Academic Appointments
- Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2024-present
- Professor, Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2024-present
- Simons Foundation Pivot Fellow, Quantum Engineering, the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago, 2024
- Visiting Scholar, Quantum Engineering, the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago, 2023
- Associate Professor, Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2023-2023
- Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2019-2023
- Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2014-2019
Postdoc in Applied Physics at Harvard University, 2014.
Ph.D. in Materials Science at the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 2012.
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Missouri at Columbia in 2008.
B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering at Xi'an Jiaotong University in China in 2006.
Jian Shi's group currently has a few openings for postdocs and PhD students who are interested in working on topological materials and/or quantum computing. Candidates interested in the positions are not required to have a specific background. Please send your application directly to Jian Shi's email: shij4@rpi.edu
My group works on obtaining basic understanding on the roles of photon, carrier momentum, symmetry and phonon of novel materials on the transport behaviors, spin dynamics and optoelectronic properties and developing experimental approaches and solutions on searching for new electronic materials and device structures towards energy-efficient, high-performance spin and quantum computing. Materials of interest include van der Waals solids with strong spin-orbit coupling, polar and ferroelectric crystals, chiral crystals, materials with tunable Berry parameters, and Rashba and Dresselhaus materials. We use optical, optoelectronic and transport approaches to investigate the polar, spintronic, chiral and topological properties. We fabricate microelectronic, optoelectronic, and spintronic devices for testing the theoretical and computational predictions. We also apply novel epitaxy, strain engineering, strain gradient engineering, dimensionality effect, phonon engineering and symmetry engineering to design the physical properties of materials.
An example on measuring the geometric phase of a qubit (animation by Jian Shi):
Our Laboratory Equipment
(1) a Customized Atomic Layer Deposition System (MRC 161)
(2) a Customized Pulsed Laser Deposition System (MRC 161)
(3) a Customized RF Sputtering System (MRC 139)
(4) a Customized Chemical Vapor Deposition System (MRC 161)
(5) a Cryogenic Transport Measurement System (MRC 161)
(6) a Cryogenic Optical Stage (MRC 161)
(7) a Customized Femtosecond Optical Spectroscopy (MRC 161)
(8) a Micron Optical Second-harmonic Generation Measurement System (MRC 161)
(9) a High-pressure (200 bar) High-temperature Reactor (MRC 139)
(10) a High-Frequency/High-Voltage Transport Measurement System (MRC 161)
(11) an Electrochemical Measurement System (MRC 161)
(12) a Small Signal Measurement System - SR830 DSP Dual Phase Lock-In Amplifier (MRC 161)
(13) a Supercontinuum Laser (pulse width: 100 ps) (MRC 161)
(14) a 6.5 GHz Network Analyzer (MRC 137)
(15) a High-voltage Supply (20 kV) (MRC 161)
(16) a Couple of Cryogenic Piezoelectric Strain cells (MRC 161)
(17) a Couple of Customized Circular Photogalvanic Effect Measurement Systems (MRC 161)
- Quality of Heterostructures by Different Approaches: arxiv, 2019 See Table 1
- Space Group Diagrams and Tables: Link
- Fourier Analysis of Signals: Link
- Crystal Structure Database: Link
Course #1: Special Topics Course: Spin in Solids
- Prerequisites/Corequisites: MTLE 4200 - Electrical and Optical Properties of Materials.
- Credit Hours: 2
- Course materials: Modern Quantum Mechanics 3rd Edition, by J. J. Sakurai, and Jim Napolitano; Relativistic Quantum Mechanics by Walter Greiner; some recent research and review papers Snapshots of some lecture contents on Rashba spin-orbit coupling and Berry parameters.
Course #2: MTLE 6060 - Advanced Kinetics of Materials Reactions
- Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MTLE 4100 or MTLE 6030 or equivalent. When Offered: Every Spring Semester.
- Credit Hours: 4
- Course materials: Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys by Porter, Easterling and Sherif, Diffusion in Solids by Glicksman and some research articles. Snapshots of some lecture contents on Quantum random walk.
Course #3: ENGR 1600 - Materials Science for Engineers
- Prerequisites/Corequisites: CHEM 1100. When Offered: Every Fall Semester.
- Credit Hours: 4
- Course references: Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering, An Integrated Approach by Callister and Rethwisch
Course #4: MTLE 4963/6963 - Functional Ceramics
- Prerequisites/Corequisites: MTLE 4100 or approval by the instructor.
- Credit Hours: 3
- References: Introduction to Solid State Physics by Kittel, Physical Ceramics: Principles for Ceramic Science and Engineering by Chiang, Birnie and Kingery, Symmetry and Structure by Kettle, Symmetry in Bonding and Spectra by Douglas and Hollingsworth, Mineralogical Applications of Crystal Field Theory by Burns and some research articles. Snapshots of some lecture contents on Symmetry, d orbitals, and irreducible representations. A flyer on the basic course information: MTLE 4963/6963
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Engineering Outstanding Research Team Award, 2024
- Simons Foundation Pivot Fellowship, 2023
- IEEE Ferroelectrics Young Investigator Award, 2023
- Associate Editor of Journal of Applied Physics, 2020-present
- James M. Tien ’66 Early Career Award, 2020
- Early Career Member in the Editorial Advisory Board of Journal of Applied Physics, 2020
- ASM International Geisler award, 2019
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Engineering Research Excellence Award, 2018
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Young Investigator Research Program (YIP) Award, 2018
Recent Select Publications (“ * ”: the first author is Jian Shi’s student or postdoc)
- Zhang L, Jiang J, Multunas C, Ming C, Chen Z, Hu Y, Lu Z, Pendse S, Jia R, Chandra M, Sun Y-Y, Lu T-M, Ping Y, Sundararaman R, Shi J*.
Room-temperature electrically switchable spin–valley coupling in a van der Waals ferroelectric halide perovskite with persistent spin helix, Nat. Photonics, 2022, 10.1038/s41566-022-01016-9.
- Jiang J, Zhang L, Ming C, Zhou H, Bose P, Guo Y, Hu Y, Wang B, Chen Z, Jia R, Pendse S, Xiang Y, Xia Y, Lu Z, Wen X, Cai Y, Sun C, Wang G-C, Lu T-M, Gall D, Sun Y-Y, Koratkar N, Fohtung E, Shi Y, Shi J*.
Giant Pyroelectricity in Nanomembranes, Nature, 2022,607, 480–485.
- Zhang L, Jiang J, Hu Y, Lu Z, Wen X, Pendse S, Jia R, Wang G-C, Lu T-M, Shi J*.
Liquid-Phase van der Waals Epitaxy of a Few-Layer and Unit Cell Thick Ruddlesden-Popper Halide Perovskite. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2022, 144, 38, 17588.
- Jiang J, Chen Z, Hu Y, Xiang Y, Zhang L, Wang Y, Wang GC, Shi J*.
Flexo-Photovoltaic Effect in MoS2. Nat. Nanotechnol., 2021, DOI: 10.1038/s41565-021-00919-y.
- Hu Y, Florio F, Chen Z, Phelan W. A., Siegler M. A., Zhou Z, Guo Y, Hawks R, Jiang J, Feng J, Zhang L, Wang B, Wang Y, Gall D, Palermo E. F., Lu Z, Sun X, Lu T-M, Zhou H, Ren Y, Wertz E, Sundararaman R, Shi J*.
A chiral switchable photovoltaic ferroelectric 1D perovskite. Sci. Adv., 2020, 6, eaay4213.
- Guo Y, Sun X, Jiang J, Wang B, Chen X, Yin Y, Qi W, Gao L, Zhang L, Lu Z, Jia R, Pendse S, Hu Y, Chen Z, Wertz E, Gall D, Feng J, Lu TM, Shi J*
A reconfigurable remotely epitaxial VO2 electrical heterostructure. Nano Lett., 2020, 20, 33.
- Jiang J, Sun X, Chen X, Wang B, Chen Z, Hu Y, Guo G, Zhang L, Ma Y, Gao L, Zheng F, Jin L, Chen M, Ma Z, Zhou Y, Padture NP, Beach K, Terrones H, Shi Y, Gall D, Lu TM, Wertz E, Feng J, Shi J*
Carrier lifetime enhancement in halide perovskite via remote epitaxy. Nat. Commun. 2019, 10, 4145.
- Wang Y, Sun X, Chen Z, Cai Z, Zhou H, Lu TM, Shi J*.
Defect-engineered epitaxial VO2±δ in strain engineering of heterogeneous soft crystals. Sci. Adv. 2018, 4, eaar3679.
The following is a selection of recent publications in Scopus. Jian Shi has 7 indexed publications in the subjects of Materials Science, Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy.
Jian Shi Research Group
Research Interests: polar, spintronic, chiral and Berry parameters-tunable materials for computing and energy.
Group Members:
Principal Investigator: Jian Shi, Professor
Ph.D.Students and Postdocs

- Ahmed M Raiyan: B.S. in Materials Science at BUET; Ph.D. at RPI: 2025-present. Email: raiyaa@rpi.edu
- Md Abid Hasan: B.S. and M.S. in Materials Science at University of Rajshahi; Ph.D. at RPI: 2025-present. Email: hasanm5@rpi.edu
- Skye Williams: B.S. in Physics at Stony Brook University; Ph.D. at RPI: 2021-present. Email: willis11@rpi.edu
- Hanxue Ma: B.S. in Resource Recycling Science and Engineering at Dalian Univ of Tech.; M.S. in Chemical Engineering at National Univ. of Singapore; Ph.D. at RPI: 2023-present. Email: mah13@rpi.edu
- Jiaqi Wang: B.S. in Chemistry at East China University of Science and Technology; M.S. in Materials at Washington University in St. Louis; Ph.D. at RPI: 2023-present. Email: wangj64@rpi.edu
- Zhizhuo Liang: B.S. in Electrical Engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Ph.D. at RPI: 2022-present. Email: liangz7@rpi.edu
- Mark Potter: B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Ph.D. at RPI: 2021-present. Email: pottem3@rpi.edu
- Zixu Wang: B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering at Southern University of Science and Technology; Ph.D. at RPI: 2022-present. Email: wangz58@rpi.edu
- Zhihao Zhang: B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Ph.D. at RPI: 2023-present. Email: zhangz32@rpi.edu
- Denis Aglagul: B.S. in Physics at Stony Brook University; Ph.D. at RPI: 2023-present. Email: aglagd@rpi.edu
Current Undergraduates
- Adam Leicester (MSE, RPI), Adam's email: leicea@rpi.edu
Funding Support
Jian Shi is grateful for the generous funding support from the following agencies:

- National Science Foundation
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research
- Army Research Office
- Simon Foundation
- Department of Energy
- Office of Naval Research
- New York State of Opportunity
Full Publication list
Journal Articles at RPI:
119. Jiang J, Zhang L, Hu Y, Guo Y, Chen Z, Jia R, Pendse S, Xiang Y, Wang G-C, Shi Y, Shi J. Metal-insulator transition of single-crystal V2O3 through van der Waals interface engineering. ACS Nano, 2023, in press.
118. Lin YC, Torsi R, Younas R, Hinkle C, Rigosi AF, Hill HM, Zhang K, Huang S, Shuck CE, Chen C, Lin Y-H, Maldonado-Lopez D, Mendoza-Cortes JL, Ferrier J, Kar S, Nayir N, Rajabpour S, van Duin ACT, Liu X, Jariwala D, Jiang J, Shi J, Mortelmans W, Jaramillo R, Lopes J, Engel-Herbert R, Trofe A, Ignatova T, Lee SH, Mao Z, Damian L, Wang Y, Wang Z, Law SA, Bepete G, Steves M, Lin J-X, Scheurer MS, Li J, Wang P, Yu G, Wu S, Akinwande D, Redwing JM, Terrones M, Robinson JA. Recent Advances in 2D Material Theory, Synthesis, Properties, and Applications. ACS Nano, 2023, in press.
117. Schold E, Barringer Z, Shi X, Williams S, Prashant Nazirkar N, Wang Y, Hu Y, Shi J, Fohtung E, Three-dimensional morphology and elastic strain revealed in individual photoferroelectric SbSI nanowire. MRS Bulletin, 2023, in press.
116. Lu Z, Zhang L, Wen X, Jog A, Kisslinger K, Gao L, Shi J, Gall D, Washington MA, Wang G-C, Lu T-M, Ultrathin Ruthenium Films on Graphene Buffered SiO2 via Quasi Van der Waals Epitaxy. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 4, 5775-5788, 2022
115. Pendse S, Hu Y, Jia R, Chen Z, Zhang L, Williams S, Jiang J, Fohtung E, Shi J. Growth of van der Waals Halide Perovskites within the Interlayer Spacings of Mica. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2022, doi.10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c06379
114. Jiang J, Pendse S, Zhang L, Shi J. Strain related new sciences and devices in low-dimensional binary oxides. Nano Energy, 2022, 104, 107917.
113. Zhang L, Jiang J, Hu Y, Lu Z, Wen X, Pendse S, Jia R, Wang G-C, Lu T-M, Shi J. Liquid-Phase van der Waals Epitaxy of a Few-Layer and Unit Cell Thick Ruddlesden-Popper Halide Perovskite. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2022, in press.
112. Shao B, Tan S, Huang Y, Zhang L, Shi J, Yang X-Q, Hu E, Han F. Enabling Conversion-Type Iron Fluoride Cathode by Halide-Based Solid Electrolyte. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2022, 2206845.
111. Kim J, Yi G-C, Ougazzaden A, Shi J. Novel epitaxy of functional materials. J. Appl. Phys., 2022, 132, 060401.
110. Jia R, Jiang J, Zhang L, Hu Y, Pendse S, Guo Y, Shi J. Composition Gradient-Enabled Circular Photogalvanic Effect in Inorganic Halide Perovskites. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2022, in press (EDITORS' PICK).
109. Jiang J, Zhang L, Ming C, Zhou H, Bose P, Guo Y, Hu Y, Wang B, Chen Z, Jia R, Pendse S, Xiang Y, Xia Y, Lu Z, Wen X, Cai Y, Sun C, Wang G-C, Lu T-M, Gall D, Sun Y-Y, Koratkar N, Fohtung E, Shi Y, Shi J. Giant Pyroelectricity in Nanomembranes. Nature, 2022, 607, 480-485.
108. Cai Y, Hu Y, Chen Z, Jiang J, Zhang L, Guo Y, Pendse S, Jia R, Zhang J, Ma X, Sun C, Shi, J. van der Waals ferroelectric halide perovskite artificial synapse. Physical Review Applied, 2022, in press.
107. Zhang L, Jiang J, Multunas C, Ming C, Chen Z, Hu Y, Lu Z, Pendse S, Jia R, Chandra M, Sun Y-Y, Lu T-M, Ping Y, Sundararaman R, Shi J. Room-temperature electrically switchable spin-valley coupling in a van der Waals ferroelectric halide perovskite with persistent spin helix. Nature Photonics, 2022, 10.1038/s41566-022-01016-9.
106. Cai Y, Zhang L, Jiang J, Hu Y, Chen Z, Jia R, Sun C, Shi J. A van der Waals Photo-Ferroelectric Synapse. Advanced Electronic Materials 2022, in press.
105. Kim H, Chang C, Lee S, Jiang J, Jeong J, Park M, Meng Y, Ji J, Kwon Y, Sun X, Kong W, Kum H, Bae S-H, Lee K, Hong Y. J. Shi J, Kim J, Remote epitaxy Nature Reviews Methods Primers, 2022, in press.
104. Shi X, Shi J, Fohtung E, Applicability of coherent x-ray diffractive imaging to ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, and phase change materials. Journal of Applied Physics, 131, 040901 (2022) (EDITORS' PICK)
103. Chen Z, Xu R, Ma S, Ma Y, Hu Y, Zhang L, Guo Y, Huang Z, Wang B, Sun Y-Y, Jiang J, Hawks R, Jia R, Xiang Y, Wang G-C, Wertz E, Tian J, Gall D, Chen X, Wang V, Gao L, Zhu H, Shi J, Searching for Circular Photo Galvanic Effect in Oxyhalide Perovskite Bi4NbO8Cl. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2022, 2206343.
102. Ming C, Chen Z, Zhang F, Gong S, Wu X, Jiang J, Ye T, Xu Q, Yang K, Wang L, Cao X, Yang S, Zhang S, Zhang Y, Shi J, Sun Y-Y, Mixed Chalcogenide-Halides for Stable, Lead-Free and Defect-Tolerant Photovoltaics: Computational Screening and Experimental Validation of CuBiSCl2 with Ideal Band Gap. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2112682, 2022.
101. Fang P, Mulligan CP, Jia R, Shi J, Khare SV, Gall D, Epitaxial TiCx (001) layers: phase formation and physical properties vs C-to-Ti ratio. Acta Materialia, 226, 117643, 2022.
100. Chen Z, Hu Y, Zhang L, Jiang J, Hawks R, Shi J, Photo-active electrically switchable van der Waals semiconductor NbOI2. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2021, in press.
99. Xiang Y, Xie S, Lu Z, Wen X, Shi J, Washington M, Wang G-C, Lu T-M, Domain boundaries in incommensurate epitaxial layers on weakly interacting substrates. J. Appl. Phys., 2021, in press.
98. Barringer Z, Jiang J, Shi X, Schold E, Pateras A, Cipiccia S, Rau C, Shi J, Fohtung E, Imaging Defects in Vanadium (III) Oxide Nanocrystals using Bragg Coherent Diffractive Imaging. CrystEngComm, 2021, in press.
97. Jia R, Kum H-S, Sun X, Guo Y, Wang B, Fang P, Jiang J, Gall D, Lu T-M, Washington M, Kim J, Shi J, van der Waals Epitaxy and Remote Epitaxy of LiNbO3 Thin Films by Pulsed Laser Deposition. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 2021, in press (EDITORS' PICK).
96. Jiang J, Chen Z, Hu Y, Xiang Y, Zhang L, Wang Y, Wang GC, Shi J, Flexo-Photovoltaic Effect in MoS2. Nature Nanotechnology, 2021, in press.
95. Zhang L, Jiang J, Cai Y, Yao S, Azhar B, Chen Z, Hu Y, Pendse S, Guo Y, Jia R, Tian Z, Sun C, Liao P, and Shi J, Doping-Enabled Reconfigurable Strongly Correlated Phase in a Quasi-2D Perovskite. J. Phys. Chem. Lett, 2021, ASAP.
94. Guo Y, Goodge B, Zhang L, Jiang J, Chen Y, Kourkoutis L, Shi J, Unit-cell-thick domain in free-standing quasi-2D ferroelectric material. Phys. Rev. Mater., 2021, in press (EDITORS' SUGGESTION).
93. Valdman L, Wen X, Chen Z, Washington M, Lu TM, Shi J, Wang GC, Water-assisted exfoliation of epitaxial CdTe film from mica analyzed with azimuthal RHEED. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2021, 536, 147886.
92. McGahay ME, Wang B, Shi J, Gall D, Band gap and electron transport in epitaxial cubic CrxAl1-xN (001). Phys. Rev. B., 2020, 101, 205206.
91. Zhu W, Shen J, Li M, Yang K, Bu W, Sun YY, Shi J, Lian J, Kinetically Controlled Growth of Sub-Millimeter 2D Cs2SnI6 Nanosheets at the Liquid–Liquid Interface. Small, 2020, ASAP.
90. Wen X, Lu Z, Sun X, Xiang Y, Chen Z, Shi J, Bhat I, Wang GC, Washington M, Lu TM, Epitaxial CdTe thin films on mica by vapor transport deposition for flexible solar cells. ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 2020, 3, 4589.
89. Pendse S, Jiang J, Guo Y, Zhang L, Chen Z, Lu Z, Wang Y, Hu Y, Li S, Feng J, Lu TM, Sun YY, Shi J, Unit-Cell-Thick Oxide Synthesis by Film-Based Scavenging. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2020, 124, 8394.
88. Pendse S, Jiang J, Zhang L, Guo Y, Chen Z, Hu Y, Lu Z, Li S, Feng J, Lu TM, Shi J, Tuning phase transition kinetics via van der Waals epitaxy of single crystalline VO2 on hexagonal-BN. J. Cryst. Growth, 2020, 543, 125699.
87. Wang H, Liu X, Niu P, Wang S, Shi J, Li L, Porous Two-Dimensional Materials for Photocatalytic and Electrocatalytic Applications. Matter, 2020, 2, 1377.
86. Cai Y, Liu Y, Xie Y, Zou Y, Gao C, Zhao Y, Liu S, Xu H, Shi J, Guo S, Sun C, Band structure, effective mass, and carrier mobility of few-layer h -AlN under layer and strain engineering. APL Mater., 2020, 8, 021107.
85. Hu Y,#, Florio F,#, Chen Z, Phelan W. A., Siegler M. A., Zhou Z, Guo Y, Hawks R, Jiang J, Feng J, Zhang L, Wang B, Wang Y, Gall D, Palermo E. F., Lu Z, Sun X, Lu T-M, Zhou H, Ren Y, Wertz E, Sundararaman R, Shi J;, A chiral switchable photovoltaic ferroelectric 1D perovskite. Science Advances, 2020, 6, eaay4213.
84. Shi J, A structurally unstable semiconductor stabilized and enhanced by strain. Nature, 2020, 577, 171.
83. Guo Y, Sun X, Jiang J, Wang B, Chen X, Yin Y, Qi W, Gao L, Zhang L, Lu Z, Jia R, Pendse S, Hu Y, Chen Z, Wertz E, Gall D, Feng J, Lu TM, Shi J;, A reconfigurable remotely epitaxial VO2 electrical heterostructure. Nano Lett., 2020, 20, 33.
82. Wen Z, Wang Y, Chen Z, Shi J;, Chemical Vapor Growth of Silicon Phosphide Nanostructures. MRS Advances, 2019, DOI: 10.1557/adv.2019.437
81. Shi J, Chen L-Q., Strain Engineering in Functional Materials. J. Appl. Phys. 2019, 125, 082201.
80. Chen J, Mao W, Gao L, Yan F, Yajima T, Chen N, Chen Z, Dong H, Ge B, Zhang P, Cao X, Wilde M, Jiang Y, Terai T, Shi J;, Electron-doping Mottronics in strongly correlated perovskite. Adv. Mater., 2019, 1905060.
79. Littlejohn, Li Z, Lu Z, Sun X, Nawarat P, Wang Y, Li Y, Wang T, Chen Y, Zhang L, Li H, Kisslinger K, Shi S, Shi J, Raeliarijaona A, Shi W, Terrones H, Lewis KM, Washington M, Lu TM, Wang GC;, Large Metallic Vanadium Disulfide Ultrathin Flakes for Spintronic Circuits and Quantum Computing Devices. ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2019, 2, 3684
78. Jiang J, Sun X, Chen X, Wang B, Chen Z, Hu Y, Guo G, Zhang L, Ma Y, Gao L, Zheng F, Jin L, Chen M, Ma Z, Zhou Y, Padture NP, Beach K, Terrones H, Shi Y, Gall D, Lu TM, Wertz E, Feng J, Shi J;, Carrier lifetime enhancement in halide perovskite via remote epitaxy. Nat. Commun. 2019, 10, 4145.
77. Chen J, Mao W, Ge B, Wang J, Ke X, Wang V, Wang Y, Döbeli X, Geng W, Matsuzaki H, Shi J, Jiang Y;, Revealing the role of lattice distortions in the hydrogen-induced metal-insulator transition of SmNiO3. Nat. Commun. 2019, 10, 694.
76. Yang S, Zhang Y, Wang S, Shi J, Liu X, Li L;, Rational Construction of MoS2/Mo2N/C Hierarchical Porous Tubular Nanostructures for Enhanced Lithium Storage. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9TA04516C.
75. Wang X, Ling Y, Lian X, Xin Y, Dhungana K, Perez-Orive F, Knox J, Chen Z, Zhou Y, Beery D, Hanson K, Shi J, Lin S, Gao H;, Suppressed Phase Separation of Mixed-Halide Perovskites Confined in Endotaxial Matrices. Nat. Commun. 2019, 10, 695.
74. Li L, Li Z, Yoshimura A, Sun C, Wang T, Chen Y, Chen Z, Littlejohn A, Xiang Y, Hundekar P, Bartolucci S, Shi J, Shi S-F, Meunier V, Wang G-C, Koratkar N, Vanadium disulfide flakes with nanolayered titanium disulfide coating as cathode materials in lithium-ion batteries. Nat. Commun. 2019, 10, 1764.
73. Ullal C, Shi J, Sundararaman S, Electron mobility in graphene without invoking the Dirac equation. Am. J. Phys 2019, 87, 291.
72. Mohanty D,Lu Z, Sun X, Xiang Y, Gao L, Shi J, Zhange L, Kisslinger K, Washington M, Wangb GC, Lu TM, Bhat I Growth of epitaxial CdTe thin films on amorphous substrates using single crystal graphene buffer. Carbon 2019, 144, 519-524 .
71. Chen Z, Wang Y, Sun X, Xiang Y, Hu Y, Jiang J, Feng J, Sun Y-Y, Wang X, Wang G-C, Lu T-M, Gao H, Wertz E, Shi J. Remote Phononic Effects in Epitaxial Ruddlesden-Popper Halide Perovskites. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2018, 9, 6676.
70. Mohanty D, Lu Z, Sun X, Xiang Y, Wang Y, Ghosha D, Shi J, Gao L, Shi S, Washington M, Wang G-C, Lu T-M and Bhat I Metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy of large size CdTe grains on mica through chemical and van der Waals interactions. Phys. Rev. Mater. 2018, 2, 113402.
69. Wang Y, Gao L, Yang Y, Xiang Y, Chen Z, Dong Y, Zhou H, Cai Z, Wang G-C, Shi J. The Non-trivial Strength of van der Waals Epitaxial Interaction in Soft Perovskites. Phys. Rev. Mater. 2018, 2, 076002.
68. Wang Y, Sun X, Chen Z, Cai Z, Zhou H, Lu TM, Shi J. Defect-engineered epitaxial VO2±d in strain engineering of heterogeneous soft crystals. Science Advances 2018, 4, eaar3679. .
67. Chen Z, Guo Y, Wertz E, Shi J. Merits and challenges of Ruddlesden-Popper soft halide perovskites in electro-optics and optoelectronics. Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803514.
66. Sun X, Lu Z, Xiang Y, Wang Y, Shi J, Wang GC, Washington M, Lu TM. Van der Waals Epitaxy of Antimony Islands, Sheets, and Thin Films on Single-Crystalline Graphene. ACS Nano 2018, 12, 6100.
65. Wang Y*, Hu Y* (*These authors contributed equally) Chen Z, Guo Y, Wang D, Wertz E, Shi J. Effect of Strain on the Curie Temperature and Band Structure of Low-Dimensional SbSI. Appl. Phys. Lett 2018, 112, 183104.
64. Li L, Basu S, Wang Y, Chen Z, Hundekar P, Wang B, Shi J, Shi Y, Narayanan S, Koratkar N. Self-heating–induced healing of lithium dendrites. Science 2018, 359, 1513. .
63. Ge C, Hu M, Wu P, Tan Q, Chen Z, Wang Y, Shi J, Feng J. Ultralow Thermal Conductivity and Ultrahigh Thermal Expansion of Single Crystal Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite CH3NH3PbX3 (X=Cl, Br, I). J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 15973.
62. Duan Y, Li P, Chen Z, Shi J, Ma L. Surface evolution and growth kinetics of Ti6Al4V alloy in pack boriding. J. Alloys Compd. 2018, 742, 690. .
61. Sun X, Lu Z, Chen Z, Wang Y, Shi J, Washington M, Lu T-M. A Single Crystal Graphene-Directed van der Waals Epitaxial Resistive Switching. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 6730 .
60. Sun X, Chen Z, Wang Y, Lu Z, Shi J, Washington M, Lu T-M. van der Waals epitaxial ZnTe thin film on single-crystalline graphene. J. Appl. Phys. 2018, 123, 025303.
59. Zhu W, Xin G, Wang Y, Xin M, Yao T, Xu W, Fang M, Shi S, Shi J, Lian J. Tunable optical property and stability of lead free all inorganic perovskite Cs2SnI6-xClx. J. Mater. Chem. A 2018, 6, 2577.
58. Sun X, Shi J, Washington M A, Lu T-M. Probing the interface strain in a 3D-2D van der Waals heterostructure. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2017, 111, 151603.
57. Hu Y*, Guo Y*, (*These authors contributed equally) Wang Y, Chen Z, Sun X, Feng J, Lu T M, Wertz E and Shi J. A review on low dimensional metal halides: Vapor phase epitaxy and physical properties. ?J. Mater. Res. 2017, 32, 3992(An invited article in memory of Prof. Jan van der Merwe) .
56. Chen Z, Wang Y, Sun X, Guo Y, Hu Y, Wertz E, Wang X, Gao H, Lu T M and Shi J. van der Waals Hybrid Perovskite of High Optical Quality by Chemical Vapor Deposition. ?Adv. Opt. Mater. 2017, 5, 1700373.
55. Wang Y, Sun X, Chen Z, Sun Y Y, Zhang S, Lu T-M, Wertz E, and Shi J. High-Temperature Ionic Epitaxy of Halide Perovskite Thin Film and the Hidden Carrier Dynamics. Adv. Mater. 2017, 29, 1702643.
54. Sun X, Lu Z, Xie W, Wang Y, Shi J, Zhang S, Washington M, and Lu T M. van der Waals epitaxy of CdS thin films on single-crystalline graphene. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2017, 110, 153104.
53. Yang Y B, Seewald L, Mohanty D, Wang Y, Zhang L H, Kisslinger K, Xie W, Shi J, Bhat I, Zhang S, Lu T M, Wang G C. Surface and interface of epitaxial CdTe film on CdS buffered van der Waals mica substrate. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2017, 413, 219 .
52. Wang Y, Chen Z, Deschler F, Sun X, Lu T-M, Wertz A E, Hu J-M, Shi J. Epitaxial Halide Perovskite Lateral Double Heterostructure. ACS Nano 2017, 11, 3355.
51. Hoye R L Z, Schulz P, Schelhas L T, Holder A M, Stone K H, Perkins J D, Vigil-Fowler D, Siol S, Scanlon D O, Zakutayev A, Walsh A, Smith I C, Melot B C, Kurchin R C, Wang Y, Shi J, Marques F C, Berry J J, Tumas W, Lany S, Stevanovic V, Toney M F, Buonassisi T. Perovskite-inspired photovoltaic materials: Toward best practices in materials characterization and calculations. Chem. Mater. 2017, 29, 1964.
50. Sun X, Wang Y, Seewald L, Chen Z, Shi J, Washington M, Lu T-M. Decoupling Interface Effect on the Phase Stability of CdS Thin Films by van der Waals Heteroepitaxy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2017, 110, 041602.
49. Wang Y, Sun X, Shivanna R, Yang Y, Chen Z, Guo Y, Wang G-C, Wertz E, Deschler F, Cai Z, Zhou H, Lu T-M, Shi J. Photon Transport in One-Dimensional Incommensurately Epitaxial CsPbX3 Arrays. Nano Lett. 2016;16,7974–7981 .
48. Mohanty D, Xie W, Wang Y, Lu Z, Shi J, Zhang S, Wang G-C, Lu T-M, and Bhat I. van der Waals epitaxy of CdTe thin film on graphene. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2016; 109, 143109 .
47. Chen Z, Wang Y, Shi Y, Hsu B, Yang Z, Shi J, Regulating Carrier Dynamics in Single Crystal Halide Perovskite via Interface Engineering and Optical Doping. Adv. Electron. Mater. 2016;2, 1600248.
46. Wang Y, Seewald L, Sun Y-Y, Keblinski P, Sun X, Zhang S, Lu T-M, Johnson J, Hwang J, Shi J, Nonlinear electron-lattice interactions in a wurtzite semiconductor enabled via strongly correlated oxide. Adv. Mater. 2016;28, 8975–8982.
45. Yang Y B, Dash J K , Xiang Y, Wang Y, Shi J, Dinolfo P H, Lu T-M, Wang G-C. Tuning the phase and optical properties of ultrathin SnSx films. J. Phys. Chem. C 2016,120(24),13199-13214. .
44. Yang Y B, Dash J, LittleJohn A, Xiang Y, Wang Y, Shi J, Zhang L, Kisslinger K, Lu T-M, Wang G-C. Large Single Crystal SnS2 Flakes Synthesized from Co-evaporation of Sn and S. Cryst. Growth Des. 2016,16(2),961–973. .
43. Zhou Y, Guan X, Zhou H, Ramadoss K, Adam S, Liu H, Lee S, Shi J, Tsuchiya M, Fong D D, Ramanathan S. Strongly correlated perovskite fuel cells. Nature 2016;534, 231–234. .
42. Sun Y, Shi J, Lian J, Gao W, Agiorgousis ML, Zhang S. Discovering Lead-Free Perovskite Solar Materials with Split-Anion Approach. Nanoscale 2016;8, 6284-6289.
41. Wang Y, Sun Y, Zhang S, Lu T-M, Shi J. Band Gap Engineering of a Soft Inorganic Compound PbI2 by Incommensurate Van der Waals Epitaxy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2016;108, 013105.
40. Wang Y, Shi Y, Xin G, Lian J, Shi J. Two-Dimensional Van der Waals Epitaxy Kinetics in a Three-Dimensional Perovskite Halide. Cryst. Growth Des. 2015, 15 (10), pp 4741–4749.
39. Yin X, Shi J, Niu X, Huang H, Wang X. Wedding Cake Growth Mechanism in One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Nanostructure Evolution. Nano Lett. 2015;15, 7766–777.
38. Shao D, Gao J, Xin G, Wang Y, Li L, Shi J, Lian J, Koratkar N, Sawyer S. Cl-doped ZnO Nanowire Arrays on 3D Graphene Foam with Highly Efficient Field Emission, and Photocatalytic Properties. Small 2015;11, 4785-92.
37. Bo C, Zheng X, Yang M, Zhou Y, Kundu S, Shi J, Zhu K, Priya S. Interface band structure engineering by ferroelectric polarization in perovskite solar cells. Nano Energy 2015;13:582.
36. Bo C, Shi J, Zheng X, Zhou Y, Zhu K, Priya S. Ferroelectric solar cells based on inorganic–organic hybrid perovskites. J. Mater. Chem. A 2015;3:7699.
Journal Articles Before Joining RPI:
35. Mi H, Seo J-H, Ku C-J, Shi J, Wang X D, Lu Y, Ma Z. Microwave TFTs Made of MOCVD ZnO With ALD Al2O3 Gate Dielectric. IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society. 2016;4:55-59.
34. Chen J, Zhou Y, Middey J, Jiang J, Chen N, Shi X, Döbeli M, Shi J, Chakhalian J, Ramanathan S. Self-limited kinetics of electron doping in correlated oxides. Appl Phys Lett. 2015;107:031905.
33. Zhou Y, Park J, Shi J, Chhowalla M, Park H, Weitz DA, Ramanathan S. Control of Emergent Properties at a Correlated Oxide Interface with Graphene. Nano Lett. 2015;15:1627.
32. Ha SD, Shi J, Meroz Y, Mahadevan, L, Ramanathan S. Neuromimetic Circuits with Synaptic Devices Based on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems Phys. Rev. Applied 2014;2:064003.
31. Sim J, Shi J, Ramanathan S. Ultra-thin freestanding ceria membranes: layer transfer techniques and high temperature conductivity studies. J Mater Chem A. 2014;2:19019.
30. Shi J*, Zhou Y*, (*These authors contributed equally) Ramanathan S. Colossal resistance switching and band gap modulation in a perovskite nickelate by electron doping. Nat Commun. 2014;5:4860.
29. Wang X, Li Z, Shi J, Yu Y. One-dimensional titanium dioxide nanomaterials: nanowires, nanorods and nanobelts. Chem Rev. 2014;114:9346.
28. Yan F*, Schoofs F*, Shi J*, (*These authors contributed equally) Ha SD, Jaramillo R, Ramanathan S. Local charge writing in epitaxial SmNiO3 thin films. J Mater Chem C. 2014;2(19):3805-11.
27. Shi J, Ha SD, Zhou Y, Schoofs F, Ramanathan S. A correlated nickelate synaptic transistor. Nat Commun. 2013;4:2676.
26. Ha SD, Vetter U, Shi J, Ramanathan S. Electrostatic gating of metallic and insulating phases in SmNiO3 ultrathin films. Appl Phys Lett. 2013;102(18):183102.
25. Wang X, Shi J. Evolution of titanium dioxide one-dimensional nanostructures from surface-reaction-limited pulsed chemical vapor deposition. J Mater Res. 2013;28(03):270-9.
24. Shi J, Zhao P, Wang X. Piezoelectric-polarization-enhanced photovoltaic performance in depleted-heterojunction quantum-dot solar cells. Adv Mater. 2013;25:916-21.
23. Shi J, Li ZD, Kvit A, Krylyuk S, Davydov A, Wang XD. Electron microscopy observation of TiO2 nanocrystal evolution in high-temperature atomic layer deposition. Nano Lett. 2013;13(11):5727-34.
22. Nikoobakht B, Wang X, Herzing A, Shi J. Scalable synthesis and device integration of self-registered one-dimensional zinc oxide nanostructures and related materials. Chem Soc Rev. 2013;42(1):342-65.
21. Starr MB, Shi J, Wang X. Piezopotential-driven redox reactions at the surface of piezoelectric materials. Angew Chem Int Ed. 2012;51(24):5962-6.
20. Shi J, Wang X. Hierarchical TiO2–Si nanowire architecture with photoelectrochemical activity under visible light illumination. Energy Environ Sci. 2012;5(7):7918-22.
19. Shi J*, Starr MB*, (*These authors contributed equally) Wang X. Band structure engineering at heterojunction interfaces via the piezotronic effect. Adv Mater. 2012;24(34):4683-91.
18. Leong M, Bayerl DJ, Shi J, Wang X. Evolution of lead titanate nanostructures from nanoparticle self-assembly. Sci Adv Mater. 2012;4(8):832-6.
17. Wang F, Seo J-H, Bayerl D, Shi J, Mi H, Ma Z, Zhao D, Shuai Y, Zhou W, Wang XD. An aqueous solution-based doping strategy for large-scale synthesis of Sb-doped ZnO nanowires. Nanotechnology. 2011;22(22):225602.
16. Sun C, Shi J, Bayerl DJ, Wang X. PVDF microbelts for harvesting energy from respiration. Energy Environ Sci. 2011;4(11):4508-12.
15. Hong H, Shi J, Yang Y, Zhang Y, Wang X and Cai W. Zinc oxide nanowire as a novel platform for optical imaging. J Nucl Med 2011;52:1558.
14. Shi J, Wang X. Functional semiconductor nanowires via vapor deposition. J Vac Sci Technol B. 2011;29(6):060801.
13. Shi J, Wang X. Growth of rutile titanium dioxide nanowires by pulsed chemical vapor deposition. Cryst Growth Des. 2011;11(4):949-54.
12. Shi J, Sun C, Starr MB, Wang X. Growth of titanium dioxide nanorods in 3D-confined spaces. Nano Lett. 2011;11(2):624-31.
11. Shi J, Starr MB, Xiang H, Hara Y, Anderson MA, Seo J-H, Ma ZQ, Wang XD. Interface engineering by piezoelectric potential in ZnO-based photoelectrochemical anode. Nano Lett. 2011;11(12):5587-93.
10. Shi J, Hong H, Ding Y, Yang Y, Wang F, Cai W, Wang XD. Evolution of zinc oxide nanostructures through kinetics control. J Mater Chem. 2011;21(25):9000-8.
9. Shi J, Hara Y, Sun C, Anderson MA, Wang X. Three-dimensional high-density hierarchical nanowire architecture for high-performance photoelectrochemical electrodes. Nano Lett. 2011;11(8):3413-9.
8. Hong H, Shi J, Yang Y, Zhang Y, Engle JW, Nickles RJ, Wang XD, Cai W. Cancer-targeted optical imaging with fluorescent zinc oxide nanowires. Nano Lett. 2011;11(9):3744-50.
7. He L, Shi J, Sun X, Lin M, Yu P, Li H. Gold coated zinc oxide nanonecklaces as a SERS substrate. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2011;11(4):3509-15.
6. Sun C, Shi J, Wang X. Fundamental study of mechanical energy harvesting using piezoelectric nanostructures. J Appl Phys. 2010;108(3):034309.
5. Shi J, Wang X. Strain versus dislocation model for understanding the heteroepitaxial growth of nanowires. J Phys Chem C. 2010;114(5):2082-8.
4. Shi J, Li C, Zhang Y, Li H. Coupled heat and mass transfer in the entrance region of a circular tube with fully-developed parabolic flow and external convective heating. Heat Mass Transfer. 2010;46(5):563-70.
3. Shi J, Sun X, Zhang J, Lian J, Yu Q, Lin M, Li H. Epitaxial growth of horizontally aligned zinc oxide nanonecklace arrays on r-plane sapphire. J Phys Chem C. 2009;113(49):20845-54.
2. Shi J, Grutzik S, Wang X. Zn cluster drifting effect for the formation of ZnO 3D nanoarchitecture. ACS Nano. 2009;3(6):1594-602.
1. Zhang J, Fan Q, Shi J, Xiao G, Gu M. Microstructural evolution during self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of Ti-Al system. J Wuhan Univ Technol. 2008;23(3):381-5.
Invited Book Chapters
2. Shi J, Wang X. Bio-inspired 3D nanoarchitectures. In: Zhou W, Wang ZL, editors. Three-dimensional nanoarchitectures. New York: Springer New York; 2011. p. 29-58.
1. Wang X, Shi J. Piezoelectric nanogenerators for self-powered nanodevices. In: Ciofani G, Arianna M, editors. Piezoelectric nanomaterials for biomedical applications: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2012. p. 135-72.
Conference Proceedings
2. Kim M, Seo J-H, Yang H, Shi J, Mawst L, Zhou W, Wang X, Ma ZQ. Fabrication and characterization of Si/GaInP heterojunction photodetectors. Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO), 2012 Symposium on; 2012. IEEE; 2012. p. 1-3.
1. Wang X, Shi J, editors. Multifunctional ZnO nanostructures: from material growth to novel applications. SPIE OPTO; 2011. International Society for Optics and Photonics.
1. Wang X, Shi J, inventors; Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, assignee. Methods for the growth of three-dimensional nanorod networks. United States patent US8771822B2. 2014.
2. Shi J, Zhou Y, Ramanathan R, inventors; PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE [US/US]; 17 Quincy Street Cambridge, MA 02138 (US), assignee. DOPANT-DRIVEN PHASE TRANSITIONS IN CORRELATED METAL OXIDES Pub. No. WO/2015/066558. 2015.
Openings for Postdocs and PhD Students
Jian Shi's group currently has a few openings for postdocs and PhD students who are interested in working on topological materials and/or quantum computing. Candidates interested in the positions are not required to have a specific background. Please send your application directly to Jian Shi's email: shij4@rpi.edu
Alumni Group Members
Graduate Students and Postdoc Alumni (a partial list)
Ru Jia, B.S. Xiamen Univ.; Ph.D. RPI 2018 - 2023; present: Applied Materials, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA
Saloni Pendse, B.S. College of Eng Pune, M.S. Univ of Florida; Ph.D. RPI 2018 - 2023; present: Applied Materials, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA
Jie Jiang, Ph.D. Zhejiang Univ.; Postdoc. RPI 2017 - 2023; present: Professor, Zhejiang University
Lifu Zhang, B.S./M.S. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.; Ph.D. RPI 2018 - 2022; present: Associate Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Yang Hu, B.S. Nanjing Univ.; Ph.D. RPI 2017 - 2021; present: Applied Materials, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA
Yuwei Guo, B.S. Nanyang Technological Univ; Ph.D. RPI 2016 - 2020; present: Apple, Inc., Cupertino, CA, USA
Zhizhong Chen, B.S. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.; Ph.D. RPI 2015 - 2020; present: ASM, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, USA
Adriana Messalli, graduate exchange student (MSE, Technical University of Denmark)
Jeppe Ormstrup (MSE, Technical University of Denmark)
Yiping Wang, B.S. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.; Ph.D. RPI 2014 - 2018; present: Micron Technology, Inc., Boise, ID, USA
Undergraduates Alumni (a partial list)
Anna Capuano (MSE, RPI), present: Ph.D. student at NCSU
Zhihao Zhang (MSE, RPI), present: Ph.D. student at RPI
Adam Morrow (MSE, RPI)
Ryan Hawks (MSE, RPI), present: Ph.D. student at Penn State Univ.
Ziwei Liang (MSE, RPI)
Zhuoqun Wen (MSE, RPI), present: Ph.D student at Univ. Michigan
Xiaochuang Yuan (MSE, RPI), present: Amazon
Yuhan Shi (ECE, RPI), present: Ph.D. student at UCSD
Jiawei Tan (MSE, RPI), present: Ph.D. student at UCLA
Yuwei Guo (MSE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), present: Apple, Inc.
Aaron Markel (MSE, RPI)
Patrick Strohbeen (MSE, RPI), present: Ph.D. student at Univ. Wisconsin at Madison
High School Students Alumni (a partial list)
Deena Mousa (Emma Willard School, Troy, NY), present: student at Yale University
Caroline Yin (Emma Willard School, Troy, NY), present: student at Barnard College, Columbia University
Irene Jeong (Emma Willard School, Troy, NY), present: student at the University of Pennsylvania