Heng Liu

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I am a microeconomic theorist. My research focuses on auctions, mechanism design, and dynamic games. Currently I work on designing dynamic mechanisms that are immune to collusion among participants and on auction problems with asymmetric bidders.

Education & Training
  • Ph.D. in Economics, University of Rochester
  • M.A. in Economics, University of Iowa
  • M.A. in Management, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
  • B.S. in Applied Mathematics, Tongji University


  • Dynamic mechanism design with interdependent values
  • Collusion proof dynamic mechanisms
  • Ambiguity aversion in sequential auctions
  • Financial constraints in dynamic auctions and contests
  • Bargaining problems with incomplete information
  • Contracting with limited commitment
  • Information spillover in various strategic settings
Primary Research Focus
Mechanism design, auctions, dynamic games


In the past eight years, I have taught undergraduate level game theory, master level applied microeconomic theory, and PhD level game theory, information economics, contract theory, and mechanism design.

Office Hours

By email appointment.

Current Courses

Econ 4220 Applied Game Theory


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