- wangg@rpi.edu
- 0000-0003-1875-3345
Growth, characterization, and physics of 2D materials, thin films and nanostructures using state-of-art techniques, RHEED surface pole figure analysis of textures evolution in thin films and nanostructures, Azimuthal RHEED for mapping of structures and perfection of graphene and 2D materials
APS fellow, AVS fellow, MRS fellow, AAAS fellow, RPI Travelstead Institute Chair Professor, APS Davisson Germer Award
In-plane and out-of-plane domain orientation dispersions in 1 to 3 monolayers epitaxial WS2 and MoS2 films on GaN(0001) film/sapphire(0001)
Shalini Kumari, Neha Dhull, Weichang Lin, Zonghuan Lu, Joan Redwing, Toh-Ming Lu, and Gwo-Ching Wang
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures Volume 165, January 2025, 116117; online 2024 10 04.
Epitaxial Ru Nanowire on Single Crystalline Graphene for Advanced Interconnect Application
Lu, Zonghuan; Frey, David; Dhull, Neha; Wang, Gwo-Ching; Lu, Toh-Ming
ACS Applied Electronic Materials 6(8), 5942-5950 (2024).
Near surface structure of ultrathin epitaxial Ru films on graphene/amorphous SiO2 revealed by azimuthal RHEED
Zonghuan Lu, Neha Dhull, Xuegang Chen, Lihua Zhang, Kim Kisslinger, Tung-Sheng Kuan, Morris A. Washington, Toh-Ming Lu, and Gwo-Ching Wang
JMR 38, 1224-1238 (2023).
2D reciprocal space map of etched MOCVD CdTe(001) film surface on miscut GaAs(001)
Xuegang Chen, Zonghuan Lu, Xixing Wen, Yu Xiang, Ishwara Bhat, Morris Washington, Toh-Ming Lu, and Gwo-Ching Wang
Thin Solid Film 772, 139807 (2023).
Xixing Wen, Zonghuan Lu, Bingxiang Li, Gwo-Ching Wang, Morris A. Washington, Qiang Zhao, Toh-Ming,
Chemical Engineering Journal 462, 142026 (2023).
Vertically Aligned One-Dimensional Crystal-Structured Sb2Se3 for High-Efficiency Flexible Solar Cells via Regulating Selenization Kinetics
Xixing Wen, Zonghuan Lu, Xuke Yang, Chao Chen, Morris A. Washington, Gwo-Ching Wang, Jiang Tang, Qiang Zhao, and Toh-Ming Lu,
ACS Appl. Mat. & Interfaces 15 (18), 22251–22262 (2023).
Liquid-Phase van der Waals Epitaxy of a Few-Layer and Unit Cell Thick Ruddlesden-Popper Halide Perovskite
Lifu Zhang, Jie Jiang, Yang Hu, Zonghuan Lu, Xixing Wen, Saloni Pendse, Ru Jia, Gwo-Ching Wang, Toh-Ming Lu, Jian Shi,
JACS 144 (38) 17588-17596 (2022).
Searching for Circular Photo Galvanic Effect in Oxyhalide Perovskite Bi4NbO8Cl
Zhizhong Chen, Rui Xu, Sijie Ma, Yuan Ma, Yang Hu, Lifu Zhang, Yuwei Guo, Zhenhan Huang, Baiwei Wang, Yi-Yang Sun, Jie Jiang, Ryan Hawks, Ru Jia, Yu Xiang, Gwo-Ching Wang, Esther A. Wertz, Jisen Tian, Daniel Gall, Xinchun Chen, Vei Wang, Lei Gao, Hanyu Zhu, and Jian Shi,
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2206343 (2022).
Giant Pyroelectricity in Nanomembranes
Jie Jiang, Lifu Zhang, Chen Ming, Hua Zhou, Pritom Bose, Yuwei Guo, Yang Hu, Baiwei Wang, Zhizhong Chen, Ru Jia, Saloni Pendse, Yu Xiang, Yaobiao Xia, Zonghuan Lu, Xixing Wen, Yao Cai, Chengliang Sun, Gwo-Ching Wang, Toh-Ming Lu, Daniel Gall, Yi-Yang Sun, Nikhil Koratkar, Edwin Fohtung, Yunfeng Shi, Jian Shi
Nature 607, pages 480–485 (2022).
Giant pyroelectricity in nanomembranes | Nature
Ultrathin ruthenium films on graphene buffered SiO2 via quasi van der Waals epitaxy
Zonghuan Lu, Xixing Wen, Xuegang Chen, Athars Jog, Lihua Zhang, Kim Kisslinger, Lei Gao, Jian Shi, Daniel Gall, Morris A. Washington, Gwo-Ching Wang, and Toh-Ming Lu
ACS Applied Electronic Materials 4(12) 5775-5788 (2022).
The following is a selection of recent publications in Scopus. Gwo Ching Wang has 324 indexed publications in the subjects of Physics and Astronomy, Materials Science, Engineering.