310 Lally Hall
- 0000-0002-3952-208X
Jianxi Gao is working in the area of network science, especially on network resilience, robustness, and control. His research is focused on using network theory, control theory, statistic physics, and operation research to understand, predict, and ultimately control the resilience, cascading failures of complex systems. He is also working on the intersection between network science and AI, including network science for AI and AI for network science.
Our research focuses on developing network science tools to understand complex systems’ structure and dynamics, including robustness, resilience, and control, with applications in infrastructure, society, technology, and the environment.
We are exploring interdisciplinary research directions about complex networks. For example, neural architecture search and neural network model selection using network science tools, quantum communication networks, the dynamics and structure of networks with incomplete information, resilience and polarization in social networks, infrastructural network failures due to natural disasters, and COVID-19-related research.
The following is a selection of recent publications in Scopus. Jianxi Gao has 102 indexed publications in the subjects of Physics and Astronomy, Mathematics, Engineering.