Saggi Nevo

Associate Professor, Business Analytics and Information Systems
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Dr. Nevo is a tenured Associate Professor at the Lally School of Management. He has a Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from York University, a Master’s degree in Economics from Northwestern University, and a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Haifa. Prior to joining the academia, Dr. Nevo had worked in the tech industry, first as software developer, then as development manager, and finally as Vice President, Engineering. His research has been published in journals such as Decision Sciences, European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, and Sloan Management Review. His current research interests include technology-enabled innovation, entrepreneurship, and ethics and artificial intelligence.


  • Introduction to Data Management & Analytics, MGMT 2510
  • Computer Information Systems, MGMT 4140
  • Managing Digitization and Transformation, MGMT6140
  • Statistical Methods, MGMT21000 
Office Hours

Fall semester 2024 

Monday, Thursday: 12:30 - 13:30 or by appointment


Current Courses

Introduction to Data Management & Analytics, MGMT 2510


Moqbel, M., Nevo, S., and Nah, F.F.H. (2022) “Unveiling the dark side in smartphone addiction: mediation of strain and moderation of hedonic use on well-being.” Internet Research. 33(1) 12-38.

Nevo, S., Nevo, D., and Pinsonneault, A. (2021) “Personal Achievement Goals, Learning Strategies, and Perceived IT Affordances.” Information Systems Research[1]. 32(4) 1298-1322.

Chengalur-Smith, I.N., Nevo, S., and Fitzgerald, B. (2021). “Enhancing Hybrid OSS Development Through Agile Methods and High Media Synchronicity.” The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems. 52(4) 92-118.

Nevo, S., Nevo, D, and Pinsonneault, A. (2020) The Role of IT in the Front-End of Innovation: An Empirical Study of IT-Enabled Creative Behavior.” 30(4) Information and Organization[2].

Wang, Y., Chen, Y., Wang, N., Nevo, S., Kou, G., and Alsaadi, F.E. (2020) “Impact of the strategic role of IT on explorative and exploitative innovation activities: The role of environmental uncertainty.” Decision Sciences[2]. 51(3) 542-574.

Chen, Y., Wang, Y., Nevo, S., Benitez-Amado, J., and Kou, G. (2017). “Improving Strategic Flexibility with Information Technologies: Implications for Firm Performance in an Emerging Economy.” Journal of Information Technology[1] 32(1) 10-25.

Nevo, S. and Chengalur-Smith, I.N. (2017). “Examining Organizations’ Continued Use of Open Source Technologies: An Institutional Perspective.” Information Technology & People[2]. 30(1) 24-46.

Nevo, S., Nevo, D, and Pinsonneault, A. (2016). “A Temporally Situated Self-Agency Theory of IT Reinvention.” MIS Quarterly[1] 40(1) 157-186.

Wang, Y., Chen, Y., Nevo, S., and Benitez-Amado, J. (2015). “IT Capabilities and Product Innovation Performance: The Roles of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Competitive Intensity.” Information & Management[1] 52(6) 643-657.

Choi, N., Chengalur-Smith. I., and Nevo, S. (2015).Loyalty, Ideology, and Identification: An Empirical Study of User Behavior in Open Source Communities.” Journal of the Association for Information Systems[1] 16(8).

Wang, Y., Shi, S., Nevo, S., Li, S., and Chen, Y. (2015). “The Interaction Effect of IT Assets and IT Management on Firm Performance: A Systems Perspective.” International Journal of Information Management[2] 35(5) 580-593.

Chen, Y., Wang, Y., Nevo, S., Jin, J., Wang, L., and Chow, W. S. (2014). “IT Capabilities and Organizational Performance: Roles of Business Process Agility and Environmental Factors.” European Journal of Information Systems[1] 23(3) 326-342.

Wang, Y., Chen, Y., Nevo, S., Jin, J., Tang, G., and Chow, W. S. (2013). “IT Capabilities and Innovation Performance: The Mediating Role of Market Orientation.” Communications of the Association for Information Systems[2] 33(9) 129-148.

Moqbel, M., Nevo, S., and Kock, N. (2013). “Organizational Members’ Use of Social Networking Sites and Job Performance: An Exploratory Study.” Information Technology & People[2]. 26(3) 240-264.

Nevo, S., Nevo, D., and Kim, H. (2012). “From Recreational Applications to Workplace Technologies: An Empirical Study of Cross-Context IS Continuance in the Case of Virtual Worlds.” Journal of Information Technology[1] 27(1) 74-86.

Duchessi, P., Nevo, S., and Chengalur-Smith, I.N. (2012). “Coping Strategies for Turbulent Time: A Survey of IT Executives.” IT Professional 14(2) 43-53.

Nevo, S. and Wade, M. (2011). “Firm-Level Benefits of IT-Enabled Resources: A Conceptual Extension and an Empirical Assessment.” Journal of Strategic Information Systems[1] 20(4) 403-418. 

Nevo, S., Nevo, D., and Carmel, E. (2011). “Unlocking the Business Potential of Virtual Worlds.” MIT Sloan Management Review 52(3) 14-17.

Nevo, S. and Wade, M. (2010). “The Formation and Value of IT-Enabled Resources: Antecedents and Consequences of Synergistic Relationships.” MIS Quarterly[1] 34(1) 163-183.

Chengalur-Smith, I.N., Nevo, S., and Demertzoglou, P. (2010). “An Empirical Analysis of the Business Value of Open Source Databases.” Journal of the Association for Information Systems[1] 11(11) 708-729.

Nevo, S., Nevo, D., and Ein-Dor, P. (2010). “Classification of Information Technologies: A Multidimensional Scaling Approach.” Communications of the Association for Information Systems[2] 27(1) 831-842.

Nevo, S., Wade, M., and Cook, W. (2010). “An empirical study of IT as a factor of production: The case of Net-enabled IT assets.” Information Systems Frontiers[2]. 12(3) 323-335

Ali-Hassan, H., Nevo, D., and Nevo, S. (2010).” Mobile Collaboration: Exploring the Role of Social Capital.” The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems. 41(2) 9-24.

Nevo, D., McClean, R., and Nevo, S. (2010). “Harnessing Information Technology to Improve the Process of Students’ Evaluations of Teaching: An Exploration of Students' Critical Success Factors of Online Evaluations.” Journal of Information Systems Education. 21(1) 99-109.

Nevo, S., Nevo, D., and Ein-Dor, P. (2009). “Thirty Years of IS Research: Core Artifacts and Academic Identity.” Communications of the Association for Information Systems[2] 25(1) 221-242.

Kim, H. and Nevo, S. (2008). “Development and Application of a Framework for Evaluating Multi-Mode Voting Risks.” Internet Research 18(1) 121-135.

Nevo, S., Wade, M., and Cook, W. (2007). “An examination of the trade-off between internal and external IT capabilities.” Journal of Strategic Information Systems[1] 16(1) 5-23.

Nevo, S. and Kim, H. (2006). “How to compare and analyze risks of Internet voting versus other modes of voting.” Electronic Government: An International Journal 3(1) 105-112.

Wade, M. and Nevo, S. (2005). “Development and validation of a perceptual instrument to measure e-commerce performance.” International Journal of Electronic Commerce 10(2) 123-148.

[1] In the Senior Scholars’ Basket of IS Journals 

[2] A Special Interest Group Recommended (SIG) Journal 

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