Diego Moran Ramirez


Education & Training

I obtained a Ph.D. in Operations Research at ISyE - Georgia Tech.  Before going to Georgia Tech, I obtained a Mathematical Engineering title (master equivalent) and a Master in Operations Management from Universidad de Chile. 


Mathematical optimization, with a focus on the theory of mixed-integer programs, including properties of cutting planes and duality. 

Applications of optimization to production planning, logistics and other relevant real-world business and engineering problems. 

Lately, I have become interested in the interplay between Discrete optimization and Machine learning and Statistics.

Primary Research Focus
Discrete optimization. Theory and applications of mixed-integer linear and non-linear programming


  1. ISYE 6900 Seminar in ISyE Research (Graduate, PhD)

  2. ISYE 2210 Production and Operations Management (Undergraduate)


Awards & Honors
  1. Mathematical Programming 2022  Meritorious Service Award (2023)

  2. IBM Faculty Award (2018) 

  3. ARC Student Fellowship (Spring 2013) 

  4. INFORMS junior faculty interest group paper competition finalist (2012) 

  5. INFORMS Optimization Society Student Paper Prize (2012)

  6. MIP Best poster competition, winner (2012) 

  7. MIP Student Travel Award (2011, 2012 and 2013)

  8. Wally George Fellowship (2009) 

  9.  Kimberly Clark Corporation (KCC) Optimization Contest winner (2009) 

  10.  Universidad de Chile Scholarship (2001) 

  11. Nationwide highest score in the Chilean university admission test (2001)


The following is a selection of recent publications in Scopus. Diego Moran Ramirez has 11 indexed publications in the subjects of Mathematics, Computer Science, Business, Management and Accounting.

Sanjeeb Dash, Oktay Günlük, Diego A. Morán R
Mathematical Programming
, 181
, 2020
, pp.119-147
Burak Kocuk, Diego A.R. Morán
SIAM Journal on Optimization
, 29
, 2019
, pp.2320-2336
Sanjeeb Dash, Oktay Günlük, Diego A. Morán R.
SIAM Journal on Optimization
, 27
, 2017
, pp.1340-1341
Sanjeeb Dash, Oktay Günlük, Diego A. Morán R
Mathematical Programming
, 160
, 2016
, pp.245-270
Diego A. Moránr, Santanu S. Dey
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
, 30
, 2016
, pp.70-99
Santanu S. Dey, Diego A. Morán R.
Mathematical Programming
, 141
, 2013
, pp.507-526
Fernanda Bravo, Guillermo Durán, Abilio Lucena, Javier Marenco, Diego Morán, Andrés Weintraub
International Transactions in Operational Research
, 20
, 2013
, pp.731-766
Diego Alejandro Morán Ramírez, Santanu S. Dey
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
, 7801 LNCS
, 2013
, pp.266-277
Sanjeeb Dash, Oktay Günlük, Diego Alejandro Morán Ramirez
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
, 7801 LNCS
, 2013
, pp.145-156
Diego A. Morán R., Santanu S. Dey, Juan Pablo Vielma
SIAM Journal on Optimization
, 22
, 2012
, pp.1136-1150
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