Donald Schwendeman

Professor, Director, Center for Modeling, Optimization and Computational Analysis (MOCA)


Dr. Schwendeman received his B.S.E. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Michigan, and earned his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) under the supervision of Professor G.B. Whitham, FRS.  Dr. Schwendeman took a one-year postdoctoral research position at Caltech working with Professor H.B. Keller, before joining the faculty in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Rensselaer as an assistant professor in August, 1987.  Dr. Schwendeman received promotions to associate professor with tenure and then professor, and was Head of the Department of Mathematical Sciences, 2012-2024. Dr. Schwendeman is the Director of the Center for Modeling, Optimization, and Computational Analysis (MOCA).
Dr. Schwendeman's research focuses on the development and analysis of numerical methods for systems of partial differential equations (PDEs) that arise in applications of science and engineering.  A significant portion of his work has centered around the development of numerical methods for systems of PDEs modeling wave phenomena in reactive and nonreactive flows.  This work has included numerical studies of shock wave focusing and convergence, transonic and hypersonic aerodynamics, and multi-phase and multi-material high-speed reactive flow.  In other work, Dr. Schwendeman has developed a class of new numerical methods for fluid-structure interaction problems and conjugate heat transfer, and he has developed high-order accurate methods for Maxwell's equations and related systems.  All of this work has been in collaboration with researchers at national labs (Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore) and at Rensselaer.
Dr. Schwendeman is also actively involved in undergraduate and graduate education and career development.  He has been a leader among the consortium of universities organizing the Mathematical Problems in Industry Workshop (1993-present), and the originator and lead organizer of RPI's Graduate Student Mathematical Modeling Camp (2004-2018).  Dr. Schwendeman has also been an active member of the NSF-funded Research Training Grant (RTG) program in the department, which supports the research and education of several graduate students and postdoctoral research fellows.


Other Focus Areas

Numerical methods for PDEs, Fluid-structure interaction problems, Gas dynamics and wave propagation, Multi-scale and multiphase reactive flow, Adaptive and parallel algorithms, High-order accurate methods, Electrodynamics, Mathematics for industrial applications


The following is a selection of recent publications in Scopus. Donald Schwendeman has 66 indexed publications in the subjects of Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, Computer Science.

J. W. Banks, W. D. Henshaw, A. Newell, D. W. Schwendeman
Journal of Computational Physics
, 488
, 2023
Nour G. Al Hassanieh, Jeffrey W. Banks, William D. Henshaw, Donald W. Schwendeman
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
, 44
, 2022
, pp.A3645-A3672
Qing Xia, Jeffrey W. Banks, William D. Henshaw, Alexander V. Kildishev, Gregor Kovačič, Ludmila J. Prokopeva, Donald W. Schwendeman
Journal of Computational Physics
, 456
, 2022
Qing Xia, Jeffrey W. Banks, William D. Henshaw, Alexander V. Kildishev, Gregor Kovacic, Ludmila J. Prokopeva, Donald W. Schwendeman
2021 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium, ACES 2021
, 2021
Kristian B. Kiradjiev, Christopher J. Breward, Ian Griffiths, Donald W. Schwendeman
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
, 81
, 2021
, pp.591-619
Jeffrey W. Banks, Benjamin B. Buckner, William D. Henshaw, Alexander V. Kildishev, Gregor Kovacic, Ludmila J. Prokopeva, Donald W. Schwendeman
2020 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium, ACES-Monterey 2020
, 2020
F. Meng, J. W. Banks, W. D. Henshaw, D. W. Schwendeman
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
, 366
, 2020
Jeffrey W. Banks, Benjamin B. Buckner, William D. Henshaw, Michael J. Jenkinson, Alexander V. Kildishev, Gregor Kovačič, Ludmila J. Prokopeva, Donald W. Schwendeman
Journal of Computational Physics
, 412
, 2020
M. Hennessey, A. K. Kapila, D. W. Schwendeman
Journal of Computational Physics
, 405
, 2020
Ludmila J. Prokopeva, William D. Henshaw, Donald W. Schwendeman, Alexander V. Kildishev
Nanoantennas and Plasmonics
, 2020
, pp.125-151


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