 - February 28, 1989) - A Study of Phase Separation in Branching Conduits
$95,000 (February 1, 1989 - January 31, 1990) - Phase Distribution Phenomena in Multiphase Systems
$88,446 (September 1, 1989 - August 31, 1990) - The Modeling of Two-Phase Turbulence
$252,351 (November 1, 2001 - October 31, 2004)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
- The Development of Mechanistic Models for the MARCH-based Analysis of BWR Cores
$30,950 (September 1, 1981 - August 31, 1982) - The Development of Mechanistic Models for the MARCH-based Analysis of BWR Cores
$117,990 (September 1, 1981 - August 31, 1983) - The Development of Mechanistic BWR Hydraulics and Structural Component Failure Models for the MARCH Code
$46,000 (September 1, 1982 - August 31, 1983) - Development of Improved Models for BWR Thermal-Hydraulics and Core Degradation Phenomena
$170,748 (September 1, 1983 - August 31, 1985) - Perform Bubble Fusion Analysis and Experiments at RPI and ORNL
$95,000 (April 3, 1998 - September 30, 1999) - Analysis of Sonoluminescence/Sonofusion Phenomena to Support ORNL Experiments
$164,784 (July 28, 1999 - July 27, 2003)
- The Analysis of Thermal-Hydraulic Instabilities in Quad-Plus Fuel
$97,445 (September 1, 1981 - August 31, 1982)
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
- The Development of Analytical Modules for Nuclear Reactor Simulators $49,085 (June 1, 1981 - May 31, 1982)
- Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Fundamentals
$15,000 (September 1, 1986 - June 30, 1987)
- An Analysis of BWR/4 and BWR/5 Pressure Boundary Failure Modes During Core Meltdown and Its Impact on Mark-II Containment
$304,667 (February 1, 1984 - January 31, 1986) - The Propagation and Failure Modes in Severely Degraded BWR Cores
$210,568 (September 1, 1985 - August 31, 1986) - Degraded BWR Code Modeling: Radionuclide Transport and Additional Thermal Hydraulics Models for the APRIL Code
$399,608 (June 1, 1987 - May 31, 1988) - Modeling and Analysis of Severe Accidents in BWRs Using the APRIL Computer Code
$356,712 (January 1, 1990 - December 31, 1990) - Degraded BWR Code Modeling: The Upgrading and Validation of APRIL as an Interactive Computer Code for BWR Severe Accident Analysis
$428,862 (January 1, 1992 - December 3, 1992)
United States Department of Energy (USDOE)
- An Analysis of the Closure Conditions for Two-Fluid Models of Two-Phase Flow
$115,000 (April 1, 1986 - March 31, 1987) - Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Fundamentals
$98.000 (September 1, 1986 - June 30, 1987) - An Investigation of the Closure Conditions for Two-Fluid Models of Two-Phase Flow
$120,000 (April 1, 1987 - March 31, 1988) - An Analysis of the Closure Conditions for Two-Fluid Models of Two-Phase Flow
$120,000 (April 1, 1988 - March 31, 1989) - The Continuum Modeling of Two-Phase Systems
$532,088 (April 1, 1989 - March 31, 1993) - A Nonintrusive Measurement System for Multiphase Flows
$134,549 (June 30, 1989 - June 29, 1990) - Analysis of Nuclear Reactor Instability Phenomena
$83,278 (June 1, 1991 - May 31, 1992) - The Continuum Modeling of Two-Phase Systems
$128,000 (April 1, 1992 - March 31, 1993) - Analysis of Nuclear Reactor Instability Phenomena
$88,384 (April 15, 1993 - April 14, 1994) - The Development of Multidimensional Two-Fluid Modeling Capabilities
$129,551 (April 1, 1994 - March 31, 1997) - Multidimensional Analysis of Bubble Dynamics Associated with Bubble Fusion Phenoma
$404,203 (July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2002)
Knolls Atomic Power Laboraroty (KAPL)
- The Development of Improved Models for BWR Thermal-Hydraulics and Core Degradation Phenomena
$50,000 (September 1, 1985 - August 31, 1985) - Turbulent Phenomena in Two-Phase Flows
$32,000 (April 15, 1986 - April 14, 1987) - The Development of Improved Models for BWR Thermal-Hydraulics and Core Degradation Phenomena
$14,997 (September 1, 1986 - August 31, 1987) - A Review of KAPL Methodology in the Area of Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer
$30,163 (July 8, 1991 - July 7, 1992) - The Mechanistic Analysis of Critical Heat Flux Using Two-Fluid Models
$73,796 (April 1, 1993 - September 30, 1993) - The Mechanistic Analysis of Critical Heat Flux Using Two-Fluid Models
$184,529 (October 1, 1993 - September 30, 1994) - The Mechanistic Analysis of Critical Heat Flux Using Two-Fluid Models
$149,080 (October 1, 1994 - September 30, 1995) - The Mechanistic Analysis of Critical Heat Flux Using Two-Fluid Models
$80,300 (December 1, 1995 - April 30, 1996) - The Analysis of Annular Two-Phase Flows
$227,049 (July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2006)
- Enabling Technology for Multiphase Flow Food Processing
$48,927 (September 1, 1992 - August 31, 1993) - Enabling Technology for Multiphase Flow Food Processing
$51,305 (September 1, 1993 - August 31, 1994) - Enabling Technology for Multiphase Flow Food Processing
$54,333 (September 1, 1994 - August 31, 1995)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
- The Analysis of Phase Distribution Phenomena in Microgravity Environments
$119,438 (May 1, 1992 - April 30, 1993) - The Analysis of Phase Distribution Phenomena in Microgravity Environments
$120,000 (December 1, 1993 - November 30, 1995) - The Analysis of the Effect of Gravity on Multiphase Flows
$396,544 (July 26, 2004 - September 30, 2007)
General Electric (GE)
- Two-Phase Flow Analysis
$10,152 (July 15, 1992 - November 1, 1992) - Two-Phase Flow Analysis
$24,180 (December 14, 1992 - March 1, 1993) - The Development of Multidimensional Modeling Capabilities for Annular Flows in Heated Assemblies
$203,756 (August 1, 1996 - September 1, 1998)