Ish Jain

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Ish Jain joined RPI as an Assistant Professor in the ECSE Department in Fall 2024. He received his PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC San Diego in 2024. He received an MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from New York University in 2018 and a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from IIT Kanpur, India in 2016. Ish is passionate about building wireless systems for the next generation networks (6G and beyond), with a multi-disciplinary focus on communication, sensing, and security.  His research introduced a frequency-dependent multi-beam framework in mmWave systems to allow a robust, scalable, and efficient multi-user environment.  He also explored using frequency-based sensing for localization in autonomous systems and security risks due to mmWave reflections.  In each of these areas, Ish combines theoretic analysis with experimental demonstrations using a mmWave communication testbed that he developed and built.

Ish received the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship 2022 and VMWare research grant 2023. He has been recognized for his work with the Best Poster Award at Hotmobile 2023 and has won the 3-minute Thesis at ACM Mobisys’20, Mobicom’21, and Mobicom’22. His research is recognized by the Marconi Society Scholar in Residence '22 program and has been published in leading venues such as Sigcomm, NSDI, Mobicom, Infocom, and IEEE Security and Privacy journals. 

Education & Training

PhD - University of California San Diego, 2018 - 24
MS - New York University, 2016 - 18
BTech - IIT Kanpur, India, 2012 - 16


My research focuses on advancing next-generation networks by optimizing spectrum resources to achieve high data rates, reliability, scalability, and practical deployments. I have particularly contributed in three areas: 

  • Communication: Develop innovative beamforming techniques (e.g., constructive multi-beams) to enhance reliable and scalable communication, particularly for mobile multi-user millimeter-wave networks. 
  • Sensing: Explore novel applications in wireless sensing, such as localization, tracking, and sensing-driven communication. 
  • Security: Investigate and mitigate security vulnerabilities (e.g., spoofing, jamming attacks) on wireless devices.
Primary Research Focus
Next Generation Networks, 6G Communication, Wireless Sensing, Security and Privacy
Other Focus Areas

My research is also related to a wide range of topics including Mobile Computing, IoT, Satellite Communication, Millimeter-wave Communication, Software Defined Radios, Open-RAN,  Integrated Communication and Sensing, Radar Sensing, Low-power/Sustainable Communication. 

Research Groups

Wireless Lab at RPI. 

Visit my webpage for details and reach out if you wish to work with me.


Dr. Ish Jain has received the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship 2022 and VMWare research grant 2023. His work  is recognized with the Best Poster Award at Hotmobile 2023, Best Thesis Presentation at ITA 2024, and has won the 3-minute Thesis at ACM Mobisys’20, Mobicom’21, and Mobicom’22, and the Marconi Society Scholar in Residence'22 program and has been published in leading venues such as Sigcomm, NSDI, Mobicom, Infocom, and IEEE Security and Privacy journals. 

Awards & Honors
  • Best Thesis Presentation, ITA (Information Theory Workshop), San Diego, 2024. 
  • Best Poster Runner-up, Hotmobile 2023. 
  • VMware intern achievement award with $240,000 research grant 2022–23. 
  • Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship winner $100,000 research grant 2022–23. 
  • Marconi Society Scholar in Residence grant $5000 (sole recipient) 2021–22. 
  • Winner of 3-minute Thesis Award at ACM Mobisys’20, Mobicom’21, Mobicom’22. 
  • Commencement award for the best graduate student service in ECE, UC San Diego, May 2021. 
  • Commencement award for the best MS Academic Achievement in ECE, New York University, May 2019. 
  • Commencement award (Motorola Gold Medalist) for the best all-round performance in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, IIT Kanpur, May 2016. 
  • Travel grant for MobiCom New Delhi 2018, Hotmobile CA 2023, Infocom NY 2023. 
  • Samuel Morse MS Fellowship ($100,000 financial support), New York University, 2016–2018. 
  • Secured All India Rank 390 (amongst a million students) in IIT–Joint Entrance Exam, India 2012.
Presentations & Appearances

Conference Talks. 

  • Mar 2024 Hotmobile 2024, San Diego, CA 
  • Mar 2024 ITA–Information Theory Workshop 2024, San Diego, CA – Best Presentation Award 
  • Nov 2023 Mobicom mmNets 2023, Madrid, Spain May 2023 Infocom 2023, New York City, NY
  • Aug 2021 Mobicom Workshop 2022, virtual – Best 3-minute Thesis Award 
  • Aug 2021 Mobicom Workshop 2021, New Orleans, LA – Best 3-minute Thesis Award 
  • Aug 2021 Sigcomm 2021, virtual 
  • Aug 2021 Mobisys Workshop 2020, virtual – Best 3-minute Thesis Award 
  • Aug 2020 Mobicom mmNets 2020, virtual


For a list of publications along with pdf, code, slides, and other artifacts - go to my webpage: Ish Jain


Top 3 Publications

  • mmFlexible: Flexible Directional Frequency Multiplexing for Multi-user mmWave Networks IK Jain, RR Vennam, R Subbaraman, D Bharadia [EEE Infocom 2023]
  • mmSpoof: Resilient Spoofing of Automotive Millimeter-wave Radars using Reflect Array IEEE Security and Privacy 2023. RR Vennam, IK Jain, K Bansal, J Orozco, P Shukla, A Ranganathan, D Bharadia [IEEE S&P 2023]
  • [mmReliable] Two beams are better than one: Towards Reliable and High Throughput mmWave Links IK Jain, R Subbaraman, D Bharadia [ACM SIGCOMM 2021]

The following is a selection of recent publications in Scopus. Ish Jain has 17 indexed publications in the subjects of Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics.

Ushasi Ghosh, Ish Kumar Jain, Dinesh Bharadia, Srinivas Shakkottai
HOTMOBILE 2024 - Proceedings of the 2024 25th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications
, 2024
, pp.145
Frederik J. Zumegen, Ish Kumar Jain, M. M. Suriyaa, Dinesh Bharadia
HOTMOBILE 2024 - Proceedings of the 2024 25th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications
, 2024
, pp.159
Frederik Jonathan Zumegen, Ish Kumar Jain, Dinesh Bharadia
HOTMOBILE 2024 - Proceedings of the 2024 25th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications
, 2024
, pp.121-126
Ish Kumar Jain, Rohith Reddy Vennam, Dinesh Bharadia
HotMobile 2023 - Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications
, 2023
, pp.132
Ish Kumar Jain, M. M. Suriyaa, Raghav Subbaraman, Dinesh Bharadia
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, MOBICOM
, 2023
, pp.1460-1462
Frederik Jonathan Zumegen, Ish Kumar Jain, Dinesh Bharadia
MILCOM 2023 - 2023 IEEE Military Communications Conference: Communications Supporting Military Operations in a Contested Environment
, 2023
, pp.245-246
Ish Kumar Jain, Rohith Reddy Vennam, Raghav Subbaraman, Dinesh Bharadia
Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM
, 2023-May
, 2023
Rohith Reddy Vennam, Ish Kumar Jain, Kshitiz Bansal, Joshua Orozco, Puja Shukla, Aanjhan Ranganathan, Dinesh Bharadia
Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
, 2023-May
, 2023
, pp.1807-1821
Tian Qiu, Ish Kumar Jain, Raini Wu, Dinesh Bharadia, Pamela Cosman
International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, WPMC
, 2022-October
, 2022
, pp.7-11
Ish Kumar Jain, Raghav Subbaraman, Dinesh Bharadia
S3 2021 - Proceedings of the 2021 12th ACM Wireless of the Students, by the Students, and for the Students ,S3 Workshop, Part of ACM MobiCom 2021
, 2021
, pp.8


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