Troy, NY
Michael S. Shur received MSEE Degree (with honors) from St. Petersburg Electrotechnical Institute, and PhD. and Dr. Sc. Degrees from A. F. Ioffe Institute. He is Patricia and Sheldon Roberts Professor of Solid State Electronics and Professor of Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and co-founder, President and CEO of Electronics of the Future, Inc. He was also a co-founder and Vice-President of Sensor Electronics Technology, Inc. (a leading producer of deep ultraviolet LEDs) and founder of co-founder of several other startups, including Electronics of the Future, Inc. Dr. Shur is Life Fellow of IEEE, APS, ECS, and SPIE, Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, OSA, IET, MRS, WIF, and AAAS. Dr. Shur is Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE EDS society. His awards include St. Petersburg Technical University and University of Vilnius Honorary Doctorates, Distinguished Faculty Naval Research Fellowships, William H. Wiley 1866 Distinguished Faculty Award, Rensselaer Outstanding Engineering Professor Award, Institute of Electronic Technology Achievement Medal, ECS Electronic and Photonics Award, Jefferson Science Fellowship, Recognition Award from iNEER, Tibbetts Award for Technology Commercialization, IEEE Sensors Council Technical Achievement Award, IEEE Donald Fink Best Paper Award, IEEE Kirchmayer Award, the Gold Medal of the Russian Education Ministry, van der Ziel Award, Senior Humboldt Award, Pioneer Award, RPI Engineering Research Award, Wiley Award, RPI Outstanding Faculty Award, and several Best Paper Awards. Dr. Shur was listed by the Institute of Scientific Information as Highly Cited Researcher. His h-index is 111. In 2009, the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences elected him its Foreign Member.
Research in high-speed terahertz and far infrared devices, the development of CAD tools for mixed analog/digital ICs. The electron dynamics and plasmonic effects in 3D, 2D, and 1D systems, terahertz AI-driven testing of VLSI for hardware cyber security and defect identification, vector detectors and spectrometers of sub-THz and THz radiation for 6G communications, Metal-oxide Thin Film Transistors competing with Si CMOS, single-photon emitters and detectors communication links, the engineering approach to COVID-19 monitoring: Pandemic Equation; Carbon-based devices: from graphene to diamond
Terahertz radiation, plasmonics, 6G communication, sensing and biomedical applications of THz, visible, and UV radiation
The following is a selection of recent publications in Scopus. Michael Shur has 1407 indexed publications in the subjects of Physics and Astronomy, Engineering, Materials Science.