Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor
financial econometrics; causal inference; systemic risk; predictive analysis; risk management
Assistant Professor
Intelligent Transportation Systems, AI for Transportation, Edge Computing, Quantum Computing, Infrastructure Digital Twin
Assistant Professor
Optimal Trajectory Design for Spacecraft, Autonomous Guidance and Sensor Fusion Technology
Assistant Professor
Control and Autonomy
Assistant Professor, Associate Director of the Center for Environmental Stable Isotope Analysis, and Graduate Program Director
Assistant Professor of Supply Chain and Analytics, Dean R. Wellington ‘83 Chair
Assistant Professor
Surface engineering, Multi-scale additive manufacturing, Smart manufacturing, Printed electronics, Smart films, Energy devices
Assistant Professor, Director of RPI Thermal Hydraulics Laboratory, Director of NuScale E2 Center at RPI
Multiphase Flow Experiments and Modeling, Particle Transport and Deposition, Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Reactor Safety, Advanced Nuclear-based Integrated Energy System
Assistant Professor
Scientific Machine Learning, Reduced Order Modeling, Turbulence Modeling and Simulation
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Deep Learning and Probabilistic Modeling
Assistant Professor
Medical Anthropology/Sociology
Assistant Professor, Information Systems
Assistant Professor
machine learning, optimization, statistical signal processing, wireless networks
Assistant Professor
The nature of Dark Matter, Galaxy Formation, Artificial Intelligence and Computational Astrophysics
Assistant Professor
Optical physics, Quantum optics, Metamaterials, Optical microscopy, Biophotonics, Optoelectronics, Micro-nanoscale engineering.
Assistant Professor
Environmental Economics, Energy Economics, Natural Resource Economics
Assistant Professor, Co-Chair SoA ARCH Program
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Engineering-driven machine learning, deep learning, uncertainty quantification, system intelligence, advanced manufacturing.
Assistant Professor
Power Electronics, Power Semiconductors
Assistant Professor
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