Chunyu Wang


Professor Wang applies interdisciplinary structural biology to study the fundamental mechanisms and drug discovery in Alzheimer's disease and cancer. 

Other affililations: Chemistry and Chemical Biology


My research focuses on the structural mechanisms and drug discovery in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Hedgehog signaling and p53 in cancer, which have tremendous impact on human health. In AD, we are studying the structural mechanisms of the generation of amyloid-β peptide (Aβ). We also study the interaction between glycan and tau, which facilitates the spread of tau pathology, neurofibrillary tangle (NFT, the other pathological hallmark of AD). Another focus is the mechanisms of ApoE isoform which modulates AD risk. In cancer, we are studying the structural mechanism of Hedgehog signaling and p53 interactions.

Other Focus Areas

Alzheimer's disease: amyloid production, aggregation and interaction, Hedgehog autopocessing: mechanism and relevance to cancer, drug discovery in Alzheimer's and cancer, NMR spectroscopy, inteins: structure and mechanism


Office Hours

By appointment

Current Courses

BCBP 4870/6870 - Protein Structure Determination 

X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) are used to determine 3-D structures of biological macromolecules at atomic resolution. The course will cover crystallographic and NMR methods, their theory and practice, along with thermodynamics of structure formation and molecular dynamics. Students will prepare a poster presentation on a protein of their choice. Students cannot obtain credit for both this course and BCBP 6870.


BCBP/BIOL 4550/6420 - Molecular Modeling 

This course covers the theory and practice of the structural modeling of proteins and other biomolecules using informatics-driven and energy-based approaches. Topics include template-based comparative modeling, secondary structure prediction, tertiary structure prediction, protein classification, sidechain rotamers, docking, protein design, energy minimization, electrostatics, molecular dynamics, and molecular surfaces. Molecular modeling software will be provided. Laptop computers are required. BIOL 4550, BIOL 6420, BCBP 4550, and BCBP 6420 meet jointly; only one of these courses can be taken for credit. 


The following is a selection of recent publications in Scopus. Chunyu Wang has 153 indexed publications in the subjects of Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Medicine, Chemistry.

Jiyuan Yang, Yuefan Song, Weihua Jin, Ke Xia, Grace C. Burnett, Wanjin Qiao, John T. Bates, Vitor H. Pomin, Chunyu Wang, Mingqiang Qiao, Robert J. Linhardt, Jonathan S. Dordick, Fuming Zhang
, 16
, 2024
Wensu Liu, Tianyu Tang, Jianwei Feng, Chunyu Wang, Lin Lin, Shengli Wang, Kai Zeng, Renlong Zou, Zeyu Yang, Yue Zhao
Journal of Ovarian Research
, 17
, 2024
Jiyuan Yang, Yuefan Song, Ke Xia, Vitor H. Pomin, Chunyu Wang, Mingqiang Qiao, Robert J. Linhardt, Jonathan S. Dordick, Fuming Zhang
Marine Drugs
, 22
, 2024
Sourav Samanta, Firoz Akhter, Anuradha Roy, Doris Chen, Benjamin Turner, Yongfu Wang, Nicolina Clemente, Chunyu Wang, Russell Howard Swerdlow, Kevin P. Battaile, Scott Lovell, Shi Fang Yan, Shirley Shidu Yan
, 147
, 2024
, pp.1710-1725
Peng He, Yuefan Song, Weihua Jin, Yunran Li, Ke Xia, Seon Beom Kim, Rohini Dwivedi, Marwa Farrag, John Bates, Vitor H. Pomin, Chunyu Wang, Robert J. Linhardt, Jonathan S. Dordick, Fuming Zhang
Glycoconjugate Journal
, 41
, 2024
, pp.163-174
Lauren A. Gandy, Fuming Zhang, Ding Xu, Lars C. Pedersen, Kay Grobe, Chunyu Wang
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences
, 11
, 2024
Wei Liu, Shengli Wang, Lin Lin, Renlong Zou, Hongmiao Sun, Kai Zeng, Yi Wu, Yiling Li, Kato Shigeaki, Xiuxia Wang, Chunyu Wang, Yue Zhao
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease
, 1870
, 2024
Xin Guo, Jing Wen, Qianqian Gao, Yuyan Zhao, Yue Zhao, Chunyu Wang, Na Xu, Yaozhong Shao, Xiaocen Chang
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease
, 1870
, 2024
Wei Zhang, Nathan Smith, Yiqun Zhou, Caitlin M. McGee, Mattia Bartoli, Shiwei Fu, Jiuyan Chen, Justin B. Domena, Annu Joji, Hannah Burr, Guohua Lv, Emel K. Cilingir, Susanna Bedendo, Matteo L. Claure, Alberto Tagliaferro, David Eliezer, Eduardo A. Veliz, Fuwu Zhang, Chunyu Wang, Roger M. Leblanc
Acta Biomaterialia
, 183
, 2024
, pp.341-355

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