Jian Sun


Sun received his Dr.-Ing. degree from the University of Paderborn, Germany. Before joining the faculty at Rensselaer in 2002, he was a Principal Engineer at the Advanced Technology Center of Rockwell Collins where he worked for five years. Prior to that, he was a Post-Doc Fellow at Georgia Institute of Technology from 1996 to 1997. He is currently a Professor of the ECSE Department and Director of the Center for Future Energy Systems (CFES) funded by New York State government. Sun’s research is in the general area of power electronics, with an emphasis on modeling and control as well as applications in aerospace, IT, and power systems. His recent research focus has been on power electronics for renewable energy, high-voltage dc (HVDC) transmission and other power system applications. He is credited with developing the small-signal sequence impedance theory and solving real-world stability problems in renewable energy, HVDC transmission, and data center power systems based on his theory. His theory has also served as the basis for new grid codes and industry standards for power electronics in power systems. He collaborates with industry internationally in these areas. As Director of CFES, Sun is responsible for all major missions of the Center, comprising of research, education, technology development, outreach, as well as collaborations with industry and other institutions. The Center supports half a dozen research and administrative staff members and works with faculty across Rensselaer on a broad scope of basic and applied research related to energy, ranging from advanced materials and devices for energy storage and energy efficiency, to renewable energy, and to power systems. Sun is a Fellow of IEEE and is active in the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS). He was the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Power Electronics Letters from 2008 to 2014 and served in numerous other editorial boards and conference committees. He is currently the Treasurer and a Distinguished Lecture of PELS. He also received several awards from the IEEE Power Electronics Society, including the Modeling and Control Technical Achievements Award (2013) and the R. David Middlebrook Achievement Award (2017). He has more than 200 publications and holds 11 US patents and 1 European patent.

Education & Training

Dr.-Ing. (University of Paderborn, Germany, 1995) M.S. Electrical Engineering (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1989) B.S. Electrical Engineering (Nanjing Institute of Aeronautics, 1984)

Other affililations: Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering


Other Focus Areas

Renewable Energy – Wind and PV Power Conversion, Control and Grid Integration;
High Voltage DC Transmission – Converter Technology, Control and System Stability;
Microgrids, Mobile and Autonomous Power Systems;
Wide Bandgap Power Electronics for Aerospace and Renewable Energy Applications;
Electromagnetic Interference and Power Quality Related to Power Electronics;
Modeling and Control of Power Electronic Converters and Systems


The following is a selection of recent publications in Scopus. Jian Sun has 181 indexed publications in the subjects of Engineering, Energy, Mathematics.

Mehmet Ali Ozcelik, Taite Clark, Michael Ruppert, Jian Sun
Proceedings of the 2023 27th International Conference Electronics, ELECTRONICS 2023
, 2023
Jian Sun, Ignacio Vieto, Christoph Buchhagen
IET Renewable Power Generation
, 17
, 2023
, pp.3507-3522
Jian Sun, Melaku Mihret, Mauricio Cespedes, David Wong, Mike Kauffman
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems
, 8
, 2022
, pp.420-438
Jian Sun, Mingchun Xu, Mauricio Cespedes, Mike Kauffman
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems
, 8
, 2022
, pp.403-419
Xiaoyu Wang, Shun Hsien Fred Huang, John Schmall, Jonathan Rose, Jian Sun
IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting
, 2022-July
, 2022
Jian Sun, Christoph Buchhagen
Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics, COMPEL
, 2022-June
, 2022
Jian Sun
IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics
, 3
, 2022
, pp.222-254
Jian Sun
IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics
, 2
, 2021
, pp.483-510
Jian Sun
IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics
, 2
, 2021
, pp.440-462
Pengxiang Huang, Jian Sun
2021 IEEE 22nd Workshop on Control and Modelling of Power Electronics, COMPEL 2021
, 2021


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