
Cultural studies of television texts
Professor and Director, Baruch '60 Center For Biochemical Solar Energy Research
Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biophysics, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Cheminformatics and Computational Chemistry, Polymers, Materials and Energy, Green Chemistry, Sustainability, Solar Energy Conversion, Catalysis
Associate Director of the IDEA
Professor and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies
Multibody System Dynamics, Space Vehicle Design and Simulation, Advanced Algorithm Development, Molecular Dynamics
Tissue Engineering and Morphogenesis
Professor and Associate Vice President for Research
Professor and Associate Dean for Research Innovations, Partnerships, and Workforce Development
Computational Mechanics
power grid, power systems, electrified systems, electric aircraft, integrated energy systems, modeling and simulation, Modelica, renewable energy (PV, Wind), HVdc transmission systems, synchrophasor technology, PMU Applications
Professor of Management
Role of AI in strategic decision making, innovation, entrepreneurship; Time in organizations
Language-Endowed Intelligent Agents (LEIAs)
Samuel A. Johnson '37 and Elizabeth C. Johnson Professor of Engineering and Director, Scientific Computation Research Center (SCOREC)
Scientific Computing
Professor, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs School of Engineering and Aerospace Program Director
Propulsion and Energy Systems, Spectroscopy, Optical Sensors, Chemical Kinetics
Dorothy and Fred Chau ʼ71 Career Development Constellation Professor in Biocatalysis and Metabolic Engineering
Professor and Undergraduate Program Director
James L. Decker '45 Endowed Professor in Aerospace Engineering and Director, Center for Flow Physics and Control (CeFPaC).
Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Aerodynamics, and Flow Control
Professor, Music and New Media
Patricia W. and C. Sheldon Roberts Professor of Solid State Electronics
Solid-state devices and integrated circuits
Professor and CS Department Head
Data Mining, Machine Learning, Graph Learning, Bioinformatics, Personal Health
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