Associate Professor
Associate Professor, Associate Director, GSAS
Game Studies, Platform Studies, Feminist Technoscience, the Metaverse and Internet Media, Computer Science and Social Justice
Associate Department Head and Professor
High energy physics; quantum computing and information; machine learning and artificial intelligence applied to physics discovery
Associate Professor and Director, Rensselaer Astrobiology Research and Education Center (RARE)
Associate Professor and HASS Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies
Economics of innovation and new technologies; Industrial organization and industry evolution; Economic dynamics.
Associate Professor and Frederic R. Kolleck ’52 Career Development Chair in Freshwater Ecology. Acting Director of The Darrin Freshwater Institute. Director of The Jefferson Project
Associate Professor and Associate Dean of Science for Academic Affairs
Cell Biology
Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management and Analytics, Director of the Lally PhD Program
Associate Professor, Cognitive Science & Graduate Program Director for Critical Game Design
Associate Professor
Machine learning, deep learning, optimization, and data science
Associate Professor, Undergraduate Program Director
Economic growth, Innovation, Intellectual property rights, International economics
Associate Professor and Associate Head for Academic Affairs
Edward P. Hamilton Development Professor of Earth Science, Director of the Center for Environmental Stable Isotope Analysis, and Director of the Environmental Science Program
Associate Professor of Business Analytics
IT Human Capital