Nikhil Koratkar

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Nikhil Koratkar’s research has focused on the discovery and investigation of novel materials with superior properties. These include zero-dimensional (fullerene), one-dimensional (carbon nanotubes), two-dimensional (graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides, phosphorene, tellurene, MXenes) as well as bulk (chalcogenide perovskites, covalent organic frameworks and high entropy alloy) material systems. Nikhil is studying the fundamental mechanical, electrical, thermal, optical, optoelectronic and electrochemical properties of these materials and developing a variety of composites, coating and energy storage device applications using these materials.

To date, Nikhil Koratkar has co-authored over 250 archival journal publications. These include 2 in Nature, 1 in Science, 1 in Nature Reviews Materials, 3 in Nature Materials, 5 in Nature Communications and 2 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. To date, Nikhil’s papers have received > 38,000 citations (Google Scholar) and his H-index is 93. Over his career, Nikhil has secured 42 research grants (with 37 as Principal Investigator), totaling ~$11 Million. Twenty-four of these grants are from the USA National Science Foundation (NSF). These funds were used to primarily support Ph.D. students and to date a total of 31 Ph.D. students have graduated with Nikhil Koratkar as their thesis advisor. His former students are employed by some of the world’s most successful companies including Apple, Google, Tesla, GE, Boeing, Samsung, Exxon Mobil, Intel and IBM. His Ph.D. students have also won many high-profile awards including the MIT-Lemelson student prize, the Amelia Earhart fellowship and several MRS graduate student awards. Three of his former Ph.D. students are professors in academia.

Nikhil contributes actively to the materials science community. Since 2010, he has served as an Editor of the Elsevier journal Carbon. In 2009, Nikhil won the Electrochemical Society’s SES Young Investigator Award for research excellence and in 2015, Nikhil was honored by the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) with their Gustus Larson Memorial Award for research excellence. In 2016, Nikhil was elected ASME Fellow. In 2018 and in 2021, Nikhil was named by Clarivate Analytics in their Highly Cited Researchers List (Top 1% by citations). In 2019, Nikhil was awarded the Distinguished Alumnus Award by his alma mater, the Indian Institute of Technology- Bombay and in 2021, he was awarded the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s William H. Wiley 1866 Distinguished Faculty Award. In 2021, Nikhil was elected a Fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS) and in 2023, he was elected a Fellow of American Physical Society (APS). In 2024, Nikhil Koratkar was awarded the Outstanding Professor of Engineering Award by the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Over 100 media reports citing Nikhil Koratkar’s work have appeared in major outlets such as: NY Times, USA today, MSNBC, Nature News, Scientific American, Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Indian Express, the Economic Times and US News & World Report. Nikhil has been interviewed by BBC Radio and Northeast Public Radio and by CBS and ABC TV News in Albany, NY. The United States National Science Foundation has also issued three separate Press Releases publicizing his NSF-funded research discoveries.

Nikhil Koratkar’s work in battery materials is finding important practical applications. He has five Patents and several pending patent applications. He is a Co-Founder and serves on the Advisory Board of a battery start-up company (Alsym Energy), which has developed and is commercializing a new class of aqueous batteries for grid energy storage. Alsym Energy based in Woburn, MA has completed two major funding rounds (totaling ~$110 Million), employs over 70 full-time employees, and has begun manufacturing battery prototypes for customer evaluation. Alsym’s aqueous battery chemistry avoids lithium and cobalt, and takes advantage of readily available materials that are inherently non-flammable and non-toxic, reducing costs and increasing safety and sustainability.

Other affililations: Materials Science and Engineering


Nikhil Koratkar’s research has focused on the discovery and investigation of novel materials with superior properties. These include zero-dimensional (fullerene), one-dimensional (carbon nanotubes), two-dimensional (graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides, phosphorene, tellurene, MXenes) as well as bulk (chalcogenide perovskites, covalent organic frameworks and high entropy alloy) material systems. Nikhil is studying the fundamental mechanical, electrical, thermal, optical, optoelectronic and electrochemical properties of these materials and developing a variety of composites, coating and energy storage device applications using these materials.

A major focus of Koratkar's work in the past decade has been on the development of advanced anode, cathode and electrolyte materials for lithium-ion, lithium-sulfur, lithium-metal as well as beyond-lithium (i.e., sodium, potassium, calcium and aluminum based) batteries. His work in battery materials has resulted in a start-up company (Alsym Energy), which has invented and is commercializing a new class of non-flammable, non-toxic, low-cost and sustainable batteries for stationary storage, maritime, and automotive applications.

Primary Research Focus
Advanced Materials, Electrochemical Energy Storage, Batteries, Nanotechnology, Interfacial Science


Awards & Honors
  • Outstanding Professor of Engineering Award, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2024).
  • Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) (2023).
  • Fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS) (2021).
  • RPI’s William H. Wiley 1866 Distinguished Faculty Award (2021).
  • Highly Cited Researchers list (Top 1% by citations) - Clarivate Analytics (2021).
  • Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, Distinguished Alumnus Award (2019).
  • Highly Cited Researchers list (Top 1% by citations) - Clarivate Analytics (2018).
  • Rensselaer School of Engineering Excellence in Research Award (2017).
  • Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) (2016).
  • ASME Gustus L. Larson Memorial Award for Excellence in Research (2015).
  • Appointed Editor of CARBON (Elsevier) (2010-present).
  • Appointed Editorial Board Member of Energy Storage Materials (2015-present)
  • Appointed Editorial Board Member of Batteries (2022-present)
  • Electrochemical Society’s SES Young Investigator Award for Excellence in Research (2009).
  • Keynote Address at the 2nd International Meeting on Energy Storage Devices, Indian Institute of Technology - Roorkee, India, December 07-10 (2023).
  • Keynote Address at the 2nd International Conference on Nanomechanics and Nanocomposites, Beijing, China, October 10-13 (2010).
  • Chair of the Steering Committee for collaboration between the USA National Science Foundation (NSF) and its German counterpart (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft- DFG). (2008-2009)
  • Technical Chair of the NSF-DFG Research Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, New York City, October 15-17, (2009).
  • James Tien Early Career Award from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2005).
  • United States National Science Foundation’s CAREER Award (2004)
  • AHS Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Award for Excellence in Research (2004)
  • Referee for 50+ journals including Nature, Science, Science Advances, Nature Materials, Nature Physics, Nature Chemistry, Nature Energy, Nature Communications, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Joule, Advanced Materials, Small, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Letters, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, ACS Nano, Physical Review Letters, Applied Physics Letters, Physical Review B., Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Chemistry of Materials and JACS among others.
  • Technology Transfer: Nikhil Koratkar has Five Patents and several pending patent applications. He is a Co-Founder and Advisory Board Member of a battery start-up company (Alsym Energy), which has developed and is commercializing a new class of aqueous batteries for grid energy storage. Alsym Energy is based out of Woburn, MA and has completed two major funding rounds (totaling ~$110 Million), employs about 70 full-time employees, and has begun the full-fledged manufacturing of battery prototypes for customer evaluation.  
Presentations & Appearances

Invited Talks at several international conferences including the International Conference on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICONSAT), Calcutta (2003); Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, San Francisco (2005); American Vacuum Society (AVS) Meeting, San Jose (2009); TMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco (2009); ICONSAT, Mumbai (2010); MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (2010); 2nd International Conference on Nanomechanics and Nanocomposites, Beijing, China, (2010); ICONSAT-Hyderabad (2012); TMS Annual Meeting, Orlando (2012); BAMN, South Korea (2013); ACS National Meeting, Indianapolis (2013); 3rd international Conference on Nanomechanics & Nanocomposites, Hong Kong (2014); Argonne National Laboratory- Exploring the Flatland of 2D Materials, Chicago (2015); TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego (2016); 2D Materials Symposium, Orlando (2017); 34th International Battery Seminar, Fort Lauderdale (2017); 35th International Battery Seminar, Fort Lauderdale (2018); ACS Spring Meeting, Orlando (2019); MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix (2019); 37th International Battery Seminar, Fort Lauderdale (2020); 38th International Battery Seminar, Fort Lauderdale (2021); the Volta Founbdation (2023) and the 40th International Battery Seminar, Fort Lauderdale (2023).


  • To date, Koratkar has co-authored > 250 journal publications. These papers have received > 38,000 citations (Google Scholar) with an H-index of 93.


  • Publications include: Two in Nature, One in Science, One in Nature Reviews Materials, Three in Nature Materials, Five in Nature Communications, Two in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Fifteen in ACS Nano, Twelve in Advanced Materials, Six in Nano Letters, Ten in Advanced Functional Materials, Six in Nano Energy and Twelve in Small.


  • 91 publications with > 100 citations, 19 publications with > 500 citations and 5 publications with >1,000 citations. 


Full list of publications can be accessed via Google scholar or by downloading CV 


List of 10 Most Influential Publications (*Indicates Co-corresponding Author Status)

  • Publications related to Polymer Nanocomposites

(1) M. A. Rafiee, J. Rafiee, Z. Wang, H. Song, Z.-Z. Yu, N. Koratkar*, “Enhanced Mechanical Properties of Nanocomposites at Low Graphene Content”, ACS Nano 3, 3884-3890 (2009). Cited 3,244 times 

(2) M. A. Rafiee, J. Rafiee, I. Srivastava, Z. Wang, H. Song, Z.-Z. Yu, N. Koratkar*, “Fracture and Fatigue in Graphene Nanocomposites”, Small 6, 179–183 (2010). Cited 1,077 times 

(3) J. Suhr, N. Koratkar*, P. Keblinski, P. M. Ajayan, “Viscoelasticity in Carbon Nanotube Composites,” Nature Materials 4, 134-137 (2005). Cited 594 times 

  • Publications related to Surface Science and Interfaces

(4) J. Rafiee, X. Mi, H. Gulapalli, A. V. Thomas, F. Yavari, Y. F. Shi, P. Ajayan, N. Koratkar*, “Wetting Transparency of Graphene”, Nature Materials 11, 217-222 (2012). Cited 1,288 times 

(5) A. Modi, N. Koratkar*, E. Lass, B. Wei, P. M. Ajayan, “Miniaturized Gas Ionization Sensors using Carbon Nanotubes”, Nature 424, 171-174 (2003). Cited 1,289 times 

(6) A. Zandiatashbar, G.-H. Lee, S. J. An, S. Lee, N. Mathew, M. Terrones, T. Hayashi, C. Picu, J. Hone, N. Koratkar*, “Effect of Defects on the Intrinsic Strength and Stiffness of Graphene”, Nature Communications 5, 3186 (2014). Cited 767 times 

  • Publications related to Energy Storage

(7) L. Li, S. Basu, Y. Wang, Z. Chen, P. Hundekar, J. Shi, Y. Shi, S. Narayanan, N. Koratkar*, “Self-Heating Induced Healing of Lithium Dendrites”, Science 359, 1513-1516 (2018). Cited 495 times 

(8) R. Mukherjee, A. V. Thomas, D. Datta, E. Singh, J. Li, O. Eksik, V. Shenoy, N. Koratkar*, “Defect Induced Plating of Lithium Metal within Porous Graphene Networks”, Nature Communications 5, 3710 (2014). Cited 477 times 

(9) L. Li, L. Chen, S. Mukherjee, J. Gao, H. Sun, Z. Liu, X. Ma, T. Gupta, C. V. Singh, W. Ren, H.-M. Cheng, N. Koratkar*, “Phosphorene as a Polysulfide Immobilizer and Catalyst in High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries”, Advanced Materials 29, 1602734 (2017). Cited 379 times

(10) R. Jain, A. Lakhnot, K. Bhimani, S. Sharma, V. Mahajani, R. Panchal, M. Kamble, F. Han, C. Wang, N. Koratkar*. “Nanostructuring versus Microstructuring in Battery Electrodes”, Nature Reviews Materials 7, 736-746 (2022). Cited 195 times (> 10,000 downloads)

The following is a selection of recent publications in Scopus. Nikhil Koratkar has 297 indexed publications in the subjects of Materials Science, Engineering, Physics and Astronomy.


Graduate Students - Past and Present

Graduate Students: 


Current Ph.D. students (4): 

Varad Mahajani, Sikharin Pranompont, Apurva Anjan, Rohit M. Manoj 


Graduated Ph.D. Students (31): 

  • Jongmin Kim (Samsung)
  • Seong-Yul Kim (Samsung)
  • Rahul Krishnan (Apple)
  • Joubin Reif (Leia Inc)
  • Iti Srivastava (Boeing)
  • Jonghwan Suhr (Professor- SKKU, South Korea)
  • Zuankai Wang (Professor- City University of Hong Kong)
  • Abhay Thomas (Graphene Technologies)
  • Ranganath Teki (Intel)
  • Fazel Yavari (Caterpillar)
  • Ardavan Zandiatashbar (TESLA)
  • Ajay Krishnamurthy (NIST)
  • Wei Zhang (General Electric)
  • Rahul Mukherjee (Alsym Energy)
  • Eklavya Singh (TESLA, now Google)
  • Philippe Chow (Columbia University)
  • Jian Gao (Micron)
  • Shravan Suresh (Intel)
  • Lu Li (Applied Materials)
  • Swastik Basu (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology)
  • Reena Panchal (Post-doc, University of Houston)
  • Prateek Hundekar (IBM)
  • Debjit Ghoshal (Professor, IIT-Guwahati, India)
  • Tushar Gupta (Lam Research)
  • Anthony Yoshimura (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - LLNL)
  • Rishabh Jain (Intel)
  • Mithil Kamble (Exxon Mobil)
  • Aniruddha Lakhnot (Intel)
  • Shyam Sharma (IBM)
  • Kevin Bhimani (Intel)
  • Pritom Bose (Post-doc, University of Nevada at Reno) 


Graduated M.S. Students (6): 

  • Eric Lass (NIST)
  • Ashish Modi (British Petroleum)
  • Jeremy Nelson (Dupont)
  • Velibor Peric (Boeing)
  • Prashant Dhiman (Investment Banking Consultant)
  • Andrew Proper (Electric Boat).


Achievements/Awards of Koratkar’s Ph.D. Students 

  • Rahul Mukherjee (Ph.D. 2014) is Director of Research & Development at Alsym Energy. Mukherjee is also a co-founder of Alsym along with Nikhil Koratkar. Alsym Energy has to date raised more than $100 million in investment and is manufacturing high performing, low-cost and non-flammable aqueous batteries for grid energy storage.  
  • Zuankai Wang (Ph.D. 2008) is a Professor of mechanical engineering at the City University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong, China.
  • Jonghwan Suhr, (Ph.D. 2005) is an Associate Professor in the department of mechanical engineering at Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea.
  • Debjit Ghoshal (Ph.D. 2020) is as Assistant Professor in the department of chemical engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Guwahati, India.  
  • Jonghwan Suhr (Ph.D. 2005) won the NSF Career Award in 2009 when he has an assistant professor at the University of Delaware in the USA.
  • Zuankai Wang (Ph.D. 2008) won the Materials Research Society Graduate Student Silver Award at MRS Fall Meeting (2007)
  • Mohammad Rafiee (Ph.D. 2011) won the American Helicopter Society (AHS), Robert Lichten Award at the national level (2010).
  • Iti Srivastava (Ph.D. 2010) won the $10,000 Amelia Earhart Fellowship for women researchers in aerospace engineering (2010).
  • Jongmin Kim, (Ph.D. 2004) is a winner of American Helicopter Society (AHS), Robert Lichten Award at the national level (2004).
  • Fazel Yavari (Ph.D. 2012) won the $30,000 MIT-Lemelson student award (2012).
  • Rahul Mukherjee (Ph.D. 2014) and Eklavya Singh (Ph.D. 2014) won the Bronze Medal at the 2014 College Inventors’ Expo (2014).
  • Lu Li and Shravan Suresh (Ph.D. 2017) were Finalists (total of four teams were selected) at the BASF 150th Anniversary Science Competition (2015)
  • Lu Li (Ph.D. 2018) won the Materials Research Society Graduate Student Silver Award at MRS Fall Meeting (2018)

Sample Media Reports and Magazine Articles

  • Over 100 reports citing Koratkar’s work have appeared in top media outlets including Nature News, NY times, USA today, MSNBC, Scientific American, Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, the Indian Express, Wikipedia and the US News and World Report. Koratkar has been interviewed by BBC Radio and Northeast Public Radio and by CBS and ABC TV News in Albany, NY. The USA National Science Foundation has also issued three Press Releases based on his work in nano-composites, Lithium-ion batteries and graphene. 


Few sample media reports are given below:

(1)       “Water + acid + graphene = power”, Nature, Volume: 476, Page: 255, Date published: (18 August 2011), doi:10.1038/476255f (Research Highlight)            

(2)       “Nanorods make boiling better”, Published by Nature in their News Section (doi:10.1038/news.2008.935), July 4, 2008.

(3)      “Nanorods enhance boiling”, BBC Radio’s Science in Action Program, July 4, 2008.

(4)       “Pot boiler: a new, faster way to heat water”, Scientific American, July 8, 2008.

(5)        “Carbon nanotube 'shock absorbers' excel at dampening vibration”, Press Release issued by the National Science Foundation, January 2005.

(6)       “Leap in sniffing: nanotubes can name that gas”, New York Times, Aug 19, 2003.

(7)        “Handheld bioterror detectors in the works”, Article in USA Today, July 7, 2003.

(8)       “'Nanoscoops' Could Spark New Generation of Electric Automobile Batteries”, US News and World Report, January 5, 2011.          

(9)       “Potassium Metal Batteries Are Almost As Good As Lithium-Ion”, Popular Mechanics, March 4, 2020. 

(10)     “Graphene-coated sensors to strike oil”, MSNBC, July 2011.

(11)     “Miracle Material”, Press release by the National Science Foundation, May 19, 2011. 

(12)     “'Nanoscoops Could Spark New Generation of Electric Automobile Batteries”, Press release issued by the National Science Foundation, January 4, 2011.

(13)     “Graphene’s other transparency”, Nature Asia-Pacific, January 23, 2012.

(14)     “Graphene Foam Sensors Cheaply Detect Trace Particles in Air Better Than Current Technology”, Popular Science, 23rd November, 2011.

(15)     “Controlling the movement of water through nanotube membranes”, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 2007.

(16)     “New way to create fast-charging lithium-ion batteries discovered”, Article in the Indian Express, April, 2019.

(17)     “Low-cost, sustainable alternative to lithium-ion batteries found”, The Economic Times, August 03, 2022.

(18)  “Researchers develop innovative shoe material that can generate electricity with every step”, Yahoo News, Nov 15, 2024. 

Research Grants Approved and Funded

  • Koratkar has won 42 grants (totaling > $11.6 Million) from various agencies such as the USA National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, Army Research Office, Advanced Energy Consortium & Industry (Motorola, Honeywell).
  • 24 of these awards are from the USA National Science Foundation including a “CAREER” award and two separate Nanoscale Interdisciplinary Research Team (NIRT) awards.
  • Koratkar is Principal Investigator (PI) on 37 of the 42 awards that he was won. 


(1) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: Fatigue Reversal in Vitrimer Composites- Elucidating the Tug-of-War between Healability and Glass Transition Temperature; Funds: $150,027; Period: 01/01/2025-01/01/2028; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(2) Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF Engines R&D Award); Title: Dry-Coating of Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes by Cold Spray; Funds: $223,634; Period: 01/01/2025-01/01/2026; Effort: Co-Investigator 

(3) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: Fundamental Study of Niobium Tungsten Oxide Anodes for High Performance Aqueous Batteries; Funds: $258,360; Period: 09/01/2021-09/01/2024; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(4) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: Fundamental Study of Fatigue Life Enhancement in Hierarchical Carbon Fiber/Epoxy/Nanoparticle Composites; Funds: $397,537; Period: 09/01/2020-09/01/2023; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(5) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: Fundamental Study of Interaction of Ions Present in Water with Graphene Coatings for Energy Harvesting; Funds: $317,268; Period: 09/01/2020-09/01/2023; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(6) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: Collaborative Research: Fundamental Study of Environmentally Stable and Lead-Free Chalcogenide Perovskites for Optoelectronic Device Engineering; Funds: $370,506; Period: 09/01/2020-09/01/2023; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(7) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: PFI-TT: Demonstration and Device Level Characterization of Lithium Metal Batteries in Pouch and Cylindrical Cell Form Factors; Funds: $246,000; Period: 09/01/2019-09/01/2021; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(8) Sponsor: New York State Energy Research; and Development Authority; Title: A Paradigm Shift in the Economics of High Performance Li-Ion Battery Anodes Using Low-Cost Si Nanoparticles & Low-Cost Graphene-like Carbon; Funds: $97,983; Period: 05/01/2018-12/31/2019; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(9) Sponsor: National Rotorcraft Technology Center; Title: Hierarchically Organized Graphene Nanocomposites for Rotorcraft Components; Funds: $312,262; Period: 01/09/2017-01/09/2021; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(10) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: Demonstration & Device Level Characterization of Li-ion Batteries with Graphene-Silicon Composite Anodes in Pouch and Cylindrical Cell Form Factors; Funds: $200,000; Period: 01/09/2016-09/01/2018; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(11) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: Transition Metal Doping in Two-Dimensional Atomically Thin Semiconductors; Funds: $398,802; Period: 01/09/2016-01/09/2019; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(12) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: Dendrite-Free Storage of Lithium Metal in Porous Graphene Networks; Funds: $300,000; Period: 15/09/2015-14/09/2018; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(13) Sponsor: New York State Energy Research and Development Authority; Title: Scalable Graphene Anodes; Funds: $69,000; Period: 01/01/2016-01/08/2017; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(14) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: Scalable manufacturing of photo-thermally reduced graphene paper for next generation Lithium-ion batteries; Funds: $300,000; Period: 01/08/2014-01/08/2017; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(15) Sponsor: Honeywell; Title: Graphene ceramic nanocomposites- synthesis and characterization; Funds: $75,000; Period: 01/08/2014-01/08/2015; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(16) Sponsor: New York State Energy Research and Development Authority; Title: High Energy Density Cathode Materials for Use in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries Through a Green Chemistry Approach; Funds: $122,000; Period: 01/08/2014-01/08/2016; Effort: Co-Investigator 

(17) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: Fundamental study of wear in graphene composites; Funds: $378,418; Period: 01/08/2012 - 01/08/2015; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(18) Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea; Title: Three-dimensional high energy density batteries; Funds: $250,000; Period: 01/01/2013 - 01/01/2016; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(19) Sponsor: New York State Energy Development and Research Authority; Title: Graphene based anodes for Li-ion batteries with breakthrough improvements in energy density, power density and cycle stability; Funds: $118,000; Period: 01/09/2013 - 01/01/2015; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(20) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: Physics-Based Study of Graphene Colloidal Systems as Metal Working Fluids for Micro-Machining Applications; Funds: $393,775; Period: 01/08/2011 - 01/08/2014; Effort: Co-Investigator 

(21) Sponsor: Advanced Energy Consortium; Title: Nanofluidic Power Generation using Two-Dimensional (Graphene) Nanomaterials; Funds: $700,000; Period: 01/01/2010 - 01/04/2013; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(22) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: Brittle Epoxies Rendered Ductile- Crazing in Thermosetting Epoxy Nanocomposites; Funds: $365,740; Period: 01/09/2009 - 01/09/2013; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(23) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: Next Generation Li-Ion Batteries Featuring Nano-Engineered Anode Architectures; Funds $396,092; Period: 01/08/2010 - 01/08/2013; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(24) Sponsor: New York State Energy Development and Research Authority; Title: Next Generation High C-Rate Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Batteries; Funds: $200,000; Period: 01/09/2010 - 01/09/2012; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(25) Sponsor: Office of Naval Research; Title: Hierarchical Nano-Composites: Dramatic Enhancements in Fatigue Resistance and Toughening; Funds: $350,000; Period: 01/09/2009 - 01/09/2012; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(26) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: Fundamental study of nucleate boiling on nanostructured interfaces; Funds: $325,000; Period: 01/09/2009 - 01/09/2012; Effort: Co-Investigator 

(27) Sponsor: Physical Sciences, Inc.; Title: Self-Healing, Reinforced, Multifunctional Composite Material; Funds: $112,478; Period: 01/05/2012 - 01/03/2013; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(28) Sponsor: US Army- Penn State Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence; Title: Next Generation Carbon-Nanotube/Carbon-Fiber Composites for Mechanical Properties Enhancement and Structural Monitoring; Funds: $259,000; Period: 01/06/2006 - 01/06/2011; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(29) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: Fundamental Study of Photo-Thermo-Mechanical Actuation in Carbon Nanotubes and their Composites; Funds: $200,000; Period: 01/08/2007 - 31/07/2011; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(30) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: NSF-DFG Research Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; Funds: $ 99,325; Period: 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2010; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(31) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: CAREER: Advanced Nanostructured Damping Materials; Funds: $400,000; Period: 01/07/2004 - 31/06/2009; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(32) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: NIRT: Miniaturized Chemical Sensors Featuring Electrical Breakdown near Carbon Nanotube Tips; Funds: $1300,000; Period: 01/09/2004 - 31/08/2009; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(33) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: NIRT: Fundamental Study of Electro- and Magneto-Mechanical Nano Assemblies; Funds: $1150,000; Period: 01/09/2005 - 31/08/2009; Effort: Co-Investigator 

(34) Sponsor: Motorola; Title: Carbon Nanotube Devices for RFID Application; Funds: $65,000; Period: 01/01/2008 - 01/04/2009; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(35) Sponsor: US Army Aviation & Missile Research, Development & Engineering Center; Title: Carbon Nanotube Composites for Structural Health Monitoring; Funds: $42,000; Period: 01/12/2007 - 30/08/2008; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(36) Sponsor: Department of Defense; Title: DURIP: Nano-Composites Characterization Facilities in Support of US Army Funded Research at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Funds: $150,000; Period: 01/08/2007 - 31/07/2008; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(37) Sponsor: US Army Benet Laboratory; Title: Fatigue Crack Growth Suppression in Carbon Nanotube Composites; Funds: $15,000; Period: 01/01/2008 - 31/12/2008; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(38) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: NER: Water Electrolysis Activated by Nanostructured Electrodes: An Efficient Approach for Hydrogen Production; Funds: $100,000; Period: 01/09/2006 - 01/09/2007; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(39) Sponsor: Army Research Office; Title: Multifuctional Carbon Nanotube Damping Films; Funds: $238,552; Period: 13/04/2003 - 12/04/2006; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(40) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: Thermal and Electrical Transport in Carbon Nanotube Films; Funds: $100,000; Period: 01/08/2003 - 01/04/2005; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(41) Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Title: Minimally Intrusive Damping Films Featuring Carbon Nanotubes; Funds: $100,000; Period: 01/09/2002 - 30/08/2003; Effort: Principal Investigator 

(42) Sponsor: Mainstream Engineering Corporation; Title: Carbon Nanotube Based Ultracapacitors for High Pulse-Power Applications; Funds: $21,000; Period: 01/07/2004 - 30/02/2005; Effort: Principal Investigator


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