Esra Agca Aktunc

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Education & Training

Ph.D., Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2013

M.Sc., Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2011

B.Sc., Industrial Engineering, Bilkent University, 2008


Primary Research Focus
Optimization, simulation, and data analytics applications in areas including disaster management, healthcare, and energy systems


Current Courses

ISYE 1100 Introduction to ISE (Spring 2023-25)

ISYE 2210 Production and Operations Management (Spring 2023)

ISYE 4250 Facilities Design and Industrial Logistics (Fall 2023)

ISYE 4600 Operations Research Methods (Summer 2023, 2024)

ISYE 4962/6962 Engineering Data Analytics (Spring 2023, 2024)

ECSE 2500 Engineering Probability (Summer 2024)

ENGR 2600 Modeling and Analysis of Uncertainty (Fall 2023-24, Spring 2024-25)

ENGR 4760 Engineering Economics (Summer 2023, 2024)


The following is a selection of recent publications in Scopus. Esra Agca Aktunc has 8 indexed publications in the subjects of Social Sciences, Economics, Econometrics and Finance, Decision Sciences.

E. Yukseltan, A. Kok, A. Yucekaya, A. Bilge, E. Agca Aktunc, M. Hekimoglu
Utilities Policy
, 76
, 2022
Ali Kök, Ergün Yükseltan, Mustafa Hekimoğlu, Esra Agca Aktunc, Ahmet Yücekaya, Ayşe Bilge
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
, 12
, 2022
, pp.73-85
Ergun Yukseltan, Ahmet Yucekaya, Ayse Humeyra Bilge, Esra Agca Aktunc
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
, 74
, 2021
Selim Önay, Ahmet Yücekaya, Ayşe Bilge, Esra Ağca Aktunç
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
, 11
, 2021
, pp.315-327
Esra Agca Aktunc, Ergün Yukseltan, Ahmet Yucekaya, Ayse Humeyra Bilge
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
, 79
, 2020
Gülşah Hançerlioğulları, Alper Şen, Esra Ağca Aktunç
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management
, 46
, 2016
, pp.681-708
Douglas R. Bish, Esra Agca, Roger Glick
Annals of Operations Research
, 221
, 2014
, pp.89-106
Roger Glick, Douglas R. Bish, Esra Agca
Journal of Emergency Management
, 11
, 2013
, pp.261-270
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