Joel Giedt


Giedt has worked on many topics in high energy physics:
The confinement mechanism in quantum chromodynamics, using lattice gauge theory as a tool.  In particular he was involved in the early studies of "center dominance" and Z(N) vortices.
String compactifications in weakly coupled heterotic string theory.  He worked on Z(3) orbifolds and computed the particle spectra and low energy phenomenology of these modes, after conducting systematic scans.  This included work on CP violation, gauge coupling unification, moduli stabilization and neutrino masses.
Supersymmetric lattice field theory.  Here methods of reducing or eliminating fine-tuning were explored.  He continues to work actively in this field and is conducting detailed studies of N=1 and N=4 super-Yang-Mills.  For N=1 he is using domain wall fermions, and is currently working on obtaining the ground state spectrum.  In the case of N=4, some fine-tuning must be performed even in the so-called "twisted" formulation, and he is studying this using Monte Carlo renormalization group techniques.
Lattice technicolor theories were a focus of his research until the recent discovery of the Higgs boson, and subsequent results for its signal strengths to various final states disfavored composite Higgs models, as compared to models where the Higgs boson is an elementary scalar and decays according to the standard model in a natural way.  However, he continues to work on studies of theories with an infrared fixed point, and is currently focused on corrections to scaling.
The impact of lattice quantum chromodynamic studies on the search for dark matter.  In particular, he showed how estimates of the direct detection cross section should be revised in light of lattice estimates of the strange quark sigma term.
Scalar mesons in quantum chrmodynamics, especially the sigma particle.  He has been developing efficient techniques for extracting its properties.
Giedt also has a strong interest in high performance computing.  He is one of the heaviest users of RPI's CCI computing facility.  In addition he has been developing code to exploit graphics processing units (GPUs) for scientific computing since 2009.  He was a contributor to the QUDA lattice quantum chromodynamics package, and has exploited this for studies of the sigma particle in recent work.


Giedt applies computational and theoretical methods to problems in high energy physics and highly correlated systems in condensed matter physics.  He also develops tools and methods that use quantum information and computing.  A particular recent focus has been how quantum machine learning can be used to develop more descriptive kernel methods, relying on the very expressive potential of Hilbert space using quantum circuits.  Also, a quantum system can encode highly correlated states in a way that is challenging for classical computing to match.

Giedt also has been studying topological excitations and the power of topology as a potential path to fault tolerant quantum computing.  The robustness of topological states could avoid difficulties with decoherence and noise.

Primary Research Focus
High energy physics; quantum computing and information; machine learning and artificial intelligence applied to physics discovery
Other Focus Areas

lattice field theory beyond the standard model


The following is a selection of recent publications in Scopus. Joel Giedt has 87 indexed publications in the subjects of Physics and Astronomy, Multidisciplinary, Mathematics.

Tristan Protzman, Joel Giedt
International Journal of Modern Physics C
, 35
, 2024
Simon Catterall, Joel Giedt, Goksu Can Toga
Journal of High Energy Physics
, 2023
, 2023
Anthony Yoshimura, Michael Lamparski, Joel Giedt, David Lingerfelt, Jacek Jakowski, Panchapakesan Ganesh, Tao Yu, Bobby G. Sumpter, Vincent Meunier
, 15
, 2022
, pp.1053-1067
Joel Giedt
International Journal of Modern Physics A
, 37
, 2022
Simon Catterall, Joel Giedt, Goksu Can Toga
Journal of High Energy Physics
, 2020
, 2020
Simon Catterall, Joel Giedt, Raghav G. Jha, David Schaich, Toby Wiseman
Physical Review D
, 102
, 2020
James Flamino, Joel Giedt
Physical Review D
, 101
, 2020
Richard C. Brower, Anna Hasenfratz, Ethan T. Neil, Simon Catterall, George Fleming, Joel Giedt, Enrico Rinaldi, David Schaich, Evan Weinberg, Oliver Witzel
European Physical Journal A
, 55
, 2019
Samuel Foreman, Joel Giedt, Yannick Meurice, Judah Unmuth-Yockey
Physical Review E
, 98
, 2018
Simon Catterall, Raghav G. Jha, Joel Giedt
Physical Review D
, 98
, 2018
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