Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering

Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies
Modeling and Simulation of Nanoelectronic and Photonic Devices, Multiphysics Modeling
Computer Networks, Networked Systems, IoT, Smart Grid, Vehicular Networks
Associate Professor
Machine Learning, Information Theory, Statistical Signal Processing
Director, Center for Lighting Enabled Systems & Applications (LESA), Co-Director, Institute for Energy, the Built Environment, and Smart Systems (EBESS), and Professor
Intelligent sensing platforms for building controls
Associate Director, IDEA. Director, Data Science Research Center
Assistant Professor
Robotics, autonomy
Clark & Crossan Endowed Chair Professor and Director of Biomedical Imaging Center
Type II-VI Semiconductors, CdTe, ZnTe, hBN and other , Epitaxial Films
Professor, Curriculum Chair, IEEE Fellow
3D Heterogeneous Integration (HI) and Advanced Packaging (AP)
Professor and Director, Center for Future Energy Systems (CFES)
Institute Professor
Power system dynamics and control
Russell Sage Professor and Head, Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering
Robotics, Control Systems, Mechatronics
Professor of Practice
Engineering Education, Software Engineering, Systems Engineering
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